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High physics delta time ratio destroys splashed vessels

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The jist of the problem is this: whenever my favourite plane is "splashed down", if I quit to the space center and return to it from the tracking station, i get the error "Infinity or NaN floating point numbers appear when calculating the transform matrix for a Collider.", and the world and ship are gone. I went through a lengthy testing process to pin down what was causing this. Apparently, from a google search, the error should only crop up with a mod that changes the planets around, like Kopernicus. So, I removed Kopernicus and went to my craft. Same thing happened. Next, I thought maybe this would happen to all ships. Nope. I landed a tourist vessel into the ocean and left and came back to it (note this vessel had only a few parts, this comes in play later). It was just fine. Next, I thought it was a part that was the culprit. From another test it appeared that the Cyclone engine from QuizTech was to blame. So, I removed it from my plane and tried to reproduce it again. It happened. Then, I decided to work on this error in a fresh sandbox save to make things move along quicker. And you know what? The thing worked this time! Same plane and all! No kraken, no nothing. everything that was splashed down was fine and dandy. I tested even more after this. I tore my plane into smaller pieces to try and nail the issue. After tearing off most of the fuselage and wings, and the landing gear, it was okay. Then I assumed the landing gear was the problem, but it wasn't either. After one final test it seems that anything with a part count greater than about 30 gets kraken'd. Then it hit me: this started happening after i slid my physics delta time to 0.12 (I wanted my gametime to be realtime, as I have a powerful computer and low framerates don't bother me, at least for KSP). So I put it back to 0.04 and huzzah! the vessel loaded just fine. Crash logs seem to indicate that the vessel's orbit was incorrectly recalculated resulting in NaN for all values. My question is, why does this happen only on water? And, has anyone else experienced something similar with or without mods?

I've started using KerboKatz's physical time ratio viewer as a fix for this issue. (Not in the picture below)

I am using KSP 1.2.2 64 bit on Windows

List of mods:



Crash log links

Edited by fast_de_la_speed
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