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Autosave Mod request


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I have zero experience with writing a mod. I was just wanting to suggest/request a mod that automatically forces a quicksave before any major event in the game (ie. Decoupling a node, SOI change, entering a sub-orbital trajectory, etc.). I, due to my own lack of saving the game, lost about 10 hrs of gameplay last night. In my frustration I thought to request this mod. Anyone else think this would be useful or know where this feature already exists?

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I've seen a few backup mods - might not go quite as far as you want - but the one that came to mind first was:

I thought I read somewhere in the thread that it made a backup on every scene switch (you might want to verify that) so while you would lose a bit it wouldn't be a whole day (at least if you switch vessels as often as I do).

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