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Satellite Advice

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I hardly ever use RCS, only for the occasional bit of docking. Reactions wheels (built in and bolt on) are your friend.

Solar panels: Depends entirely on how much power you plan to use. If its a small probe then the minimum. 

If you have some solar panels then just one small battery should do it to keep things going during a temporary occlusion of the solar panels. 

Edited by Foxster
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rcs is for docking/rendezvous. or for adjusting your orbital period to match the rest of the relay network.

solar  panels deoend in what your using power for, but generally you dont need alot if you have enough battery.  unless its a huge sat, 1 battery should be enough for around kerbin

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Power needs vary based on what the satellite is doing.  I'm not sure there's any "satellite" function that would require a very high flow of electricity.  You just want enough power to run your probe core and reaction wheels, and recharge batteries after transmissions in a reasonable time.  For a basic satellite to complete a contract, or do basic science experiments like temperature readings, you don't need much.  My bare minimum is generally 200 units of charge, and 3-4 of the basic OX-STAT panels (just enough to make sure you don't get blocked from sunlight if you turn the wrong way).  That's for Kerbin or closer - I would probably go with a couple 1x6 panels for Duna, and several sets for Jool. 

For a surface scanning satellite, or one intended to do gravity readings, I tend to go with about 1000 units of charge.  But you don't really need more solar panels, since recharge speed is generally not too important.  Max I would go for normal use is a pair of 1x6 or 2x3 panels. 

As mentioned above, RCS is not really useful on satellites unless you're intended to go very realistic and not use the unlimited reaction wheel attitude control KSP provides.  For a small satellite, I would suggest an Ant with a couple Oscar-B tanks for final insertion and stationkeeping maneuvers.  Then build a Spark stage behind that, and so on.  


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9 hours ago, Aegolius13 said:

That's for Kerbin or closer - I would probably go with a couple 1x6 panels for Duna, and several sets for Jool. 


...unless you go around Jool with ion propulsion, then two Gigantors are not enough at more than 23% thrust.

Seriously, I tried it.

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23 hours ago, OnTheClock said:

What is the best way to use RCS thrusters?


Don't use. Oscar-B tank+Ant engine+OKTO2+Small Inline Reaction Wheel gives you all the control your satellite ever will need for the smallest weight possible. Keep your satellites small.


How many solar panels?


One OX-STAT is enough if you keep it in sunligth. More



If its only a relay satellite you don’t need batteries. If you want to transmit science add battery and generators to assure you can transmit it all.



I'm aiming for a polar orbit.

It really don't matter.



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