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[1.0+] CORE Solutions [19JAN16]


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The Docking, Command, Hub, Hab and Fuel Tank modules have all passed ground testing. Textures are done and they all load into KSP fine (pictures below). That's not to say all of the bugs are gone but at least I've got basic functional models now. For example, I noted during static ground testing that the RCS was firing in all directions except up and down. Turns out I installed the monopropellant valve upside down (I forgot the RCS transforms). Easy fix but I'm sure I'll run into plenty of those pesky bugs as I move on to functional testing in orbit.

I rolled back my install of Unity to 4.2.2 in an effort to fix the light animation problems and although they work just fine in Unity they are not working right in game. The funny part is that the lights, and emissives, do work in the VAB but not in the live world. I must have goofed up somewhere in the configs. I'll hunt that down later since it only serves as eye-candy... really neat eye-candy that I desperately want to work but eye-candy none-the-less. :)

Time for pictures!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never thought this day would come. I present to you... The First Light:




In addition to the release of the preview copy of First Light I have also collated all of my released mods into one, relatively small, mega pack and released it at Kerbal Stuff (link above). Also, I fixed the broken emissives on the Maximus and got the lights to work on the First Light. Turns out that if you set the lights to not use any resources they just don't work. Unfortunately, the save game I have made available includes two First Lights in orbit without any means of generating electricity so you'll need to launch a new one if you want the lights to stay on for more than a few minutes.

Overall, I am very happy with this release. Everything works the way I imagined it would and without any signs of fault. Sure, there's plenty to do and it's very bare-bones but it works!



Also forgot to mention. I recently got a new Nvidia graphics card which allows me to use some fancy rendering tricks in Blender (the program I use to make all of these mods and the video logo). This has allowed me to create a new intro to my videos. It's hardly earth shattering but I've been waiting months for an opportunity to upgrade and try it out. I think it turned out way better than the original.

Edited by Absolution
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Whoops, disclaimer: Wall of text inbound, dive, dive!!

Ahem, so, I had a look at the First Light, just checking out the parts in the SPH.

M'kay. :/

Not that I don't like it, I do, but if you don't mind I'd like to give a bit of a critique that is intended to be COMPLETELY constructive, alrighty?

First, neat design language. It's clean and elegant, a great 'blank slate' for building all manner of sci-fi-ish heavy cargo ships. But, the 'blank slate' thing is a bit of an issue for me. It's VERY white. So white that it looks like the texture is missing when I first load a part into the editor. On further examination, yes, it's textured, and I double checked the PNG's in the files to make sure, but in the game it just looks pure WHITE, man. Which, okay, cool, I get that that's the look you were going for, but it's... well it's sort of boring to me. There's just nothing there for your eyes to examine, everything looks like blank slabs. Plus, I think that if one were to try to attach any other parts, stockalike look or not, the color difference would be really pronounced. I mean, if one cares about the appearance of the ship in that way. I kind of do, which is why I'm mentioning it, that's all. Okay, so, anyhow, I think I've made my point clear on this one. :)

The only other main thing I have to mention is that there just don't seem to be enough parts (YET, yes, I know this is a WIP), to really DO much with the ship, other than figure out how to take off and land with it, and get it to and from space and otherwise fly around with it a bit. Which I will do, have no fear, lol. :) But with the way the parts are set up now, there seems to be really only one way to assemble them into a working ship. I'm sure you're planning lots more stuff to go with this system, or I sure HOPE so anyway, so again I understand that nothing is 'finished' in the true sense of the word. :) But yeah, we need cargo bays (I mean, like with ramps that open so we can drive mining rovers on and off, or launch satellites, you know), science labs, just more goodies to bolt on and in, and hopefully a certain modularity in these parts so that we can make a larger or smaller cargo bay, for instance, depending on the mission requirements. Or to maybe assemble things in a few different ways other than simply each part going on line, one after the other. Or, maybe one can, I didn't really spend a huge amount of time investigating every option, so I may have missed something.

Eh, just being clear, most of that last paragraph was me spitballing and/or thinking wishfully, please don't think I'm making any kind of 'demands' here, okay? Okay. :)

Oh, one other very minor 'gripe', if you will: the 'universal' docking ports, I believe is how they're described in the config... they're Size 1, which is fine, but that means that they'll only dock with other ports of the same size, i.e. a standard clampotron, or the inline versions of same, or of course other docking ports that interface with those same parts, duh. But NOT with the 'Senior' or 'Junior' size ports, et al, so I don't know that this would be considered "Universal", per se. Just sayin'. :) Also, the diameter of the port is bigger than a Size 1 clampotron, but smaller than a Size 2, so docking to either wouldn't really look very good, IMO.

Oops, I thought of one other thing: The attachment nodes for the HAB module and the... other one, can't remember what it does, sorry... the ones that go inside the frame section, I mean... their nodes are internal, which means that you can't see them in the editor, or at least I couldn't, so it may lead less experienced players to think that the parts won't attach to anything, is all I'm saying. I ended up wiggling them around near the frame when they snapped into position, that's the only reason I figured it out. But then again, I'm not saying I'm the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I don't know, maybe that won't be such a problem. My suggestion would be to simply note in the description how the parts are to be placed, that way you wouldn't need to reengineer the attachment nodes. :) Whew, okay, I think I'm done now, sorry.

Anyway, I do like the ship, Absolution, it's got a LOT of potential. I look forward to seeing new developments in future. :)

Once again, all of the previous post is intended purely as constructive criticism, and is completely and in all other ways my opinion, which very likely is worth precisely what you paid to read it. Which is zilch, for those who haven't been keeping up. ;)

Alright, later on, everyone. :D

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Hope everyone is enjoying the new parts. Here's an update:

Currently Working on:

I'm going through my massive back-log of work on the other parts I have in the pack. At this very second I am refreshing the Anvil IV with improved geometry and textures. I've learned a lot since the last time I touched the Anvil IV and I'm putting it all to good use.

What's after that:

I haven't done anything with the Dune Raider since I released it a year ago and I am going to show it some love after the Anvil. I've got some ideas for refreshed wheels and an instrument display to make the whole thing "pop" better. Fundamentally I feel that the Dune Raider is a solid design so I am not compelled to do much else to it aesthetically. There's still a nagging issue that some people have reported of physics bugs causing the whole thing to rocket into the air. I suspect it has something to do with the wheel collider not behaving when something hits it on the side. I'll see what I can do on that front. I also have some plans to add some features such as a docking mechanic for refueling and RCS thrusters to aid in control on low G environments. It's been mentioned that the Dune Raider is too... "extreme" for people and they want a more reasonable rover. So...

and after THAT:

The final stage of my near future plans is to completely redesign the Fire Hawk. It will be designed to pair well with the First Light's design approach. Simultaneously I will be working on the docking bay feature for the First Light. These two features need to be designed in parallel because, obviously, one fits into the other. Also, not so simultaneously but sort of simultaneously, will be the preliminary design effort for the "Dune Crawler". The Crawler will be a practical rover designed with function in mind and not sexiness like the Raider. It too will follow the same design inspiration as the First Light and the new Fire Hawk so all together they will fit together in one cohesive package.


I released the First Light in its current state specifically so I can get feedback. Furthermore, I am doing all of this stuff for me first and sharing it with the community second. You wouldn't offend me even if you had mean things to say. :) I want feedback and inspiration from other perspectives. Not only will it make my own experience better but because I am offering my work to the public I feel responsible to do my best to make something worth downloading. I will never promise to do something or change something in response to community feedback but I value it and will always do my best.

Concerning textures: on a scale of 0-100 with 0 being pure black and 100 being pure white the base colors fall into the 90-95 range. Yes, very white. That level of white looked the best to me while I was doing the textures but I never reviewed the textures in game as a sanity check. I definitely see what you're saying. Furthermore, the textures have a shininess applied to them so the light reflects and makes light colored objected appear to be lighter. I'll try to knock off some of the shine and reducing the colors to somewhere in the 80s and see what I come up with. I plan on doing some more tweaking of the geometry and textures anyway.

Attachment nodes: Yeah, I can see where that could be confusing. I located them where they are to limit the amount of wobbling those parts are prone to. A centrally located node makes for a very stable connection. I'll think about different ways of doing it or, as you suggest, add in some tips to the description.

Concerning Docking parts: When I titled them "universal" I meant that to be universal with everything in the First Light. Originally, the First Light was designed as 4-6 separate parts that needed to be assembled in orbit over the course of several launches. This "Universal" docking component was meant to be reused as a mating component for all of them. For mating with stock parts I always imagined using a stock docking component and attaching it to the surface of the First Light if necessary. I never intended my parts to mate directly to a stock part. I understand where the confusion comes in and I'll think about renaming it.

Concerning more parts: They will come in time. I have a very specific mission in mind for the First Light, Fire Hawk, and aforementioned Dune Crawler. This means I am focusing all of my energy to develop specific parts to accomplish that mission. I am designing for a manned mission to Duna and back. I also intend on developing separate payload components that will store all sorts of items necessary for deep space missions; food, water, etc. However, since KSP doesn't incorporate any of that yet I decided to wait before proceeding too far. I've got ideas in my head but that's were they will stay in the short term. Once I complete my mission to Duna missions to the other planets will be in store and inevitably other parts will be developed to tackle the unique challenges each planet poses.

If you have a vision of where you want First Light to go then please share. As I said above I make no promises but there's always a chance I will be inspired. :)

Good luck and have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After several years of developing parts that I thought were 1:1 scale with the KSP universe I have just come to realize that is not the case. I've always known that there is a scaling quirk with the KSP universe of 125%. I knew this many years ago and I went through a lot of trouble to make sure that my parts were scaled properly with the universe... then I made sure again. I have been utterly convinced that I was right for so dang long. Every once in a while an informed individual would stop by and say that "when Absolution says '4m' he actually means '5m'" I just thought he was the confused person and not me.

How embarrassing. :)

So in fact it does turn out that my "2 meter" parts are actually 2.5 meters and my "4 meter" parts are actually 5 meters and my "7 meter" parts are actually 8.75 meters.

What does that mean? Essentially nothing since the parts are the size I want them to be in the universe. I'm just not identifying them correctly. The problem is on my side. My engineering brain just cant stand inconsistent units of measure so as I revisit my parts I will be scaling them properly. In some cases that may require a name change but that's hardly a big deal.

So to all of you who have politely tried to correct me over the years; I apologize. Also, thank you for taking the time to help me and contribute to my project. :)


Also congrats to all members of Squad, past and present, for achieving the 0.90 milestone! I admit that I haven't played too much of KSP properly but I've sunk hundreds of hours into modding for it and enjoyed every second. Thank you for this wonderful game and good luck with its continued successful development.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I guess it's about time for an update. After realizing my scaling issue with my parts I investigated ways to bring everything back into line. There were a number of ways I could have done things but ultimately I decided to roll up my sleeves and just put the work in to make everything 1:1 and match the scale of the KSP universe. I'm scaling all of my parts up by 125% and, in some cases, remodeling parts to zero them to the nearest nice round number. I was too far along with the design of the revamped Anvil IV so I just scaled it up and left everything else the same. Nobody will notice except me so I'll just swallow that and move on. :)

There has always been a nagging issue with the way I name rocket sizes in the Anvil series. I have it stuck in my head that the series number should match the nominal payload diameter that series is designed to carry. So the Anvil IV is designed for a 4m payload. When I got to the Anvil V I broke that convention and what should have been called "Anvil II" wound up being "V". I have no idea why that made sense to me at the time. Then to compound the issue was the scaling problem I mentioned above. As a result the Anvil IV was 5m and the Anvil V was 2.5m.

Next, because of my terribly long development cycle and tendency to design one rocket at a time and come back to it many months later my textures and models show just how far my skills have developed in the intervening time. It's kind of nice to set two rockets side-by-side and see a dramatic difference in quality indicating just how much I've learned. However, as far as a product I'm distributing to the public is concerned that's not good. Everything needs to look like it belongs together.

So here's the deal. Like a band-aid I'm going to just rip the sucker off and fix these little quirks in one go. The Anvil IV, which I was working on all through December, is now the benchmark. It's size, it's scale, it's texture and normal conventions. It's been scaled up to be a solid 5m diameter and I am renaming the series "V". The current Anvil V is going to be renamed "III" and redesigned to be 3m in diameter.

Next comes the decision on what to do with the Maximus. Anyone who has followed me over the years knows that I have a thing with branding and the "Anvil" brand is my thing. In that regard I've decided to retire the Maximus after a short few months of service and in it's place will be the Anvil IX which, you guessed it, will be a 9m diameter rocket. Fundamentally the new Anvil IX won't be any different than the Maximus. It will follow the same design principles and assembly techniques. However, the Maximus was quite a boring looking rocket. It just didn't look "real" to me. So once I finish up revamping the Anvil III I'll put some energy into the IX to make it more convincing to employ.

It's my intent to make that the final major revision of the Anvil series of rockets.

Good luck and have fun!

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Hey Absolution, I have a little critique on the balance of the current Anvil V. While the second stage is great, the first stage contains a lot of fuel - around three times as much fuel as would actually fit in it. I'd suggest reducing the fuel and thrust of the Anvil V first stage. Of course, this would also drastically lower the payload to orbit... so maybe create a version with a stretched first stage (it is kinda short if you compare it to real rockets) with more powerful engines? That would make it fit in a lot better with the rest of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  wasmic said:
Hey Absolution, I have a little critique on the balance of the current Anvil V. While the second stage is great, the first stage contains a lot of fuel - around three times as much fuel as would actually fit in it. I'd suggest reducing the fuel and thrust of the Anvil V first stage. Of course, this would also drastically lower the payload to orbit... so maybe create a version with a stretched first stage (it is kinda short if you compare it to real rockets) with more powerful engines? That would make it fit in a lot better with the rest of the game.

I don't disagree with you. Originally the Anvils were supposed to be scaled properly to real rockets. I determined that the approximate mass fractions are 75% for the first stage, 20% for the second and 5% for the payload (75/20/5) is reasonable for a real world rocket. It's been too long for me to remember exactly how I came to balancing the Anvil the way I did (78/12/10) but it's probably due to the way KSP reacted to those numbers way back in the day. I remember the Anvil became very unstable at the end of the first stage and would snap into an un-correctable back-flip.

I then tried to scale the Anvil just like a real rocket. Most rockets tend to have a scaling ratio near 15:1 so for every 1 unit of diameter they have 15 units of height. The old VAB must have been much smaller than the current one because I remember the prototype Anvils not fitting into the VAB. I don't recall what my current ratio is but I think its about 10:1.

The next thing I did was get all the properties (mass, fuel, thrust, etc) into line. Long story short: the numbers refused to all agree with reality at the same time. Ultimately I decided that the engines' T/W ratio and their Specific Impulse were the two values I would prioritize for realism. The Anvil first stages have a T/W of about 1.4 and an Isp of 250. The second stages 0.8 and 350 respectively. That may not be perfect but I think it's close enough.

I completely respect your input and truly value it. However, the Anvil is the way it is after many, many hours of testing and balancing over several years. Many of those results have been invalidated due to the evolution of KSP, sure, but I've got this egg standing on end and I'm hesitant to poke at it. Furthermore, I'm so far along with this last, hopefully definitive, revision of the Anvil that I don't want to dedicate more time to do it all over again. The First Light is calling me!


Moving on to the status of Anvil:

I am 99% done with the Anvil V. All I need to do is verify that it wont explode during launch. (9 of 9 parts done)

I am 90% done with the Anvil III. Just the nose cones and flight tests remain. (10 of 12 parts done)

I am 0% on the Anvil IX. I have a concept in my head but that's it. I don't expect it to take long since it's only 3 parts. (0 of 3 parts done)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I apologize for the lack of an update for the last 3 weeks. I had to take a very important test for another one of my hobbies and I had to shelve the Anvil to prepare for it. The good news is I passed my test; the bad news is Anvil didn't develop very much. Furthermore, in my haste I goofed up on the UV mapping of the nose cones so I had to go back and redo them (BAH!).

As of today all of the new Anvil III is modeled. All I need to do is get them into KSP and test them. I will start the modeling for Anvil IX on Friday.

I am both excited and horrified by the latest development coming out of Squad for the next few iterations of Beta. The Aerodynamic and Drag overhauls might seriously mess with my rockets' balance and I might have to redo the configs to make it all work again (sigh!). However, that's just the name of the game when developing mods for a game in development. The cargo bay/fairing mechanics they are working on should be quite cool and I'm excited to see how that plays out.

Overall, my schedule is open for the next few weeks and I hope to put development of Anvil, Dune Raider and the rest into overdrive. I've had too many items on my to do list for way the heck too long.

As always: Good luck and have fun!

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  • 1 month later...

Development on the new Anvil IX has taken longer than I first thought it would. I'm using the Anvil IX to practice the texturing/modeling techniques I intend to employ on the next iteration of the First Light. Both are so large, comparatively speaking, that I can't get away with using a normal map for detail. The scale just doesn't allow it. That means I need to physically model the larger details and that is proving to be time consuming.

In particular is the panels that make up the bulk of the body. If anyone played around with the prototype First Light I'm sure you noticed that although there were 3D panels they blended into the rest of the body and the detail was lost. The trick to making that work is to make the gaps between panels dark enough that the panels "stick out" visually. I've spent a lot of time trying to find the right balance between the panel surface and it's gaps. Once I find the secret recipe it should be a relatively quick process to model and unwrap the panels.

Furthermore, since I am using the Anvil IX to practice I've also had to do some modeling on the First Light version 2. I need to make sure that what I am practicing on the Anvil will work on the First Light.

So where am I in development? Nearly done with the Anvil IX. I've settled on the color palette and I just need to finish up some small texturing details with the body. I don't intend to do anything fancy with the nose cone or the payload adapter so those should go relatively fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How the heck do I keep losing entire weeks? I would have put money down that I had updated this thread just 2-3 days ago but here I am 10 days later. Annoying.

First with the good news: I just finished the Anvil IX and launched a First Light into orbit with it. That's a huge load of my mind because the Anvil IX (previously Maximus) is so dang large and unpredictable that I was worried it was going to flip out on me after the redesign. In fact, it flew very well.

Now the bad news: I'm not sure what I was smoking when I redesigned the Anvil III and V's nose cone fairings but they look like trash. So once a freaking-a-gain I'm going to redo them. This is my penultimate design effort for the Anvil and I want to get it right. I don't want to revisit the design again; ever. There is a silver lining, however. The nose cones are very easy to model, UV and texture so I don't expect this to take too much longer.

If there's anyone out there that cares anymore I am truly sorry for how long this is taking. I hope to make it worth the wait.

As always: Good luck and have fun!

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Always nice to get updates, my friend. :) I'm only speaking for myself, but I suspect it's true of others as well: It's cool, we can be patient when we must, but of course we're always eager to have new toys to play with. The important thing is to get it right, not to just get it out.

Just as a reminder, I hope you're still planning to add more parts and/or functionality to the First Light. I'd still like to use that ship for more than just flying around. Also, I take it that the name is from the 'Spinward Fringe' series of sci-fi books by Randolph Lalonde? Good stories, although your ship doesn't remotely resemble the vessel in the books. Anyway, just thought I'd ask.

Later, and keep on keepin' on, Absolution! :D

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The name comes from three sources:

1. "First Light" is a term used in astronomy when a brand new telescope performs it's first scientific observation.

2. A term used to describe the first rays of light to appear in the morning.

3. It's just a cool name. :)

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  Absolution said:
The name comes from three sources:

1. "First Light" is a term used in astronomy when a brand new telescope performs it's first scientific observation.

2. A term used to describe the first rays of light to appear in the morning.

3. It's just a cool name. :)

Ah, I see, just coincidence then. Cool. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Work has been very slow the last two weeks because real work has been overflowing. I haven't had much time to sit in front of my computer let alone do anything with it which is quite annoying considering how little work there is left to do on Anvil. I'm going to spend the next 3-4 days trying to spend every free second I have on completing this phase of development. I usually like to release a video or something to go along with major iterations but I'm thinking I'll skip that this time. I'll come back around to do it later but I see no reason to hold up this project anymore.

No promises on a release window but I will try my best to get it out the door ASAP.

Thankfully nobody pays me to do this or else I would have been fired long ago. :)

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I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for all the hard work; I've always loved your utilitarian/sleek/retro/futuristic styling. It's very impressive that you manage to evoke all those disparate styles simultaneously.

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  15nelsoc said:
I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for all the hard work; I've always loved your utilitarian/sleek/retro/futuristic styling. It's very impressive that you manage to evoke all those disparate styles simultaneously.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'd love to be able to say that my artistic style was completely intentional but I can't. I've gone through hundreds of iterations and each one was a trial by fire as I fumbled my way around unfamiliar tools and techniques. I certainly like the way things have turned out but, honestly, it was a complete accident. :) I'm just glad it all worked out in the end and that people like what I've managed to do.

I'll be out of town for a few days so I'll be losing that development time. However, I only have to draw one last texture and then test it all to make sure the rockets do what I want them to do. I want nothing more than to quote a release window but that always blows up in my face so... SOON.

Good luck and have fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'll be a Kerbal's monkey uncle. While I was away they decided to release version 1.0. Guess I should have gone on vacation a long time ago.

Congratulations to SQUAD!

So what does that mean for CORE? It means my release got pushed back a few days while I download and test my mods against the new version. I'm a little worried because they changed so much in this update but, historically, my mods have proven forward compatible. Fingers crossed!

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So here's a small update:

All of my parts were broken by the 1.0 update but only in small ways. There are three main elements I need to address:

1. You could load up my current version of Anvil but you will find that none of the nodes seem to work. In fact, they do work but SQUAD changed the way the node logic works. I now need to "point" my nodes in the correct direction in relation to each other in order for them to hook up right. I've spent the last day or two conducting some trial and error on my config files and found the right combination to make it all work again. All I need to do is flip some numbers from a positive integer (+1) to a negative integer (-1). Easy enough but I need to do it for most of my parts and then test them to make sure I did it right. That's proving to be time consuming.

2. The Aerodynamic update has made my rockets significantly more powerful than I intend them to be. I can launch a payload up to about 400km and I only want it to be able to reach 100km (that's my personal benchmark). This means I need to go back to my spreadsheets and start playing with my values to get the rockets to perform at a desired level. There's no quick way to find the "sweet spot". All the math in the world is great but you never can tell quite how a rocket will behave until you put it through a launch cycle. I've launched 5 test rockets and each time I get a little closer. So far my test rocket has shed about 1000m/s worth of dV or approximately 20% of what it was before. I will need to do this for each of my three rocket classes and my two SRB's.

3. The Aerodynamics update also has created quite an interesting challenge to my launches. At about the trans-sonic stage of the launch at the same time I begin the gravity turn the lateral wind forces on the nose of my rocket cause it to pitch over violently. Translation: the entire rocket starts tumbling, nose over tail, uncontrollably. Fortunately there is an easy fix: add stock winglets. The added aerodynamic control surfaces allow the rocket to remain pointing in the right direction. Doubly fortunate is the fact that the stock winglets match my rocket design almost flawlessly. They look like they belong there. I haven't tested this fix on my big Anvil IX yet so hopefully it works otherwise my whole "end-game" will be ruined.

Everything considered I can't complain. It's annoying to have to go back into a design after you've finished it but that's life in the big city. I should be able to sort everything out in a few days. No promises but I'm doing my best.

Good luck and have fun!

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After many, many years of trial, error and learning I present to you:

ANVIL, The Definitive Edition:


The Anvil series has been completely rebuilt from the ground up using all of the knowledge I have gained in mod making since first discovering this game 4 years ago. I still have a long way to go and much to learn but I am blown away by how far my work has come. It has been an honor and a joy to work on this and I give a grand salute and thanks to anyone who has chosen my mods for their KSP adventures.

My next task is to modernize the Dune Raider, re-imagine the Fire Hawk, and then to deliver a fully functioning First Light.

Again, thank you all for your attention and support!

Good luck and have FUN!

*On a side note: my videos have gotten a heck of a lot better lately. I attribute that largely to "kerbCam"*


Edited by Absolution
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