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Hello! I'm working in unity 4.2.2, I'm trying to get landing gear working. The wheel will not spin, the steering piece won't turn and the suspension does not react. The deploy animation works, but the bounds box does not stop holding the thing up when the gear is retracted.

I followed the sample "see-through" rig kindly provided by nli2work

I'll provide some images that hopefully show enough of my rig to spot the issue



Here's the config for the part:


 name = Avro_Nosegear
 module = Part
 author = Orthanc
 rescaleFactor  = 1
 node_attach = 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
 TechRequired = aviation
 entryCost = 1500
 cost = 100
 category = Ground
 subcategory = 0
 title = Avro Nose landing Gear
 manufacturer = Avro Aerospace
 description = Steerable, retractable landing gear, explicitly designed to fit the cockpit section of the Avro Arrow.
 attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1
 mass = 0.015
 thermalMassModifier = 4.0
 // heatConductivity = 0.06
 emissiveConstant = 0.95
 dragModelType = default
 maximum_drag = 0.3
 minimum_drag = 0.2
 angularDrag = 1
 maxTemp = 1000
 crashTolerance = 400
 breakingForce = 100
 breakingTorque = 100
 PhysicsSignificance = 0
 bulkheadProfiles = srf
 tags = aero (air aircraft free ground plane roll takeoff taxi wheel
  model = AVRO/Parts/Arrow206/noseGear
  scale = 1, 1, 1
  name = ModuleWheelBase
  wheelColliderTransformName = wheelCollider  
  wheelTransformName = wheelRot
  wheelType = FREE

  // setting this to true will override the radius and center parameters
  FitWheelColliderToMesh = False  
  radius = 0.14
  center = -0.1171149,-1.276739,-0.007832825
  mass = 0.1
  groundHeightOffset = 0
  TooltipTitle = Retractable Landing Gear
  TooltipPrimaryField = Steerable, Retractable
  name = ModuleWheelSuspension
  baseModuleIndex = 0
  suspensionTransformName = suspensionMvr  

  suspensionDistance = 0.09
  targetPosition = .9
  springRatio = 1.25
  damperRatio = 0.2
  name = ModuleWheelSteering
  baseModuleIndex = 0
  caliperTransformName = steeringRot
  steeringResponse = 2
   key = 0 30
   key = 10 9
   key = 30 2
  name = ModuleWheelBrakes
  baseModuleIndex = 0
  maxBrakeTorque = 5  
  brakeResponse = 1
  name = ModuleWheelDeployment
  baseModuleIndex = 0
  animationTrfName = AVRO_nosegear_geo
  animationStateName = AVROnosegearDown
  deployedPosition = 0
  deployTargetTransformName = deployTgt
  TsubSys = 1
  useStandInCollider = True
  fxDeploy = deploy
  fxRetract = retract
  fxDeployed = deployed
  fxRetracted = retracted
  name = ModuleLight
  lightName = noseGear_Spotlight
  useAnimationDim = True
  lightBrightenSpeed = 2.5
  lightDimSpeed = 2.5
  resourceAmount = 0.02
  animationName = noseGearSpotlight_Dim
  useResources = True
  name = ModuleWheelDamage
  baseModuleIndex = 0
  stressTolerance = 2000
  impactTolerance = 1000
  deflectionMagnitude = 0.5
  deflectionSharpness = 2.0
  slipMagnitude = 1.5
  slipSharpness = 2.0
  explodeMultiplier = 1.0

Thanks in advance!

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Hi although I've not done 122  gear, I've done a lot of 122 wheels.  it looks to me from your hierarchy that the wheelcollider is parented to the suspension, while this seems the right way intuitively, it's not for normal wheels , so I'm wondering if the same goes for gear.  

Wheels no longer use a bounds box and haven't since 1.1 dont see why gear should be different (unless you're making them KSPWheels compatible )

Also your collision enhancers are dangerously large,  collision enhancers are a last resort and should never contact the ground unless the wheel collider either fails for some reason or punches through the terrain.

The same goes for any mesh collider you have on the wheels themselves, i long ago stopped using mesh colliders, they are nothing but a pain, and do not react well when slammed into the terrain



In the penultimate image it looks like you have a transform position problem,  this usually shows itself by pulling the wheel mesh out of position, it's important with wheels to remember that the most important things are the transforms, if they are all correct the meshes will do what they are told. I'm going to have to make some LG i think as I see loads of people having issues

Avro Arrow??  nice :)


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Yep, Avro Arrow indeed  : ) Once I got the nose gear and wing gear done I'll be ready to release this.

Thank you very much, that was very informative, I'm doing the fixes now, with any luck this will all be working today!

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