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First and before all, I love this game, which is one of the best ever, if you could just merge that with OOlite, it would become the BEST GAME FOREVER. But...

When you fly a plane or sail a ship, you need compasses. I just don't get why there is NO indication of the heading and the inclination of the mouse's cursor or the cam orientation when in flight. I mean, we have rocket engines and we can measure the speed of an electron, but can't get a traditionnal bearing compass like the ones in use for centuries on sail ships.

I don't get the use of using double instead of float like in Unity. Physics hasn't such a precision IRL. You use too much RAM, and that shows speeds around 1µm/s when you are on the runway, engine off and brakes set.

I don't get why I can't save a "non-stackable" subassembly, nor why the vessels aren't sorted by save date, nor why the parts don't stay sorted by size when I tell it once... Why I can't specify "brake on, RCS & SAS on when launching" once for all? At least, why isn't it on by default ? Why I need a mod to customize stock UI elements...

Seriouly, a junior programmer could do a big part of that in 4 hours. If the sources are well written...

I repeat : I love the game, I don't get why those finitions (and some others...) look so crappy, it's so easy to make it clean.

Edited by Kenny Kerman
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13 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

When you fly a plane or sail a ship, you need compasses. I just don't get why there is NO indication of the heading and the inclination of the mouse's cursor or the cam orientation when in flight. I mean, we have rocket engines and we can measure the speed of an electron, but can't get a traditionnal bearing compass like the ones in use for centuries on sail ships.

I use the Navball for this. An additional compass might make planes a bit easier, but I don't feel it (compass) is really missing in this game.

15 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

I don't get the use of using double instead of float like in Unity. Physics hasn't such a precision IRL.

I am pretty sure RL physics has a way higher precision than douple. Higher precision and higher number range is very usefull when you remember that KSP is a space game, where vessels can meet in orbit with vastly different speeds. (Also, from my point of view, only people with multiple mods or very old computers complain about RAM usage. Plus, physics precision doesn't have such a big impact, most of the RAM is filled with resources like textures.)

18 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

I don't get why I can't save a "non-stackable" subassembly, nor why the vessels aren't sorted by save date, nor why the parts don't stay sorted by size when I tell it once... Why I can't specify "brake on, RCS & SAS on when launching" once for all? At least, why isn't it on by default ? 

I agree with you here. Especially the sorting stuff. I would like to add a wish for being able to sort all kinds of lists, contracts, Kerbals, vessels in the tracking station, ...

20 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

Seriouly, a junior programmer could do a big part of that in 4 hours. If the sources are welle written...

I always die a little inside, when I read people saying how easy things are to change in any software. But just because the change that the user will end up seeing is only little, doesn't mean there isn't a lot of work behind the scenes to do to make it happen, to make it work and to not break anything else in the process. Plus testing and deployment take time too.

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You cant't use the navball to know the direction of a target. "You can't have a compass in space, where there is no north or south. Try to navigate with the navball. " No kiddin? So how does the navnall display north and south? If you can have a navball, you can have a compass at the mouse cursor. It's just trivial. Even without compass : the direction in degrees from the vessel axis. Easy, just mandatory for any navigation. Space, air, water, underwater... You must have a compass to know the axe of your vessel (the navball in this case) and another to know the direction of things. Elementary. Try to sail a ship or fly a plane IRL.

Plus: there IS north and south in space.

Edited by Kenny Kerman
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2 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

You cant't use the navball to know the direction of a target. "You can't have a compass in space, where there is no north or south. Try to navigate with the navball. " No kiddin? So how does the navnall display north and south? If you can have a navvall, you can have a compass at the mouse cursor. It's juste elementary. Even without compass : the direction in degrees from the vessel axis. Easy, just mandatory for any navigation. Space, air, water, underwater... You must have a compass to know the axe of your vessel (the navball in this case) and another to know the direction of things. Elementary. Try to sail a ship or fly a plane IRL.

Plus: there IS north and south in space.

Set target. Right-click on the target, and [Set Target]. Pink marks will appear.

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1 minute ago, Hypercosmic said:

Set target. Right-click on the target, and [Set Target]. Pink marks will appear.

Try to target a mountain. What you say is "you have a GPS, you don't need a compass....


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Oh yeah! I didn't think about that : I'm just droping probes everywhere to have targets everywhere, as I don't have de millenary chinese technology of the compass. Why do you answer? You seem to have no idea of what means "navigation", so please let big people talk. Or explain why I can't even know the direction of the cam. IRL i  would just take my own compass.


Never been scout, or made walks in the mountain?

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6 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

Oh yeah! I didn't think about that : I'm just droping probes everywhere to have targets everywhere, as I don't have de millenary chinese technology of the compass. Why do you answer? You seem to have no idea of what means "navigation", so please let big people talk. Or explain why I can't even know the direction of the cam.

Why do you even need the compass? If you mean literal compass, Duna and Moho most likely lacks magnetosphere, Eve probably also lacks (who knows), Jool will break your compass right away. Most objects in the Kerbol system doesn't have magnetosphere, so why even care about it?

If you mean some kind of GPS, it's not that hard since you can always open the map view.

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An angular mesuror, what don't you undestand? I want to know what heading I need or what heading is this thing. Why are you against this idea? It's juste elementary... Nothing to do with magnetics... It's just like a part of the navball, giving angular infos about the mouse cursor, and being displayed at the mouse cursor, what don't you get? Do you think I don't know what you say about magnetosperes? Are you ignorant enough to be unable to understand that nobody needs magnetospheres to have a North and a South? What shows your navball then? Do you think GPS have compass in it? Or your phone?

And sure, maps, compasses and sextants are "some kind of GPS", you kiddo.

And, of course, I didn't hear about this map view thing. Where you can't even clic any point to set it as target. And when you have a target, you get its distance, which is just scilly, as heading is wayyy easier to get than the distance... And less usefull...


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5 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

An angular mesuror, what don't you undestand? I want to know what heading I need or what heading is this thing. Why are you against this idea? It's juste elementary... Nothing to do with magnetics... It's just like a part of the navball, giving angular infos about the mouse cursor, and being displayed at the mouse cursor, what don't you get? Do you think I don't know what you say about magnetosperes? Are you ignorant enough to be unable to understand that nobody needs magnetospheres to have a North and a South? What shows your navball then? Do you think GPS have compass in it? Or your phone?

And sure, maps, compasses and sextants are "some kind of GPS", you kiddo.


You can mod it by yourself. I don't see the importance. Pics if possible.

And, of course, it is not possible to have north and south without any references. I know you gotta use them on the surface, though.

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Just now, Kenny Kerman said:

Why do you even answer? Nothing you say is new to anybody. I talk to you only for you to understand what I say.

Pics. Also, can we move into a PM? This thread is flooded.

Edited by Hypercosmic
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Flooded by you. I just ask about 2 numbers appearing around the mouse cursor : its angle from North or the vessel's axis, and is angle from horizontal or vessel's axis (just like the navball, you know? But for the mouse instead of the axis, and no funny animation). Easy to do, i can make it myself for myself only, Who has and knows the sources of the game can do that in less time you took talking me. I don't need you. YOU need me. See you...

Edited by Kenny Kerman
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8 minutes ago, Kenny Kerman said:

Flooded by you. I just ask about 2 numbers appearing around the mouse cursor : its angle from North or the vessel's axis, and is angle from horizontal or vessel's axis (just like the navball, you know? But for the mouse instead of the axis, and no funny animation). Easy to do, i can make it myself for myself only, Who has and knows the sources of the game can do that in less time you took talking me. I don't need you. YOU need me. See you...

Why do you have to make another ball when you can just mod that. Make/move a thread in/to the Add-on Development. Make a cursor marker, then tell some modder. This should be an easy thing to make.

And instead of telling this to me at the first time. Heh, Asv. out.

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3 minutes ago, Hypercosmic said:

Why do you have to make another ball when you can just mod that. Make/move a thread in/to the Add-on Development. Make a cursor marker, then tell some modder. This should be an easy thing to make.

And instead of telling this to me at the first time. Heh, Asv. out.

Forget. It will take me too much time. I'm paid for programming. And KSP just needs that. Ain't a mod. I'm sometimes paid to give hints like these ones.

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1 minute ago, Kenny Kerman said:

Forget. It will take me too much time. I'm paid for programming.

You just have to share the idea in the appropriate location to get everything you want fast. Anyways, it's up to you.

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Yeeeaaah, this whole thread is probably not needed.

The navball is a compass. It's even better than a compass because it doesn't wobble and is perfect for space travel. KSP is a game about space exploration. Compasses only work around Earth's/Kerbin's/any planet with magnetosphere so no real use for it in deep space.

Edited by Veeltch
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Please don't fight Chummers.

Maybe it is planed for a later overhaul but not so hoch on the Agenda.

Meanwile @Kenny Kerman woth Kerbnet you dont need realy need to drop something to get a target. You can set a Waypoint and target this. One realy beautiful work around is a mod by nightinale:

Maybe it will help you

4 minutes ago, eddiew said:


2 minds one though. Nice.

Edited by Urses
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2 minutes ago, Veeltch said:

Yeeeaaah, this whole thread is probably not needed.

The navball is a compass. It's even better than a compass because it doesn't wobble and is perfect for space travel. KSP is a game about space exploration. Compasses only work around Earth's/Kerbin's/any planet with magnetosphere so no real use for it in deep space.

Okay, the conclusion of the fight a few mins ago is that they meant 'some kind of stuff that can show where the mouse is pointing'.

I suggested some kind of navball marker.

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Why not just "hdg: 80°, elev: 20°" just near the mouse cursor, and where you're marking distances now (targets, debris..) ? Is it really so complicated? Do you sometimes play this game ? Would have take less time for all of us to do that than to try to learn me there is a map view. I guess it's a game limitation, too, if the map view always open at the antipode of the SC... And hardly remembers anything betwen fligths...

(But thanks for the nice reception of my suggestions... [*notifications off*])

Edited by Kenny Kerman
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I don't think we understand what relation the mouse cursor has to anything @Kenny Kerman... There are existent navigational mods (one linked above) to help you fly a ship to where you want it, but the location of the mouse doesn't indicate the direction of the ship, nor the direction it should go... The cursor doesn't exist in the 3d space of the game, so you can't draw a vector from the ship and extend it out and say "that's a heading".

I don't think people are trying to be critical, we just don't understand why you're asking for what you are, so we're trying to clarify whether you're making proper use of the available tools. 

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