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Ship control after switching with '[' and ']' keys

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Hey folks,

               I'm having some quite random results when switching between ships with the '[' and ']' keys. A typical scenario:

1. Docked with my Mun station.
2. Undock a ship.
3. Switch to said ship with '[' key.
4. Attempt to fire engine to thrust away.
5. Observe Mun station engines also firing, as well as responding to control inputs.

Is this supposed to be 'by design'? Surely not?? If I instead go to the tracking station, choose the newly un-docked ship, *then* thrust away, it's all good, and my Mun station doesn't go spinning off in some random direction.

If it *is* by design, how do I prevent the Mun station from responding to inputs that are supposed to go *only* to my un-docked ship?

If it's *not* by design, what's the best way around it? Just go to the Tracking Station and switch that way? It's just so tedious compared to switching ships with the '[' key.

As an interim workaround, I've been de-activating the engines on the Mun station and other docked ships until I need them, but this is also tedious and frequently catches me out when I forget.

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I don't see this behavior. I've LKO station that I always dock/undock, doing [], having both active engines (on the station and on undocked piece), and only the ship I'm controlling throttles up. Can you check if you can repro the problem in stock? My suspicion is some of your mods screw this up.

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I think this is @Cunjo Carl's "Simon Says" glitch. Do you play around with trim? He said that has something to do with it. Try cancelling any accidental trim on the Mun station before decoupling. Hopefully he will drop in and explain the details to you.


Edited by bewing
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I'm running 1.2.2 with a couple of mods:

Advanced FlyByWire (to get my Saitek HOTAS to work correctly)
RCS Build Aid

IIRC I actually experienced this issue before I installed any mods (I've only had mods installed since recently getting my HOTAS and finding it doesn't work correctly with stock). It's been happening for as long as I can recall, but I've only just bothered to ask about it, because now that I've got a number of ships in close proximity, it's becoming problematic.

I don't use trims at all. I don't even have controls mapped for it on the HOTAS, and I have no idea what the trim keys actually are by default. I wonder if I've inadvertently put trims in for either the Mun station, or some of the docked craft? If there's a 'reset trims' key, I'll try that when I get home this evening and see if it fixes it.

If that doesn't work, I'll try removing all the mods and the HOTAS and just using the keyboard/mouse. If it turns out it's the HOTAS or the mod I'm using to get it to work properly, well.....I guess I'll just have to get used to it :)

It's pretty funny sometimes though....hitting full throttle on my tiny lander and seeing my Mun station break up and explode right beside me for no apparent reason :o. Or trying to dock 2 identical craft, only to watch them getting into a never-ending 'Simon Says' dance.

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  On 4/3/2017 at 2:49 AM, MrBonk said:

I don't use trims at all. I don't even have controls mapped for it on the HOTAS, and I have no idea what the trim keys actually are by default. I wonder if I've inadvertently put trims in for either the Mun station, or some of the docked craft? If there's a 'reset trims' key, I'll try that when I get home this evening and see if it fixes it.

It's pretty funny sometimes though....hitting full throttle on my tiny lander and seeing my Mun station break up and explode right beside me for no apparent reason :o. Or trying to dock 2 identical craft, only to watch them getting into a never-ending 'Simon Says' dance.


A never ending simon says dance :D . Totally been there. This doesn't quite sound like the simon says glitch I'm aware of, but I'll mention the specifics just in case it helps. If you've activated trim (alt+wasd), leave SAS on and switch to another craft, the original craft will move in tandem with the new one. As far as I'm aware it doesn't work on throttle though, so I'm guessing your case is something different. A sure-fire sign it's the 'simon says' glitch is if the other craft always turns the same direction in response to your craft turning either left or right  (same for up/down and CW/CCW). Trim can be accidentally activated by turning on physwarp (alt+>) while maneuvering. It's reset to the off state by pressing alt+x. I hope this helps, but in case it doesn't feel free to make a quicksave and send the save file my way. We could atleast tell if it's a nuance of your setup or KSP in general causing the mischief!

Sounds like a cool glitch if you know when to expect it. Sorry it's messing up your missions, though!

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Ok, so it's not trims and/or SAS at fault. I loaded up my most recent save, went to my Mun station, reset trims with ALT + x, turned off SAS and un-docked a ship. As soon as I hit the throttle, I get engines on the station also firing.

I guess the next step is to remove all the mods, unplug the HOTAS and try a pure vanilla, kb/mouse game.....but....now that I've started playing.....maybe just a little while first, then I'll turn it off and test....maybe.... :wink: Damn this gaming addiction LOL! I just installed KER (oh my wordy lordy yes....why didn't I put this on sooner?!), so I need to tinker just a little bit first.

For anyone who wants to tinker with a savegame, let me know how you'd like that sent/uploaded and I'll flick the file to you.

Ninja Edit: Holy crap....I just noticed it also happens if I use the 'switch to' option in map mode! The only way I can successfully select and fly a ship that I've just un-docked from this station is if I select it thru the tracking station.

Edited by MrBonk
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Now it's really sounding like a mod issue. People would have noticed a bug like that prior to now.

But if you want to post a savegame, I think it's easiest to understand that they are just big text files. So you open the .sfs file with a text editor, copy the whole thing to your clipboard, go to someplace like pastebin and paste it, and then post the "raw" URL here.


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  On 4/3/2017 at 1:46 PM, bewing said:

Now it's really sounding like a mod issue. People would have noticed a bug like that prior to now.


Yep, I'd have to agree. I'll try to bite the bullet this evening and run a clean version with just the KB/mouse. If I'm still seeing the issue, I'll post my save.

If it's gone when I run the clean install, I'll start putting the mods back one by one until I identify which one it is, then post the results.

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Well, unfortunately it seems it's the Advanced FlyByWire mod that's causing this. Unfortunately, because it's the only way I've managed to get my Saitek X56 HOTAS to work correctly, without one or other of the controllers lagging so bad as to be unusable. Poo :(

Thanks for the input anyway....I guess I'll just have to get used to it, until such time as KSP and Unity's joystick input code is able to handle my controller properly.

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I never had this issue. BUT, I always shutdown all engines of docked ships and station. I had so many "shift key accident" before, I decided to allocate a custom action key on shutdown engine.

That may protect your from your issue.

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