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ARCA Expendable Smallsat SSTO

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1 minute ago, tater said:

Linear aerospikes are great.

What are they great at? Same efficiency over all altitudes sounds good, but SSTOs have really bad payload margins. And for multistage rockets each stage can have engine nozzles optimized for their operating altitudes. 

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7 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

What are they great at? Same efficiency over all altitudes sounds good, but SSTOs have really bad payload margins. And for multistage rockets each stage can have engine nozzles optimized for their operating altitudes. 

SSTOs could certainly have a place at some point. Payload margin is less important than cost, honestly.

There are plenty of multi stage vehicles that use their main engines as sustainers all the way into space that would benefit from an aerospike (all hydrolox main engine vehicles, for example).

I like to see people try lateral ideas, so as sketchy as I think ARCA is, I'd like to see them actually fly.

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