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RSS + RSVE - no cloud on Earth

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I just installed RSS and the visual enhancements per the instructions in the realism overhaul (updated thread) here:

And here:

Works like a champ except that I have no clouds at all on Earth.   Not sure why that is.
The same happens on either computers I use both with different video cards (one's a laptop with a quadro card, the other's an GTX 780 TI), all with current patches and drivers.  Both my boxes run a core I7, Windows 10 x64 and the 64 bit of Kerbal.  Both have 16gb memory and plenty of SSD disk space.  This happens with the Anniversary Edition of Windows 10 or the Creator Edition just released Tuesday April 11.  On the 780 TI, happens with Nvidia drivers 379.x or 381.x (current release).

Just to be sure I did a clean install of KSP (delete via Steam, wipe folder, re-install, re-apply CKAN).

Using CKAN to manage that and download the dependencies (kopernicus, scaterrer, etc...).  RSSVE is of course a manual install (drop in GameData).

I have no idea where to start fixing the clouds.  I've tried various permutations of texture resolutions and other items, removing other mods, etc... and - same result.

I saw a reference to half clouds with RSSVE, but that's not what's happening to me, I have no clouds at all, in the first menu or in game.  Perfect blue skies.  Looks great but I'd really have to have clouds :)

Any help is appreciated.



Edited by ziporama
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Have you brought this up on the thread? You'll be lucky to get help outside of the thread. The mod dev is probably your best bet for help and I can only assume most modders don't go searching the forum for people that need help with their mod.

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