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People are probably going to need a little more information in order to start volunteering quality assistance or craft files.  Some things to consider:

1) Are you trying to fulfill contract?  If so what are the parameters of the contract.
2) If you are not trying to fulfill a contract, but just rescue Thompberry Kerman, then are you just looking for a straight rescue mission, just the rocket, just the payload, or are you trying to accommodate the rescue within another Dres contract etc.?  If so refer to 1).
3) If you are just wanted to do a mission to Dres and are looking for straight up inspiration for rockets, then go to the Dres Awareness Thread for inspiration.
4) If you managed to get Thompberry to Dres, you are 98% of the way to being able to perform a complete mission.  I'm not being facetious but try doing it yourself and posting the result as a Mission Report.  It'll be super fun, everyone enjoys a good rescue mission, and you will learn heaps and progress within the game nicely even if you fail the mission :)


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