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Looking for mod/request. Procedural structural pannels/armor plates.


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I love this game so much but I found one thing missing.


I was wondering if there was a mod for 1.2.2 that has a structural plate that you can shift and morph like procedural wings.


If not, if anyone would be kind enough to provice a step-by-step to modifying or adding the part myself.


If not, pointing to something to help me do that, would be very nice.


Thank you all in advance.

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Hi the closest you'll get right now is a structural plate with a tweakscale module,  flat procedural panels have truly horrible z fighting problems which is likely why there aren't any.  

There are various sizes and shapes of scalable structural and armor panels in SM Armory and SM Marine. and likely other mods too

Do note that in regards to BDA and Armor normal structural plate has the armor value of wet cardboard, only properly created armor is shell resistant

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  On 4/21/2017 at 9:24 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi the closest you'll get right now is a structural plate with a tweakscale module,  flat procedural panels have truly horrible z fighting problems which is likely why there aren't any.  

There are various sizes and shapes of scalable structural and armor panels in SM Armory and SM Marine. and likely other mods too

Do note that in regards to BDA and Armor normal structural plate has the armor value of wet cardboard, only properly created armor is shell resistant


SpannerMonkey! (Don't panic)


Tanks (<-see what I did there) for your reply. I didn't know about the Z issues but if that's the case, I'll probably just modify the procedural wings to have the armor value of other armors. This seems like the best option at this point.

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  On 4/21/2017 at 9:27 PM, Wulfle said:

have the armor value of other armors


Not that simple sadly,  the armor is still in development, and as such (to most users ) is an unknown quantity. For a part to act properly as armor the model has to contain a specially named and rotated transform, which in turn needs to be referenced by the armor module in the cfg.  The only way to add the transform is at the unity or modelling stage , as the hierarchy is built upon it, it is not possible to add it once the part is turned into a mu and imported into a game.

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
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  On 4/21/2017 at 9:31 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Not that simple sadly,  the armor is still in development, and as such is an unknown quantity. For a part to act properly as armor the model has to contain a specially named and rotated transform, which in turn needs to be referenced by the armor module in the cfg.  The only way to add the transform is at the unity or modelling stage , as the hierarchy is built upon it, it is not possible to add it once the part is turned into a mu and imported into a game.


So that means that after the part is baked, it is nearly impossible, as of now, to transform the part and have the armor go with it. Alright, well then. I guess upping the heat will be the best option. I remember that the old BD weapons were based on heat applied at the moment of contact to another part, spreading to surrounding parts. I assume that basic principle still applies.

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