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Groups and Reputation


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As it stands, I am currently working on setting up these two systems, however..here's a few things for you all to know,

Reputation System

Currently, there is NO negative reputation level, NONE. This will not change, because I will not allow anyone to down rep someone for no reason. The old adage of, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all" applies to the rep system. We have logs, we watch everything, and anyone caught abusing the system, or asking for reputation increases will face punitive action from the Moderation Team.

User Groups

Currently user groups are set to 1 group per user, but are disabled. I wanted to make it perfectly clear that ALL forum rules apply to groups and any offensive, or cliquey groups will be removed and the user's ability to create groups will be removed.

Image and upload Issues

You're simply going to have to wait people, until I get a better idea of the allotted disk space on the server on Monday to make a better call on what to give each user for space in regards to attachments, uploads, and images.

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