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MK16 Parachute not there?

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I'm trying to complete the first tutorial level, but I am being told to select the MK16 parachute, but it is not there. I cannot find it in the utility tab, where it is telling me to click on it from, and will not let me progress any further with the level. Anybody know what's going on?

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Hello, and welcome to the forums!  :)

Moving to "Gameplay Questions".  ("Tutorials" is a place to put tutorials, i.e. if you've written something to help people.)

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Hello, @tesco

Ok, let's see if we can figure this out. It shows up in the tutorial for me. Have you tried it again since posting your question? Is it still not working?

If it isn't in the Utility tab on the left column (looks like a series of three little gears) then check to make sure that you don't have any characters entered into the search field in the box on the upper left of the screen above the parts list. Normally, this field says "Enter search", but if you have anything typed in there it will filter your parts list to match only the parts that match what you've typed. Make sure that is clear. For now the search won't show you everything available because the tutorial is limiting your options temporarily. You could of course type "parachute" and see if it shows up.

Also -- and this may be obvious -- but make sure you haven't deleted the command module from your construction area. That will grey out any parts that can't be used as a root part to build on.

Do you have any mods installed? Some mods are designed to alter the parts list, change how they are categorized, hide or remove some parts entirely. It's best to run through the tutorials in a totally stock installation of the game. You might also check and see that the parts in question are installed properly. If you can find the directory where you installed KSP, navigate to \\Game Data\Squad\Parts\Utility and you should see a list including the "parachuteMK1" folder.

If you are on Steam, there is a way to verify the game's files by right-clicking on the game, selecting "Properties" then "Local files" then " Verify integrity of game files."

Edited by HvP
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