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Expand-station contract cancelled instead of completed

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I had a contract "expand station X around Kerbin". Oh, men.. what an action it was! 135 ton rocket full of fuel, space for 5 more kerbals, solar panels (there is always not enough power for the lab), 8 monoprop tanks, newly discovered gravioli detector, all controlled by a probe core (Kerbals need rescue missions). The start was a great test for my "launch2" kOS program. In mere 3 orbits the "extension" was 2 km from the station, 60m/s relative speed.The docking was a masterpiece! Two Clampotron-Juniors (the tech was too low for bigger ones) clicked on the first attempt! (Thanks Docking-Port-Alignment mod!). And then...


Nothing. Just a brief note from Kerbin Word-First - "Congratulations, you have just started constructing your station on orbit".

I call Gene Kerman - "Where is my money for the contract?"

And he was like - "What money? The contract got just cancelled." - "Whaat??"

Has it happened to you, guys? Is that all because of that fine-print "Be in command of Kerbin Station 1"? Shall I be moving The Station instead of the "extension"? (It had no RCS, so no way..) Or what? ;.;

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When you dock two ships together, one of them loses its name, temporarily, while they are docked. Your contract specified the name of the station, and it sounds like the station lost its name when the attachment docked. So since the station "didn't exist anymore" the contract was declared to be a failure. Please check the archives and see the exact state of that contract -- failed or cancelled.

I have never heard about that happening before to a station contract, but I can imagine it now that I think about it. I don't think this ever happens in a pure stock game, but you are using mods -- and I can imagine that some of them might change the way ships are renamed during docking.

How many mods are you using?



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Uhh.. I believed I was using about 4, but it turns out they are:

  • Kerbal Alarm Clock,
  • KIS,
  • KAS,
  • kOS,
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator,
  • Surface Mounted Stock-Alike Lights,
  • Community Category Kit,
  • Module Manager.

..all declared the most recent versions by CKAN.

And the status of the contract in the archives is "cancelled".

Oh, and also I haven't been switching to the station for quite long time. I was jumping between the "extension" ship, and a Mun orbiter, which was hunting the last biome to get EVA report from. (they GOT it! :D)

Maybe that also had some impact?

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