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Kerbal Space Program update 1.3 Grand Discussion thread.


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Hello everyone!

We are excited and proud to officially announce the launch of Kerbal Space Program 1.3: “Away with words”! This release is the result of countless hours of dedicated work between the translators, developers and volunteers who made this possible.

We started this massive endeavour 9 months ago and a couple of months ago the update entered its pre-release phase, where the wide community helped us polish the final details of the localization effort to ensure a high quality experience to all KSP players, and now we can proudly say that Kerbal Space Program is available in four more languages: Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Russian and Spanish. This means that more people will be able to enjoy the Kerbal experience in their native tongue.

Each language was carefully localized so it keeps the humor and charm of the english version. Keyboard layouts, UI and textures were also modified to please local players of each region.

To give you an idea of the scope of this endeavour, we had to carefully revise all lines of code to start cataloging all the aspects that needed to be localized and addressed. We translated more than 95,000 words, created 456 images for textures and UI, prepared 684 slides for the KSPedia and everything was carefully revised by a team of more than twenty dedicated volunteers.

And that is not all, we are also including the integration of Asteroid Day mod into this update, which is now localized and its contracts are balanced for a career game play-through, too.

Additionally, for 1.3 we have added the Ambient Light Adjustment feature - a Boost value to the ambient light setting (similar to the highlighter boost slider). This one brightens the render engine settings to bring light into the darkness. Something that will come in handy if you like to capture and share ingame footage.

And of course, like with every update, we have addressed several bugs and issues, check the changelog to find out more about the highlights of the update.


=================================== v1.3.0 ============================================================
+++ Localization
* Keyboard layouts for foreign keyboards in Settings Menu.
* Localization of all text in game to Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese-Simplified.
* KSP now reads the language from buildID.txt
* Debug menu option to log missing Language tags (which is persisted in settings).
* All fonts are loaded regardless of selected language to assist in save file language switching and sharing.
* Resize PAW menus to fit languages.
* Resize Tutorial dialogs to fit languages.
* Add ability to scroll KSC facility upgrade stats when hovering over the upgrade button.
* Add new debug tool to show Localization tags instead of translations.
* Add Resource name display in staging, PAW and Resource App will change to Abbreviations if too long.
* Add Resource name tooltips to staging, PAW and Resource App for abbreviated resource icons.
* Add scroll sections to KSC Facility Upgrade stats in Facility pop-up windows.
* Add button to reload the Localization texts dictionary in the debug menu.
* Add hibernation info page to KSPedia.

+++ Enhancements
* Compound parts can be selected from both ends.
* Updated the strut model so the connector does not intersect with the mesh.
* Contract back stories have been changed/enhanced.
* GUI control for changing Local/Absolute attachment and editing reference.
* GUI control for changing symmetry mode.
* Change Science Containers to pull from experiments before other science containers.
* Increased the size of the PAW title bar and pin button.
* Ambient light adjustment.
* Asteroid Day Mod merged into stock.
* IVAOverlay now has keyboard shortcut - Modifier + ChangeCamera (Alt+C in windows).
* Upgraded TMPro.
* New PAW pin icon.

+++ Bug fixes
* Fix logic error in craft list dialog in editor scene.
* Fix grammar error in FL-R25 RCS Fuel Tank description.
* Fix MPL functions to only work with Scientist trait.
* Fix Runway Seams T2 and T3.
* Flatten the T1 Runway out.
* Fix Flagpole to Astronaut Center and remove upgrade/downgrade/destroy errors.
* Fix the math on the ShipConstruct Stage Count.
* Fix to highlighter Brightness not getting set on entering flight scene.
* Docking mode indicators corrected.
* Fix From The Mun tutorial: heatshield on RV jettison via staging.
* Fix Terrain seams issue (parity with 1.1.3).
* Fix Radiators on Asteroids.
* Fix Drill status on Asteroids.
* Add Craft name limit to VAB to prevent save issues with file name. Configurable via VAB_CRAFTNAME_CHAR_LIMIT
* Fix RnDTechTree refresh not updating un-purchases nodes after purchasing.
* Fix Aero GUI window NREs on scene change.
* Fix costs for Upgrade nodes being applied in TechTree.
* Fix upgraded parts to now display upgraded stats in TechTree and Parts picker in VAB/SPH.
* Fix upgrade modules not displaying correctly in expanded part tooltips in TechTree and Part picker.
* Fix number of kerbals counter in KSC vessel markers.
* Fix Tree shaders - shadows.
* Fix an issue where resource system catch-up mechanics would not work due to physics causing vessels to ‘hop’.
* Fix an issue where overriding a converter’s AutoShutdown property was not working.
* Fix to the way vessels were named on Kerbal Rescue contracts.
* Fix launch site blocked dialog not clearing on vessel spawn dialog.
* Fix green line appearing in water.
* Fix shadows of buildings in KSC scene.
* Fix manuever node errors for some situations where node is in the past and conics become invalid.
* Fix gaps in shadows on KSC buildings.
* Improved flickering Sun shadows in flight mode on all objects.
* Fix cases for old maneuver nodes with invalid patched conics.
* Fix part highlighters showing landing lights flares.
* Fix part icons to exclude flags and include lights.
* Fix Launchpad tower light to shine on correct Unity Layers.
* Fix Currency Widgets disappearing at large scales.
* Fix for StageLock persisting between games.
* Fix floor decals in level 2 VAB.
* Fix to wait for physics easing before updating vessel status.

+++ Modding
* Localization class added for Localization string processing.
* Fix reflected KSPModule attribute on PartModule.
* Added GameEvent onCommandSeatInteractionEnter which fires before a Kerbal enters/leaves external command seat.
* Added a mod hook in for science values.
* Add public accessors to MapView MapNodes for modders.
* Event for Kerbal name change (to match with type/status change events).
* Some object renames for clashes with Unity classes        
* Add public accessor to instance of tutorial dialog
* Propellent.displayName added for localization.
* Resource definitions now have displayName field.
* FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyDisplayName() is the localized equivalent of FlightGlobals.GetHomeBodyName()
* Vessel & Protovessel displaylandedAt is the localized equivalent of landedAt string.
* Vessel.SetLandedAt() - added two new optional input variables.
* CustomParameterNode.LocalizedSection added.
* Added displayseatName and displayseatIndex to InternalSeat Node.
* CelestialBody has had several variables added and removed for localization.
* CBAttributeMaps have also had variables added for localization.
* ResearchAndDevelopment.GetExperimentSubject has a new optional displaybiomeID.
* ResearchAndDevelopment.GetBiomeTagsLocalized added.
* ScienceData.displaytitle added for localization.
* Vessel.displaylandedAt field added for localization.
* Add an extra parameter on the GenericAppFrame method to receive a displayName separated from the logic.
* Add GameEvent onFairingsDeployed when fairings deploy.
* Add IscalarModule to ModuleJettison and public Enumerator for DragCubeSystem.
* Atmospheric and Exospheric harvesters can now make use of an optional Intake Transform (this can be set via the ‘intakeTransformName’ field.
* Add GetExperimentBodyName to ScienceUtils to API for mods.


The update is now available on Steam and will soon be available on GOG and other third party resellers. You will also be able to download it from the KSP Store if you already own the game.

As with every release this thread will be used to bundle all general discussion about the new version so that the forums can continue to actively host threads on other topics as well. CLICK HERE  for the official release announcement for Kerbal Space Program 1.3: “Away with words”.

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Info from the beta testers:

Yes, the main thing about this version is support for 4 new languages. So for multilingual KSP players, you might have more fun playing KSP in another language than English. We think all the languages are playable at this moment, and support for all four of them will be upgraded again soon. And maybe more beyond that. :)

For the English speakers -- why should you care?

* There were a couple hundred small bugs fixed. Enough that you will probably notice it during gameplay.

* Terrain seams everywhere (except at the poles of some celestial bodies) shouldn't cause you any problems anymore.

* No more bumps on the runways (except at the sides).

* Handling of experiment transfers between multiple science containers is fixed. The data comes out of the science devices first.

* Asteroid drilling works properly again.

* The official Asteroid Day mod has been integrated. So there is a new type of contract available that should be fun and profitable.


Edited by bewing
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First 15 minutes:  Yay new update!  This is gonna be awesome!  Asteroid day in stock!  Cool!  Level runways!  Awesome!


After 15 minutes:  Why is there no @#$! delta-V readout in stock?!  Man, I suck at interplanetary transfers!  I wish I had a maneuver planner.  No alarm clock? Ugh!  Where are my clouds?!

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As the game loads: yay new update!

Once in game for 15 minutes: not much changed, all my mods broke, switching back to 1.2.2

There isn't much content in this update for native speakers so I imagine most if us who use/develop mods will stick to 1.2.2 for now.

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Bug fixes are always nice, and good to hear about those seams; did just ruin a bunch of eve screenshots for me^^

Seen a bunch of nice comfort things too, IIRC.


Questoin, what happens if a mod is missing translation? IE, if I should change my game to german, what happens to the mods that aren't translated to german? Optimally, I'd expect them to fall back to english.

Edited by Temeter
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Congrats to the team for passing another great milestone in development! This code overhaul and optimization for localization should greatly enhance the accessibility of KSP for many more players. And bug fixes never go out of fashion - thanks, and keep them coming!

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HURRAY! Finally!
All those localization options in the debug menu will be really helpful!

Soon, I'll be able to share my Portuguese Translation with my fellow Brazilian Players :D


Thanks Squad! Can't wait for Making History!

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  On 5/25/2017 at 10:39 PM, archnem said:

First 15 minutes:  Yay new update!  This is gonna be awesome!  Asteroid day in stock!  Cool!  Level runways!  Awesome!


After 15 minutes:  Why is there no @#$! delta-V readout in stock?!  Man, I suck at interplanetary transfers!  I wish I had a maneuver planner.  No alarm clock? Ugh!  Where are my clouds?!


They make the changelog public on every release. Plus they've been discussing what they were going to add for a long time. So why did you think any of those things would be added? You can't feign that you were unable to find out as Squad makes blogs and updates known both through the forum and through Facebook and Twitter.

That said, a DV readout such as KER would not assist you with interplanetary transfers. It would only tell you your DV. The amount needed depends on your destination and where it's currently located in relation to your launch point.

You do have a maneuver planner, it's called a maneuver node.

As to alarms and clouds; Squad never mentioned adding a alarm clock function and only mentioned that clouds might be a possibility. Issue with adding them is that it's more RAM and GPU strain on a game that only utilizes a single core. Clouds are likely delayed indefinitely until either KSP changes engines or Unity provides multicore support.

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I logged in to my current favorite game, Kerbal Space Program, to find that, not only was there an update, I had no choice in whether I download it. After the game gets through the loading screen, it crashes and tell me it would be nice if I could send the log file to the developers. No ... it would be nice if I wasn't forced to update my game with no way to go back to 1.2.

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Nice! Glad people of other languages can finally get to giggle at the humorous part descriptions and do contracts and stuff without using a translator!*

Also love all those bug fixes. Can never have enough of those. Except if you get rid kerbal spaghettification. Please let us keep that! :D

*On a funny note, having versions in other languages finally justifies in my mind the eliminating of the word "curvy" on the Mk2 to Mk3 adapter! lol xD

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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  On 5/26/2017 at 12:11 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

They make the changelog public on every release. Plus they've been discussing what they were going to add for a long time. So why did you think any of those things would be added? You can't feign that you were unable to find out as Squad makes blogs and updates known both through the forum and through Facebook and Twitter.

That said, a DV readout such as KER would not assist you with interplanetary transfers. It would only tell you your DV. The amount needed depends on your destination and where it's currently located in relation to your launch point.

You do have a maneuver planner, it's called a maneuver node.

As to alarms and clouds; Squad never mentioned adding a alarm clock function and only mentioned that clouds might be a possibility. Issue with adding them is that it's more RAM and GPU strain on a game that only utilizes a single core. Clouds are likely delayed indefinitely until either KSP changes engines or Unity provides multicore support.


Calm down.  The post was in jest.  I know that Squad can do no wrong and any features I wish for in stock are my own failings and I deserve a fate worse than death for daring to mention them.

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