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Project Utopia: Cooperation Across the Iron Curtain (Quarter Size RSS)


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Project Utopia

In this alternate timeline, the space race has taken on a different form, as focus has shifted away from moon landings. The launch of Salyut 1 by the Soviet Union has brought forth the question of control of near space and the fear of militarization thereof. To prevent this fear from materializing, the two super powers have agreed to collaborate in the construction of an orbiting research station. Not only will it allow for the furtherment of science, but also help each side keep tabs on the other and, hopefully, secure the balance of power. Thus, Project Utopia was born.

Ok, so not much of a backstory, I know, but it does provide me with an excuse to build a space station in QSRSS, which is why I started this new game in the first place. I'm running KSP 1.2.2 in Science Mode, but with all technology researched via the cheat menu. Basically, I just want to be able to collect science while still playing sandbox style. The game itself is quite heavily modded, the main ones being QSRSS, BDB & Tantares. To make it a bit more challenging, I'm also using KCT, Dang It!, TAC-LS, MandatoryRCS and Orbital Decay. A full list is available in the spoiler below.

Note that all dates will be given in Kerbal time format since this is not played in full size real solar system.

Complete list of mods

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1: Testing Hardware
2: First Rendezvous
3: Adopt and Adapt
4: Frictions
5: Trying Again
6: End of the Year
7: Back in Business
8: Exchanging Crew

Edited by SBKerman
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Episode 1: Testing Hardware

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Episode 2: First Rendezvous

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  On 6/15/2017 at 4:32 PM, Alpha 360 said:

Impressive work. Also amazing use of Tantares, one of the more beautiful and diverse mods out there. Good idea on this alternate history, and good job writing it. 


Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it. Also, I fully agree about Tantares. 'Tis an excellent mod.

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Episode 3: Adopt and Adapt

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Episode 4: Frictions

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Episode 5: Trying Again

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Episode 6: End of the Year

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Episode 7: Back in Business

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Episode 8: Exchanging Crew

With the Soyuz-YB cleared for manned operations, two missions were planned. The first would be a single day flight to make sure everything was indeed ready. The second was to be paired with a Gemini launch, and the two would dock together in space. To hammer home the importance of this cooperation, one crew member from each side would transfer over and land in the opposite spacecraft. A few years ago, something like this would have been unthinkable. Now, it was about to become reality.

Year 2, Day 97


The roar of the engines echoed across the cosmodrome, as Soyuz YB-1 took off from Baikonur. It formed the prelude to the upcoming docking event, as it would determine the readiness of the new YB craft. Pilot Konstantin Boyarov and flight engineer Iosif Kruchinkin had been chosen for this important task. Riding the controlled explosion that is rocket flight, they were determined to see their mission to a successful end.


Fairing separation and escape tower jettison occurred within seconds of the predicted time. Once the first stage had burned out, the second stage took over and completed the orbital insertion. So far, everything was going according to plan.


Coasting at 126 x 143 km, the two cosmonauts encountered the first and only problem. Despite assurance from the manufacturer that this would not happen, the cover protecting the docking port failed to jettison, just as it had on Soyuz Y-5. Available options were discussed, ending with the decision to have Kruchinkin do an EVA and attempt to remove the cover manually.


After having secured the tether device to the now integrated mounting point, Kruchinkin moved out to the tip of the spacecraft and began losening the bolts holding the cover in place. It was a dangerous job, seeing as these were explosive bolts which could go off if handled incorrectly. Luckily, this did not happen. With the cover gone, Kruchinkin rejoined Boyarov, and the flight continued.


Once the full one day duration had been completed, Soyuz YB-1 reentered Earth's atmosphere. Licked by flames, the descent module fell back towards the ground. Inside, the crew prepared for the last part of the mission; testing of the new parachute system.


The added drogue chute opened and began slowing down the capsule. When the ideal speed and altitude was reached, the drogue was cut and the main parachute deployed. Boyarov reported a smooth ride all the way to touchdown.

Year 2, Day 141


The go-ahead had been given to continue with the docking mission. On day 141, Soyuz YB-2 launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, carrying a veteran crew. Timofei Toropov of Soyuz Y-1 and Y-4 made his third trip to space. He was joined by Yakov Melekhov, who had flown on Soyuz Y-2 and with Toropov on Y-4.


Once in orbit, the crew received word that the Gemini launch had been postponed due to bad weather. This was actually a welcomed delay, as it gave them time to work on a familiar problem; the docking port cover had once again failed to jettison. A state funded "vacation" to Siberia surely awaited certain select managers at the manufacturer. Melekhov donned his spacesuit, and like Iosif Kruchinkin before him, went outside to remove the cover manually. There were some concerns from the American side that the free-floating cover could pose a threat to the spacecrafts during docking, but they were assured by their Soviet counterparts that this would not be the case.


A day later, weather at the Cape had cleared and the launch was go. This flight also presented a familiar face in Arthur Mccoy, who had been the third member of Soyuz Y-4 together with Toropov and Melekhov. Gemini Utopia 5 was piloted by Kevin Larson, the only rookie of the mission.


Once in space, the crew of GU-5 waited for the time dictated by orbital mechanics, at which point Larson fired the Gemini engines for the intercept. A few more engine burns brought the American and Soviet spacecrafts together, allowing for the docking maneuvers to take place. Moving in ever so slowly, the tip of the Gemini docking probe finally connected with the port on the Soyuz and the two became linked together.


The Gemini-Soyuz combination remained docked for several orbits, during which time, the crews communicated via an intercom system and performed a slew of tests. They also observed Earth and various celestial bodies. On the second day, preparations began for the highlight of the mission; the crew transfer.


Using the tether of the Soyuz, the end of which had been attached near the docking port, Mccoy carefully made his way over to the orbital module of the Soviet spacecraft and entered through the hatch. He was greeted enthusiastically by the host crew in a televised event to the world. Next, it was Melekhov's turn to jump ship so to speak. He reversed Mccoy's tracks and got into the Gemini capsule, where he received a warm welcome by Larson.


Mccoy got to do one more EVA to remove the tether device from the outside of the Soyuz. The two spacecrafts then undocked and moved away from each other. Five days had passed since the launch of YB-1, so it would land first. Firing its engines, it broke orbit and headed for home.


A miscalculation led to the burn being too short. This, in turn, caused the descent module to come down in some uncomfortably rugged terrain. It did make a safe landing however, and the crew was recovered unharmed.


The following day, Gemini Utopia 5, with Larson and Melekhov, made a textbook splash down in the Pacific. The entire mission, one landing aside, had been a complete success. All around the world, people had watched as astronauts and cosmonauts worked together in space. The road now lay open for the main objective of the project; building and manning a space station.

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  On 7/5/2017 at 6:55 PM, NISSKEPCSIM said:

@SBKerman, I believe that you forgot to put your above post in a spoiler. If it's intentional, forgive me for reminding you.


It was done intentionally. I've decided to always keep the latest episode as is and then put it in spoilers whenever I post a new one. Thanks for the comment though and all the likes. It's much appreciated.

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