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On escape trajectory out of the sun....


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I have been playing for a few weeks and really enjoy the game. Ive gotten pretty far with building rockets and such, farthest ive been in 653,567,453,193m Apoapsis, until today.... I built a small ship and launched into the great black void..... and I am not showing signs of stopping. So far I am at 2407G... after the big M after the little m. So my question is has anyone gotten this far or farther...documented.

On my space center it says "On escape trajectory out of the sun", where do you go from this point????

My Stats right now...and still climbing

Time elapsed 4y, 230d, 18h, 10m, 28s

2407G= 2,407,540,300,000m

Vel: 16424m/s

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Hi pumper578, welcome to the KSP community :)

Wow that's pretty far, I have not been that high myself though others may have, and there's nothing out in the black yet except the Space Kraken.

Planets are penciled in for the 0.17 release, though no one knows when that will be.

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Yes, many people have gotten farther, it's pretty much a matter of how long you're willing to let the flight continue.

In the current version of the game, there is no place else to go. There is nothing else in the universe to put an exterior boundary on the Kerbin SOI, so you will never leave it on your current course.

You are pretty close to your hyperbolic excess velocity for your described orbit and if you don't decelerate, your velocity will never fall below 16,394 m/s.

Edit: Not saying your achievement isn't impressive, though. By my calculations, if your ship didn't leave the Kerbin SOI moving at about 12km/s, it almost certainly was capable of doing so. (Assuming you didn't bi-elliptic sundive, that is)

Edited by maltesh
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Thanks for the welcome.

I understood most of the stuff you said except the "the Kraken" and Kerbin SOI. I am assuming a sundive is heading directly into the sun, just missing it and doing a "slingshot" back into space. Yes I seem to be holding steady at around 16400m/s and I am now sitting at 10175G.

I think I am going to just let it go and see how far I can make it.

Thanks for the Noob help

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"SOI" means "sphere of influence". When you are near Kerbin, then Kerbin is the body with the strongest gravitational influence on you. When you are close enough to the Mun then that has more effect on you than Kerbin, and when you get too far away from Kerbin you leave its SoI and are most influenced by Kerbol.

The Kraken is a bug that shows up when you are moving at very high velocity (relative to whatever body you are in the SoI of). When you are moving fast enough PhysX loses a lot of precision and the force calculations between parts of your ship become very inaccurate, and you are liable to see your ship shake itself apart! Generally, you can only trigger this bug by leaving Kerbin's SoI, as you end up moving at the velocity Kerbin has as it orbits Kerbol (which is a heck of a lot) plus the velocity you had just before you left Kerbin's SoI - which is even larger than a heck of a lot.

The Kraken is supposed to be killed in the next release - planets won't be possible if it's still around!

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Then the Kraken has struck already, it shook my thruster and fuel tank off my pod, so now I am just the pod soaring out to the nothing...

This forum has a lot in here, is there a place to see the "high scores" of the members and see what everyone else is doing? I have seen all the ships and such, I just have not run across that page yet.

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