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[0.20] RemoteTech: Relay Network – V


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Is there any way to show all possible connections instead of just active ones? Something like a dimly colored line for other signals in range and a grey line for signals that are blocked or not strong enough (with the line cutting off at the max range of that signal)

Would really help me better understand the mod and figure out where the gaps in my relay are.

Having you current max range beside your path length would also be very useful, and there's a lot of room for it in that box anyway

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I had a quick question. If I have a satellite out beyond Minmus orbit, it's technically still orbiting Kerbin, just super far out.

Does it need to be aimed at specific satellites since its still in Kerbin SOI, or can it just be pointed at kerbin and work? I believe I noticed a couple times where it was relaying off my munar satellites instead of Kerbin Satellites.

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  Shiftyeyesshady said:
I had a quick question. If I have a satellite out beyond Minmus orbit, it's technically still orbiting Kerbin, just super far out.

Does it need to be aimed at specific satellites since its still in Kerbin SOI, or can it just be pointed at kerbin and work? I believe I noticed a couple times where it was relaying off my munar satellites instead of Kerbin Satellites.

If it is in Kerbin SOI, you will need to target a satellite, only once you change to Minmus SOI will the targeting Minmus work.

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As you approach minmus, however, your antenna may find a closer command within reach at minmus, and your 'shortest path to a command pod' may change from your dish to the antenna on its wat to a minms SOI based ship.

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  Chocki said:
If it is in Kerbin SOI, you will need to target a satellite, only once you change to Minmus SOI will the targeting Minmus work.

Crap, so even though it's orbiting out past minmus, it needs specific targeting because its still technically in Kerbin SOI. Time to launch a new module then.

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  matgg said:
Remember that you need to take in account Kerbins radius of 0.6Mm when doing these calculations, so therefore c is equal to 4.9Mm, so it could be possible that the satellites have a greater than 90 degree phase angle from the one that is in range of KSC and thus won't complete a network. […]

Oh man. You may be right, of course they aren't exactly 90°. In fact both are slightly larger than 90°. This darn apsides without the orbited body's radius ;) Thank you for your help! This also explains why pointing a parabolic antenna works, as this increases the range of the dipole antenna on the other satellite.

[edit]Okay yay mathematics: Only 2 * arcsin((0.5 * 5000 km) / (600 km + 2868 km)) = 92.253801° farther out and you are out of range. There isn't much margin.[/edit]


Edited by xZise
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  Athlonic said:
Nice update thanks !

So I can confirm, gamepad throttle working like a charm and no more "1fps lag" issue on re entry when antennas blows away. Excellent.

Now a little story if you don't mind :

I had a unmanned probe already on orbit with stock long antenna (deployed).

When installing RemoteTech stock compatibility mod, these antennas were retracted when loading the flight, so the 2km range made the probe lifeless.

Luckily I had also a ship orbiting in the vicinity, so I went on EVA and thanks to the EVA override antenna command I saved the probe.

Done, time to head back to the ship.

Later when the probe passed over the KSP control center ... We had a contact ! :)

Edit : WTH ? is it just me or Kerbin is looking horrible (textures) ???

You were quiet lucky to have some kerbals up there :) I had equipped satellites all over the place and had to go the dear old persistence file to open one antenna up to reestablish com. If anyone else can't find an in game solution to that, here's a link to how i did it :) -> http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32138-Problem-with-Compatibility-patch-for-Remotetech

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This is probably somewhere in this thread, But frankly I don't really want to go digging for it. How does one make a command module work as both a remote control and an antenna/dish?

I tried adding both modules (ModuleRemoteTechSPU & RemoteTechAntennaCore). Maybe I've done something wrong with the code I'm not sure but I cant seem to get it to function as both a remote control and Antenna and/or Dish. I'm trying to make the LH Thor and Voyager probes work without slapping on extra stuff.

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  Subcidal said:
This is probably somewhere in this thread, But frankly I don't really want to go digging for it. How does one make a command module work as both a remote control and an antenna/dish?

I tried adding both modules (ModuleRemoteTechSPU & RemoteTechAntennaCore). Maybe I've done something wrong with the code I'm not sure but I cant seem to get it to function as both a remote control and Antenna and/or Dish. I'm trying to make the LH Thor and Voyager probes work without slapping on extra stuff.

I was able to do this just fine with all my command pods. Both the RemoteTechSPU module, and I copied the antenna module section from the standard dipole antenna. Now all pods have RemoteTech functionality and a basic antenna without having to add on extra parts.

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The command module requires a manned capsule to work. Those little kerbanauts are the ones issuing orders, and don't need communication with the base to do what is asked of them :) No line of sight is necessary with base, I believe, whether it is for that pod or all probes it commands.

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  Castun said:
I was able to do this just fine with all my command pods. Both the RemoteTechSPU module, and I copied the antenna module section from the standard dipole antenna. Now all pods have RemoteTech functionality and a basic antenna without having to add on extra parts.

Ah that did the trick. Not sure why I didn't try that in the first place TBH. Thanks for the help anywhom.

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Sorry if this is buried in the thread somewhere. Does RemoteTech interact with the ISA MapSat and Kethane mods, i.e. can I use those scanners on unmanned probes if they're out of range?

The probe is still functional, only it can't toggle sas, change directions, move, or change throttle, and stage, that's it, all the rest relies solely on electricity. So yes, isa map will continue to do it's work and so should kethane utilities. :)

Edited by Aknar
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I believe I may have mentioned this before, but there's a problem with the fact that RemoteTech intercepts the SAS setting to set the flight computer to KillRot. Namely, this precludes the use of "normal" SAS that doesn't fight steering inputs.

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Hey anyone know why i am not getting any control delay to my probe? There should be like a minute and a half control delay, but everything is instant. Any ideas?


Edited by SixthFall
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I have heard of the ModularManager bug with the B5 pack and I have made an optional separate probe parts for Remotetech and it should be avaliable soon. If you guys have any issues with permissions, please let me know and ill set it as private until I get it authorized

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  Gefrierbrand said:
Hey Everyone!

This is such a great mod, and I especially love the new AeroProbe!

But I can't figure out where this thing has it's decoupler which can be activated in the right-click menu.

Any help here?

If it's like the MicroSat, you can activate it with an action group hotkey too if you assign it in the VAB. I don't think you can decouple it with staging. It should then just detach from the attachment node.

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  Gefrierbrand said:
Hey Everyone!

This is such a great mod, and I especially love the new AeroProbe!

But I can't figure out where this thing has it's decoupler which can be activated in the right-click menu.

Any help here?

just like the MicroSat it decouples from its surface-attach node.

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