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[0.20] RemoteTech: Relay Network – V


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Is it possible to make the animation of the dishes work without the .dll ?

Most of the animations can be managed by the stock animation module. In some of the parts that have multiple independent animations might get some problems, since the stock animation module doesn't support multi animations as well as RT. When it comes to the target tracking dishes, you will of course loose that functionality, but the animation should play just fine.

i replace both the module and resource text with only the module one from remotetech ?

Only replace the module. Deleting the resource definition only removes the resource and has no effect on RemoteTech.

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Most of the animations can be managed by the stock animation module. In some of the parts that have multiple independent animations might get some problems, since the stock animation module doesn't support multi animations as well as RT. When it comes to the target tracking dishes, you will of course loose that functionality, but the animation should play just fine.

And what about the module made by Sjno for Firespitter ?

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And what about the module made by Sjno for Firespitter ?

You'll have to ask him, I don't know his code. In any case dish targeting will not work unless using the corresponding RT module.

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You'll have to ask him, I don't know his code. In any case dish targeting will not work unless using the corresponding RT module.

Dish targeting is a minor detail. I just want the animation for now. I'm not confortable with Remotetech but the dishes look great. Maybe one day I'll try RT again. Anyway, thanks for your aswers :)

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Hello! Does anyone knows, is there any hope to make ASAS control of remote probes act as in stock instead of just kill rotation? Mod is amaizing, but this bug annihilates all the fun -_-"

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So by the way, am I the only one who has issues with the path drawing? Sometimes it'll draw no path at all, sometimes it'll draw a path across an area with no satellites, sometimes it draws ridiculous paths that does not represent the shortest point.

I imagine with the RT overhaul in works (holy **** I can't wait!) this won't be a priority to fix, just wondering what it is. I'm assuming it's a plugin conflict but it's not a big enough deal for me to care to sort it out.

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So by the way, am I the only one who has issues with the path drawing? Sometimes it'll draw no path at all, sometimes it'll draw a path across an area with no satellites, sometimes it draws ridiculous paths that does not represent the shortest point.

hmm... sounds very odd indeed. I've never heard of, or experienced, that bug before.

I imagine with the RT overhaul in works (holy **** I can't wait!) this won't be a priority to fix, just wondering what it is. I'm assuming it's a plugin conflict but it's not a big enough deal for me to care to sort it out.

Thankfully it would seem to only be a visual bug. I won't be able to test it for quite some time, since my pc has just died quite horribly and I'm relegated to my tablet until I can fix/replace whatever part failed.

It survived just long enough to complete work on my thesis and all RT related data is backed up. So nothing is lost.

Barring any very serious bugs, I won't be developing the current source any further, and will wait until Cilph has completed his work. Whenever that happens I will be going through the new source and ensure that existing features are equally implemented, alongside the awesome new features Cilph is working on.

I still have a considerable IRL workload, and could become very busy with both work and implementation of the findings of my thesis, so it is possible that I will need to take a hiatus from developing RT. If that happens I will of course let you all know, and make sure that the plugin isn't left in development limbo. Whenever I have time to actually play KSP, I'd want my own favorite plugin to still be functional ;)

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JDP! You really should add a new feature: Remote Rover!


Just like playing remote car..

We are playing remote cart in KSP! FTW!!

Ok.. my true purpose is: myself run a rover, then i remote another rover or multiple rover to follow me...

kinda creepy, but, its awesome! imagine 100 rover(lol?) running together =D

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hmm... sounds very odd indeed. I've never heard of, or experienced, that bug before.

Thankfully it would seem to only be a visual bug. I won't be able to test it for quite some time, since my pc has just died quite horribly and I'm relegated to my tablet until I can fix/replace whatever part failed.

It survived just long enough to complete work on my thesis and all RT related data is backed up. So nothing is lost.

It appears the bug happens only on low end PC.. not sure..

My latop is REALLY old.. its from 2008, and it can barely run to about 10FPS.

And at that time, Path Drawing are all totally screwed.. (yeah, I mean totally screwed! not screwed..)

Well, if I don't rotate the camera it looks fine, but if I starts rotating it, its like... uh... twisted lasers? I dont know xD

Btw, that visual bug was reported long time ago.. but You never actually solved it >_>

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It appears the bug happens only on low end PC.. not sure..

My latop is REALLY old.. its from 2008, and it can barely run to about 10FPS.

And at that time, Path Drawing are all totally screwed.. (yeah, I mean totally screwed! not screwed..)

Well, if I don't rotate the camera it looks fine, but if I starts rotating it, its like... uh... twisted lasers? I dont know xD

Btw, that visual bug was reported long time ago.. but You never actually solved it >_>

10fps man your lucky try doing it on 1-3 at max

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JDP! You really should add a new feature: Remote Rover!

Actually, it's already implemented. Any ship with wheels can have its attitude computer put into "rover mode" (a button will appear in the top of the window.

You can access the flight computer of any RT vessel in contact wit the network and within a 2 km radius of whatever ship you are currently controlling through the "CTRL" button in the "list comsats" menu. That way you can fly/drive any number of ships in formation.

It appears the [jiggly line]bug happens only on low end PC.. not sure..

Indeed that is a known bug. It's due to rendering issues where the line is drawn slightly out of sync with the mapview camera. tmk this issue has been fixed in the new draw method Cilph is working on.

Is there a way to attach the aviation lights mod parts to the wing tips of the aeroprobe?

Sadly no. attachment nodes can't be animated, and since the wing folds in on itself the lights would appear as floating in space. Therefore I've dissalowed any attachment on the wings. You can put as many as you like on the body though.

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Actually, it's already implemented. Any ship with wheels can have its attitude computer put into "rover mode" (a button will appear in the top of the window.

You can access the flight computer of any RT vessel in contact wit the network and within a 2 km radius of whatever ship you are currently controlling through the "CTRL" button in the "list comsats" menu. That way you can fly/drive any number of ships in formation.

Indeed that is a known bug. It's due to rendering issues where the line is drawn slightly out of sync with the mapview camera. tmk this issue has been fixed in the new draw method Cilph is working on.

Sadly no. attachment nodes can't be animated, and since the wing folds in on itself the lights would appear as floating in space. Therefore I've dissalowed any attachment on the wings. You can put as many as you like on the body though.

Talk about the window popup when clicking CTRL button. It works perfectly fine on the first click..

But after I close it, and I try open it again, it simply just appear and then disappear (flash once).

And I tried to reload the game by re-enter the vessel, reselecting career. Neither of them solves the problem =(


So MechJeb won't activate ASAS on its own when it's doing its maneuvers - I can turn it on manually, but MechJeb isn't activating it autonomously. Is there a fix behind this? Thank you!

I think MJ already activating ASAS automatically when it is on the right course..

But sadly when you try controls ur vessel, it disable the ASAS automatically, again..

Also, if ur vessel is kept shaking (and not being tear into pieces), MJ won't activate ASAS, too...

And, I don't think MJ needs to activate ASAS, because MJ is basically a Much More Advanced version of ASAS..

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10fps man your lucky try doing it on 1-3 at max

I have less than 1 when maxed =\

PS: How do I delete my post?

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The experience with RemoteTech so far has been fantastic. I love having to plan step-by-step expansions to reach further and further into the System.

That being said, I have 2 questions puzzling me while my kerbals reach out for the stars:

  1. Energy requirements seem to be really low, if I'm not misreading this, I can support 20+ SatDish 9000 (1.7E/min) with a single PB-NUK. Is this intentional or is something wrong with my setup?
  2. I'm thinking about mounting a few Voyager/Pioneer style missions (small probes reaching for the far edges of the system). It seems kinda ridiculous to mount a SD9k to an otherwise kerbal-sized probe with a single ion drive. Would it be possible to have smaller dishes with a high range but being restricted to small craft? The way it is now I can't really see a way to realize my idea.

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The experience with RemoteTech so far has been fantastic. I love having to plan step-by-step expansions to reach further and further into the System.

That being said, I have 2 questions puzzling me while my kerbals reach out for the stars:

  1. Energy requirements seem to be really low, if I'm not misreading this, I can support 20+ SatDish 9000 (1.7E/min) with a single PB-NUK. Is this intentional or is something wrong with my setup?
  2. I'm thinking about mounting a few Voyager/Pioneer style missions (small probes reaching for the far edges of the system). It seems kinda ridiculous to mount a SD9k to an otherwise kerbal-sized probe with a single ion drive. Would it be possible to have smaller dishes with a high range but being restricted to small craft? The way it is now I can't really see a way to realize my idea.

AIES has Voyager's High Gain Dish, Magnetometer boom and Low Gain Antennas.

There seems to be two 2.5m engines, one with thrust vectoring and more power with less weight than the other with the same ISP, is this intended?

I had to re-install the remotetech pack

Probe parts


And comparison to remotetech dishes and antennae


On the left are the omni-directional antennas (yes, even the big round things). There is a 2.50Mm static little gold square and circle, 5Mm extending rod, 8km extending truss with the remotetech 9Mm telescoping red and white, dipole 5Mm and RC 2.50Mm antenna are shown for comparison. The small depoyable white plate is 8Mm, the large deployable plate is 10Mm.

In the centre is the 50Mm dishes. A deployable small dish on a boom (50Mm), 3 armed dish (50Mm) shown next to the remotetech probodobodyne 50Mm and new MiniDish Jr tracking 50Mm.

On the right truss is the 50Gm dishes. with the 6 armed 60Gm dish, deployable 55Gm dish shwon with the remotetech 50Gm and new tracking MacroDish sr. 50GM.

In the rear is the 900Gm selection, with the remotetech SatDish 9000 with the AIES 900Gm dish,

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