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Need a C# partner to help me finnish my rss mod

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I almost finished my mod, all my parts are in ksp working fine, i just need a easy c# work to incorporate a few modules together.

Is there anyone available to team up with me?

My mod consist of a near future type rss craft that uses atmospheres to slow down, inline greenhouse, fission reactor, engineering and ion engines.

I am stuck at:

I have done my part animations and can trigger them but I need to make other stuff happen when I trigger those animation.

             -Like starting a reactor will trigger animation too and trigger emmissives.

             -Air intake opens and triggers Bridge Shutter animation upon entering an atmosphere

Basically "combining" modules already doing those things


Thank you

Edited by Veganbill
conformity :)
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2 hours ago, Benjamin Kerman said:

So you need right click menus for the new parts, which will trigger animations. Are there any game mechanics being added?


I can add right click menu item like turn lights on. I use a module from another mod that turns on emmissives for that.

I can also add right click menu item that starts that parts animation.

I can also add right click menu item to start a fission reactor.

I'd like the three modules (emissives, start reactor and animation) to be triggered at same time using same right click menu item.  (Starting the reactor produces heat/electricity, triggers the part animation and makes it glow)


For my other part i need my ships window shutters to close automatically (trigger its animation) when it enters an atmosphere to protect the bridge. My ships superpower is its ability to take on extreme heat as it deorbits using a planets atmosphere so that would be cool.


Thanks for the reply. I was gonna give up.

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