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Generic IVAs for mods without IVAs

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Hi all, 

I've got a lot of mods installed with hundreds of command pods without any IVA what soever. 

So I was thinking, maybe I could write a MM patch that looks for all command pods that have crew capacity of  x and assign a default pod to it. 

So my idea is that the patch looks for mods that you might already have installed, picking the best one available and falling back to standard squad parts when it can't find a good match.

Can anyone help complete the table below? Or is there a mod pack out there with generic IVA's for pods?




Editied  - Added 5 man pod

Crew Capacity Alternative IVA's
Crew Capacity IVA Name 
1 mk1PodCockpit   -  SQUAD
2 landerCabinInternals - SQUAD
3 PodCockpit  - SQUAD
4 PodCockpit - SQUAD
5 RodanCockpit - TundraExploration
6 inlineCmdPodinternals - NearFutureSpacecraft
7 mk4-1pod-internals - NearFutureSpacecraft
8 ?





	  name = mk1PodCockpit
		name = landerCabinInternals

		name = PodCockpit

		name = MK3_Cockpit_Int

		name = RodanCockpit

	  name = inlineCmdPodinternals

	  name = mk4-1pod-internals


Edited by genericeventhandler
Added 5 man pod, still need an 8 man to finish it off.
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26 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

Are you hoping for IVAs that look especially generic or nondescript here? Or are you just looking for any sort of IVA to repurpose, even if it clearly doesn't look the same from the inside as it looks on the outside?

Any IVA,  pod like is better, but anything will do. I hate for them to be sat in the deepest blackness, or in some cases, floating in space with a docking clamp in front of them. 

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3 minutes ago, MacLuky said:

Just create a mm patch re-use an existing Iva 

Yep that's what I'm trying to do, this is what I have so far. 


	  name = mk1PodCockpit
		name = landerCabinInternals

		name = PodCockpit

		name = MK3_Cockpit_Int


What I'm trying to find is other mods out there that have IVA's for bigger crews. 



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3 hours ago, Benjamin Kerman said:

Just make sure to credit those authors, and before using, ask them for their permission. 

No permissions are required here. He is offering a config file for download that redistributes nothing from the mods they are referencing. If he were to offer the actual IVA spaces for download - then yes, he would need to comply with the original licenses.

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