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Kerbal Express Airlines - Regional Jet Challenge (Reboot)


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  On 9/12/2017 at 1:11 PM, TheEpicSquared said:

@Mjp1050 Suggestion: There shouldn't be an altitude limit of 15,000m for the supersonic category. For me at least, it's incredibly difficult to get a supersonic cruise at a good fuel burn rate and speed (not to mention overheating) at an altitude of less than 15km. 


Changed. I meant to post an announcement, but I'm glad that people are taking to it already.

  6 hours ago, TheEpicSquared said:

Yeah, I guess. I was thinking basically something that would make us build bigger planes. But I think 120+ passengers is a good amount. :)  


There's just no pleasing you, is there? :wink:

  On 9/12/2017 at 1:51 PM, sevenperforce said:

Wanna reiterate the need for cabin count rebalancing.


I've been thinking about that, but I don't want to fundamentally rewrite the challenge after so many people have submitted entries. The cabins are going to stay as they are for now, for better or for worse.

  On 9/12/2017 at 6:35 PM, Cabbink said:

@Mjp1050Is thrust editing  (editing the engine so it burns faster, and stronger). It does not change the isp or  fuel consumption ratio. Just makes it burn faster.


No editing the parts. If you can edit the parts, then nothing's stopping you from making a Wheesley with the thrust of a Mammoth, and I'm not allowing that.

Also, I'm not going to factor in different atmospheric radiation levels. That's too hardcore.

  On 9/12/2017 at 7:34 PM, Cabbink said:

How about saftey features as a catagory? It could be a good add-on to any plane. 


I don't know how I'd judge that, because you can add any number of, say, fire extinguishers to your plane and it wouldn't affect the price. I'm not placing much value on the interiors for the same reason.

But if you want to add a tangible safety feature, like parachutes, I'll take note of that.

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  On 9/12/2017 at 7:52 PM, AeroGav said:

I vote for Euro-NCAP style crash testing.    Screechcraft Corporation already conducts its own internal validation.    Here are the results of the frontal impact test, conducted at stall speed :


Na, just raise them to cruising altitude and cut all the engines.

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Tungsten Chickens Presents Boatee


 Priced at :funds:56 601 000  It is one of the most expensive sea planes. While designing we didn't think about price but comfort, which is why plane includes things as wider Mk2 cabins, Ramjet engines for faster travel, built in internet and emergency communications.
While this plane can crash land on water at speeds over 215km/h (60m/s) It can also sustain flight at speeds over Mach 3 if needed.
When flying offically only turbofan engines shoulf be flown at altitude of 200m and speed of 330m/s, unoficially however plane can reach speeds up to 1200m/s at altitude of 17 000

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Kerman & Kerman aviation is proud to present: The Kerman Dove:



Abel to reach anywhere on kerban with 128 comfortable passengers, the dove is one of the most advanced aircraft on the market. The modular system allows this plane to fit any need that may arise, from cargo, to extra fuel, to scientific equipment, it can do it all, and all interchangeable within hours, and the unique passenger ejection system ensures a near 100% survival rate for any in air accidents. well its price of  may seem like a lot, lets check how it does in the categories required:

  • Range of at least 1500km: our personal estimates have put it at the capacity to reach anywhere on kerban: Better than needed!
  • Cruising Speed of at least 240 m/s: We an hit 241.2 m/s: What is needed!
  • At minimum 72 Passengers: can carry 96 passengers: Better than needed!

Some may say that the part number of  parts may be expensive to maintain (coming in at 78), however we are sure it will make up for it in the lack of lawsuits, not to mention lower insurance cost. 

It leans a little right on takeoff, but it can be easily corrected.

It is meant to be flown in between 1200 and 3000 meters.


Main: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36qizi62fgewx35/Kerman Dove.craft?dl=0


Cargo module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/frglq96wxwn3be5/Cargo moduler system.craft?dl=0

Passenger module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/24f0g57iqfsb1g7/Passenger moduler system.craft?dl=0

Fuel module: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ovx8euiihbcssyn/Fuel moduler system.craft?dl=0

Science module: Custom made by you!

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Behold! the CPS C-1 "Alice". The C-1[its short name] is a sub & supersonic small plane with a passenger capacity of 48. It has a large fuel capacity, and can fly for decent time, and has afterburners. CPS C-1 Has the ability to safely land itself, with the possible loss of engines. This commercial plane is one of the fastest, at Mach 2.83.

Toggle modding, lots of fuel, and high gimbals and control surfaces
Very nice Views
Moderately quick takeoff
Safety System

Harder to Fly
Costly(Panther Engines)
Low Electric Charge

Cost: 65,150,000
Crew Capacity: 48(Base Model)
Distances:2872.0476-2366.89 km, Depending on mode
Top Speeds: Mach 1-2.83, Depending on mode
Recommended Height: 0-8 km
Fuel Variant: Lower TWR, Higher Fuel Capacity and distance.

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Cargo Variant: Lots of storage, Much Higher TWR(Without Cargo

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Micro Variant: More Fuel, Smaller.

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I'm loving the entries so far, folks. Keep 'em coming!

  On 9/12/2017 at 8:26 PM, sevenperforce said:

What if we build a plane with actual seats?


The command seats? Feel free; the rules state that:

  On 9/10/2017 at 8:17 PM, Mjp1050 said:

Command seats can be used, but you must build a cabin around them.



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Here's Factory No.653's offering in Medium regional jet category.
Aircraft was designed to fulfil Kerboflot's need for replacement long endurance airliner to gradually retire Ka-114. Being reliable, powerful and safe platform Ka-62's deriatives go on to serve as airliners, cargo haulers, tankers, AEW aircraft and maritime patrol aircraft just as previous Ka-114 and satellite launcher carrier being added to it's many tasks.

Part count is 47 and it can carry "72+2".
Recommended cruising altitude is 5000-6300 metres.
Recommended cruising speed is 285 m/s. 
Theoretical max range with full fuel load of 7046 units is 2600km and some change.
7046 /0,76 * 285 / 1000m
Takeoff speed is about 60 m/s with full fuel load, landing speed around 50 m/s.

Catastrophic failure of inboard engine at Vr and subsequent loss of half of engine power was tested during development. Aircraft was found to be able fly and remain controllable even if three engines fail. Ka-62 passed both engine failure and water ditching tests with flying colours.


Zavod 653's staff recommends installation of better avionics for more pleasant flight.


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Kerman and Kerman aviation is proud to submit its second medium range Aircraft: the Kerman Stingray!


We have decided that what amounted to (lets be honest) manipulating unbalanced seat rules, we have decided to submit  The kerman stingray is something more in the spirit of the contest. (Note that this does NOT mean that the kerman Dove is dropping out). The Kerman stingray is capable of taking 72 comfy passengers anywhere on Kerban. the fuel efficient engines are perfect for less commonly traveled routs. It is a stable flier able to go long ranges with very little input. Some features include: Long range, a coffee machine, windows, and a young child kicking your seat.*

Take off speed:75 m/s

Cruising alt: 3000 m

Crusing speed: 242 m/s

Range: All of Kerban

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3k09ft9jrmgup8e/Kerman Stingray.craft?dl=0

*Not included in aircraft, but guaranteed in flight

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Screechcraft Corporation announces two new variants of their Starship SST

Both versions have the same wing, landing gear, cockpit and cabin.    However by changing out its engines we hope to broaden its appeal.


Screechcraft Starship  NEO  (New Engine Option)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivixv2o2xwfn2oa/Screechcraft Starship NEO.craft?dl=0



For customers who don't require supersonic performance,  the  three Panthers have been replaced by single Wheesley.   This high bypass turbofan is quieter and even more economical than the non afterburning Panther engines of the SST.    Since the ultra long range of the SST has been found superfluous to requirements,  some of the wing tanks have had their plumbing and sealing removed, lowering fuel capacity.   Care has been taken to remove fuel tanks at both ends of the ship to retain the SST's inherent balance in all fuel states.

The aircraft's range is such that we still expect many of it's routes to operate under EROPS protocols (Engines Running Or Passengers Swimming).    For this reason a pair of oversized APUs were fitted in place of the outboard motors.    These provide sufficient thrust that the aircraft can keep flying if the Wheesley fails, albeit at reduced speed and altitude,  and can also assist in takeoff and climb.    They are normally shut down in cruise as their fuel consumption is nowhere near as good as the main turbofan.

Recommended Cruising speed 235 m/s at 10km, fuel burn 0.054.   Fuel capacity 700 Kallons.

Screechcraft Starship  SOT  (Sub Orbital Tourism)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/r30cx2ybpkj6t7h/Screechcraft Starship SOT.craft?dl=0


Developed in secret as a secret side project by Screechcraft engineers, while they were supposed to be working on the NEO,  this variant is straight out of the leftfield.   There is much speculation this may have had something to do with Valentina Kerman's secondment as a test pilot.

For the SOT , the afterburner was reinstalled on the centre engine,  and the outboards replaced by nuclear thermal engines running off the same fuel supply as the Panther.    The NERVs' much higher weight caused a rearward shift in CoM,  which necessitated moving the canard rearward to suit.  In addition, the rearward shift in CG caused more of the fuel tanks to lay ahead of CoM ,  so to prevent shifts in CG as fuel is used,  the trim tank ahead of the cockpit was reduced in size, and the engine's air intake relocated from the outboard nacelles to this newly vacated space.

Hypersonic flight also necessitated replacing the civilian radome with a heat resistant fairing, under which are located some reaction wheels, some RTGs and even a small docking port.   However, use of the docking port would necessitate jettisoning the fairing, which may result in damage to the aforementioned components on re-entry.

The nuclear reactors emit hard x-rays in all directions when active, but a radiation "shadow shield" covers the side facing the passenger cabin.   Needless to say, use of these engines while overflying  populated areas below 15km is expressly forbidden.      In addition,  after shutdown they continue to emit residual radiation for some time.   After landing , passengers should be directed to walk away from the aircraft in the direction that the nose is pointing, and under no circumstances be allowed to congregate under the bell nozzles taking "selfies".

One still unresolved problem is that the aircraft's restroom has been discovered to malfunction in a rather unpleasant fashion in microgravity .

Flight Procedures

AG1 - Afterburner

AG3 - Nukes 

Takeoff -  Do not attempt any nose-up trim until V1. Allow airplane to lift off by itself, which it will do at 126m/s   V1 is 100 m/s.    

Failure Drill  -  Before V1 -  apply maximum braking, it should be possible to stop.   If engine fails after 100 m/s, immediately activate nukes , enable SAS and immediately select Prograde hold.   Retract gear as soon as possible and keep wings level.   So long as airplane has 90 m/s after engine failure and provided you keep Prograde ,  airplane can sustain flight on nuke power only.   Do not attempt to turn back until over 2000m however.

Supersonic -  As speeds exceed 240 m/s, engage Prograde Hold , if not already selected.   Airplane will oscillate in a series of shallow dives and climbs.    When airplane is nosing over to begin a dive, and close to mach 1,  activate nukes.   Leave nukes running till over 420 m/s or pitch angle exceeds 10 degrees climb.   

At this point, it is probably best to take over and try to manage climb rate. Try to level off at just under 14km for the speed run.   Once you hit 730 m/s , activate nukes and go back on prograde hold.  .   Just make roll corrections to stay on heading 90 degrees.   At 36km Navball switches to Orbit mode.  Manually switch back to surface mode so that the Prograde autopilot keeps the airplane pointing into the airflow as efficiently as possible.

Re-entry  (untested) - moderate pitch angles 5-10 degrees above prograde should be sufficient.   If overshooting the space centre, raise the nose for additional drag.  If undershooting, go closer to prograde.    Let it cool down for a few hours before attempting re-entry, the ascent profile generates a lot of heat.




Specification Comparison 

All models have seating capacity of 40.   All can fly at less than 35m/s when fully loaded, and none will stall or tail strike.   All have crumple zone technology and pass frontal impact test on VAB at min flight speed.


Cost 42,899

Passenger-KM per Kallon - 791,695


Cost 105, 612

Fuel use 1610 to LKO (typ)


Cost 35, 161

Passenger-KM per Kallon - 626,666

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Fægir Industries is curious to see if the regional passenger plane market can support low volume, rough field operations.  As a test we have designed this Short TakeOff and Landing (STOL) passenger plane for short range flights to or from unpaved airstrips or unprepared areas.  Fægir Industries is also hoping to tap the private sector with this product, as well as the emergency services market.


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Latitude Aerospace Group

We humbly submit these aircraft for your consideration.

The Monarc P4, the latest generation of our Monarc series of aircraft. It has a very comfortable passenger cabin for 32 kerbals. With its extreme range, this aircraft can tank fuel from airfield to airfield. The cruising speed is 225m/s @ 6000m. The initial cost of 41,270,000 can be offset by the ease of maintenance (38 parts) and fuel savings by only purchasing fuel at airfields of your choice.



Flight notes; Takeoff and landing speed - 65m/s: max climb rate - 20m/s: stall speed - 50m/s

From our experimental group we have the Hope series airframe. With good flight dynamics, we are positive your pilots will enjoy flying these planes. As you are looking for supersonic aircraft, we setup a demo craft with a couple J-X4 Whiplash for your testing. The final aircraft will have a passenger capacity of 48 kerbals. This specific version has a service ceiling of 15000m and a cruise speed of 1300m/s (mach 4.4). The base cost of the airframe is 36,266,000. The cost as setup is 51,426,000 with 62 parts.

This aircraft can be setup with any engine you request.



Flight notes; takeoff and landing speed - 65m/s: stall speed - 45m/s: climb at 50m/s at 250m/s to 10000m, then reduce climb rate to 30m/s and increase throttle until you reach 1300m/s: don't deploy the airbrakes if your speed is above 1000m/s, they will overheat and explode. 


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Test Pilot Review: TSG Aerospace - TSG SP-32-1 "Arrow"


Figures as Tested:

  • Price: :funds:17,418,000
  • Fuel: 410 kallons
  • Cruising speed: 290m
  • Cruising altitude: 7000m
  • Fuel burn rate: 0.09 kal/s
  • Range: 1,300 km

Review Notes:

One of our favorite things about the Arrow was that it was just so fun to fly. We flew it in different scenarios around Kerbin to see how it would react, and we never once felt like the plane was trying to fight us. The performance of the Arrow is exceptional; takeoffs and landings were very smooth and short, thanks to the abundance of flaps on the wings. The flaps are also wonderful at smoothing out turns and climbs, and the engines and main air intake are all located behind the cabins to minimize noise, so we can't imagine receiving any complaints about this aircraft from the customers. We don't think that training pilots to use the Arrow will be much of a hassle either, thanks to the low learning curve, which will cut down on the cost of training. The range is above average, at an estimated 1300 km, and although the fuel consumption is higher that some of its competitors, the Arrow is more than enough to cover any small regional jet routes. The price is quite reasonable, too, at :funds:17 million.

The Verdict:
With a small learning curve, a smooth ride, and wonderful handling, the Arrow is an excellent choice not only for customers but also for pilots. Ordering 10 as training aircraft and 15 for commercial use, and we're leaving our options open to buy more.

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Screechcraft Corporation announces Fulmar turboprop

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4mwuv12va7uhuyg/Screechcraft Fulmar.craft?dl=0


In response to criticism that the Starship NEO was still too expensive ,   a clean-sheet design was made for the the short-haul market.

The major issue in this segment is that single engine operation makes most sense financially,  but this also needs to be squared with passenger safety.

To this end, the Fulmar's only fuel tanks are in jettisonable pods under the outer wing.   In the event of engine failure, fire , or other emergency requiring a forced landing, these separate and descend on their own parachutes so as not to pose a risk to persons on the ground.      Without fuel, the Fulmar's minimum speed is below 20 m/s (it does not stall or tail strike),   and a structural fuselage ahead of the occupied sections provides protection in the event of an impact.


While this enables safe single engine operation over land,   we would still recommend the Starship NEO for crossing long bodies of water.

Operationally, we expect that the use of only two fuel tanks, within easy reach of ground crew, will make refuelling simpler and quicker.

Passengers 32

Cost  18, 401 Kredits

Recommended Cruise setting - 150 m/s at 9000m, 66% throttle.  Fuel burn 0.0042

Passenger Kilometres per Kallon -  342, 857 kerbal km per kallon

Range - 2800km

Comparison with other models 

Starship SST

Passengers 40

Cost 42,899

Passenger-KM per Kallon - 791,695

Range - 11,400km

Cruise - 570m/s

Starship NEO


Passengers 40

Cost 35, 161

Passenger-KM per Kallon - 626,666

Range - 2900km

Cruise - 230m/s

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  On 9/14/2017 at 5:08 AM, Thor Wotansen said:

Fægir Industries is curious to see if the regional passenger plane market can support low volume, rough field operations.  As a test we have designed this Short TakeOff and Landing (STOL) passenger plane for short range flights to or from unpaved airstrips or unprepared areas.  Fægir Industries is also hoping to tap the private sector with this product, as well as the emergency services market.


I recommend that you re-read the submission rules before submitting this plane. I'm going to need at minimum, a download link, a recommended cruising speed and altitude, and the category that you want to enter your plane in.

  On 9/14/2017 at 7:24 AM, AeroGav said:

To this end, the Fulmar's only fuel tanks are in jettisonable pods under the outer wing.   In the event of engine failure, fire , or other emergency requiring a forced landing, these separate and descend on their own parachutes so as not to pose a risk to persons on the ground.      Without fuel, the Fulmar's minimum speed is below 20 m/s (it does not stall or tail strike),   and a structural fuselage ahead of the occupied sections provides protection in the event of an impact.


You'll want to re-read the rules, too. Drop tanks are forbidden.

  On 9/10/2017 at 8:17 PM, Mjp1050 said:
  • Your aircraft must stay intact. [No drop tanks, etc.]

By the way, @AeroGav, do you want me to enter your Screechcraft Starship under the Supersonic Jet category? Only because I created that category after you posted the Starship....

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  On 9/14/2017 at 7:37 AM, Mjp1050 said:

By the way, @AeroGav, do you want me to enter your Screechcraft Starship under the Supersonic Jet category? Only because I created that category after you posted the Starship....


I think it makes more sense.

  On 9/14/2017 at 7:37 AM, Mjp1050 said:

You'll want to re-read the rules, too. Drop tanks are forbidden.


I just created it to test the concept,  break-away fuel tanks have been proposed before for real world liquid hydrogen/liquid methane airplanes.    It's not being done to create a range advantage, it's to test out the idea as something to improve safety.      Would be a lot easier and cheaper to just put the fuel in the fuselage after all.

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  On 9/14/2017 at 7:43 AM, AeroGav said:

I just created it to test the concept,  break-away fuel tanks have been proposed before for real world liquid hydrogen/liquid methane airplanes.    It's not being done to create a range advantage, it's to test out the idea as something to improve safety.      Would be a lot easier and cheaper to just put the fuel in the fuselage after all.


Gotcha. I misunderstood your post.

  On 9/14/2017 at 8:06 AM, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

i'm on it fam. 

btw can i just give you the save with the aircraft on the runway as a submission?



Why the whole save file? I only need the one aircraft.

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  On 9/14/2017 at 8:06 AM, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

i'm on it fam. 

btw can i just give you the save with the aircraft on the runway as a submission? i might make a video on it if you would prefer that



You need to look in "saves" than the game you made it in's name, than "ships", than "sph", and it should be in there.

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  On 9/14/2017 at 11:24 PM, Cabbink said:

Or use Kerbalx or whatever it is.



  On 9/14/2017 at 11:12 PM, logman said:

You need to look in "saves" than the game you made it in's name, than "ships", than "sph", and it should be in there.



  On 9/14/2017 at 5:26 PM, Mjp1050 said:

Gotcha. I misunderstood your post.

Why the whole save file? I only need the one aircraft.


lol i know what to do i'm just too lazy lmao

ps. i got a seaplane ready i'm making the vid


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I know its none of my business, and I have a bit of a biased perspective (being I am currently making my own seaplane), but I don't think a video can accurately portray a plane, not to mention difficulty in finding its range. Videos disguise the faults of planes. I don't think they should be used as a form of submission. It is ultimately up to @Mjp1050, but I think this should be taken into concideration.

Side note: I have discovered I am the only one who can see my current pictures i'm going to fix that soon.

Edit: Fixed pictures

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