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Alternate Parts Creation


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I'm trying to find out if a mod is possible via MM or not. I'm not requesting this, as I'm willing to make it myself, but I certainly won't be upset if someone takes up the torch (in fact I'd be very grateful).


So to explain: I am a huge fan of Ven's Stock Part Revamp. His textures are gorgeous. However, I'm also a huge fan of WildBlue's M.O.L.E. mod. Unfortunately, because the MOLE mod is designed to fit certain parts from stock (namely the Mk1 pod and heat shield), it is clunky (if not impossible) to use both mods.


What I am curious about is if it is possible to use Module Manager to create an "alternate" version of the Mk1 pod and heat shield. Essentially, have a mod that tells the game to create a Mk1A pod and Mk1A heat shield using the vanilla/Squad stats and textures. If someone could tell me if such a mod is possible, I would be most appreciative. If someone could point me to some good resources for figuring out how to make the mod, I would be ecstatic. If someone were to make this mod for me, I would extend my virtual hugs and eternal thanks (since I can't actually hug you on the spot)!

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You can make copies of the cfg files and change their file names then edit various parameters in the files. Module manager not required. It's possible to scale and distort parts and combine two or more models into one part. you can add, move and remove nodes and many other things.

You also have to change the internal part name

    name = fuelTank4-2

And you'll want to change the title and description, perhaps even make your own manufacturer. To do those you change the lines from

title = #autoLOC_500547 //#autoLOC_500547 = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank


title = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank

There was a cfg pack called ReStock. It was started a while ago by Polecat EZ. I took it over for a while but hadn't done anything with KSP for about a year*. I've turned it over to Benjamin Kerman who is going to be making updates to the files to bring them in line with KSP 1.x.x requirements.

*I sent two Kerbals to Gilly and Eve, planted flags on both and brought them back to Kerbin, after doing several trips to the Mun and a mission to Duna and back. Got a bit bored with it. So far all I've been doing with 1.3 is building fighter jets and battling them with BDArmory after launching one rocket to orbit.

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Yes, that should be possible with MM. Here's a patch that should create a duplicate of the stock Mk1 Pod before patched by VensStockRevamp (untested)

	@name = mk1podStock
	@title = Stock Mk1 Pod // or whatever you want

+PART[mk1pod] makes a copy of the part named mk1pod. :BEFORE[VensStockRevamp] tells MM to apply this patch before VensStockRevamp. :FOR[000start] is just for safety (if loaded in alphabetical order this patch will be loaded first); propably not required. Important is that the name for the duplicated part is changed with @name = <something>. Title, Manufacturer, etc can also be changed that way.

Since the duplicate has a different name, other mods may not recognize this part.

Edited by Eleusis La Arwall
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12 hours ago, Galane said:

You can make copies of the cfg files and change their file names then edit various parameters in the files. Module manager not required. It's possible to scale and distort parts and combine two or more models into one part. you can add, move and remove nodes and many other things.

You also have to change the internal part name

    name = fuelTank4-2

And you'll want to change the title and description, perhaps even make your own manufacturer. To do those you change the lines from

title = #autoLOC_500547 //#autoLOC_500547 = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank


title = Rockomax X200-8 Fuel Tank

There was a cfg pack called ReStock. It was started a while ago by Polecat EZ. I took it over for a while but hadn't done anything with KSP for about a year*. I've turned it over to Benjamin Kerman who is going to be making updates to the files to bring them in line with KSP 1.x.x requirements.

*I sent two Kerbals to Gilly and Eve, planted flags on both and brought them back to Kerbin, after doing several trips to the Mun and a mission to Duna and back. Got a bit bored with it. So far all I've been doing with 1.3 is building fighter jets and battling them with BDArmory after launching one rocket to orbit.

I thought about doing this, but I wanted something that I might be distributable in the future.

6 hours ago, Eleusis La Arwall said:

Yes, that should be possible with MM. Here's a patch that should create a duplicate of the stock Mk1 Pod before patched by VensStockRevamp (untested)

	@name = mk1podStock
	@title = Stock Mk1 Pod // or whatever you want

+PART[mk1pod] makes a copy of the part named mk1pod. :BEFORE[VensStockRevamp] tells MM to apply this patch before VensStockRevamp. :FOR[000start] is just for safety (if loaded in alphabetical order this patch will be loaded first); propably not required. Important is that the name for the duplicated part is changed with @name = <something>. Title, Manufacturer, etc can also be changed that way.

Since the duplicate has a different name, other mods may not recognize this part.

That + is the bit I was missing. I kept thinking there must be a way and thought for sure I had seen someone do it before. I'm going to run with this. Would you be opposed to me distributing a complete version for users using MOLE? I would, of course, credit you for the code.

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