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Stock bomber challenge [1.3]

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Make a bomber that drops as many bombs as possible!


1. stock ONLY

2. no F12 menu

3. no mods that add or modify parts! i should be able to fly the bomber if you gave me the save file! mechjeb, KER and other info/visual mods are ok

4. you bomber should be able to bomb the inland KSC and because we are savages, they do not have to return!(unless you want extra points)


1 point/mini bomb: mk0 liquid fuel tank(FULL TANK) with a small nose cone/fairing on each end

2 points/regular bomb: mk1 liquid fuel tank OR small ore tank(FULL TANK) with aerodynamic nose cone/fairing on each end

4 points/mega bomb: Large ore tank(FULL TANK) with protective rocket nose cone/fairing on each end

10 points/potential nuke: Rockomax jumbo-64 fuel tanks aka the orange tank(FULL TANK) with protective rocket nose cone/fairing on each end

30 points/tsar style bomb: a bomb of your design that includes a FULL Kerbodyne S3-14400 fuel tank

Extra points(each worth 1 point):

 'smartass' - add up your score

'home sweet home' - return home in one piece(except without all the bombs that you dropped)

'woah thats big' - have a plane over 200 parts

'accidental circumnavigation' - bomb the inland ksc, go back the long way!

Submission checklist:

-craft file on kerbalx

-at least 15 screenshots preferably on imgur(video proof if you can record your screen)












Edited by TheGuyNamedAlan
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11 hours ago, Jeb federation said:

How about bombs made from small ore tanks? I found that filled ones will take out buildings at ksc:D

ooh that sounds fun! i'll add em in

edit: i made the mega bomb an ore tank and the regular bomb as an option

Edited by TheGuyNamedAlan
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Gonna take a break now, but I got a WIP. I only need to install the bombs. I hope your pc can survive a 227 part ship minus the bombs when I put it on KerbalX.
Gonna get a vid or slideshow when I'm done, maybe today...
It must obliterate all of the KSP and the inland KSC, I'll see where it goes. Bombs will be put on decouplers on the underside of the belly. Hency why I made a lookalike mechanical shock abosorber on the front wheels so it can carry loads being heigthened. screw cargo bays.



Edited by Helmetman
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7 hours ago, Helmetman said:

@TheGuyNamedAlan Gonna work on this now. Just a question....

Is it a problem if I fair the bombs for better looks? Maybe remove the cones themselves (fairing is heavier) I'm a aesthetic kinda guy. probably weighs more but idk

fine with me :) 

edit: a video would be preferred. my laptop doesn't like that many parts, maybe like 3fps lmao

Edited by TheGuyNamedAlan
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