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[DYJ Crew Tank] Space Hotel


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I'm thinking this but change true fuel tanks for crewtanks from the mod section! Space hotel!!


I hope that this will suffice

This has been a huge undertaking, but it has finally paid off, with Kerbin's first orbital space hotel! Weighing in at

130 tons and capable of housing 138 Kerbals, this space station is truly massive (It's almost twice as heavy as

my previous station, the [thread=15893]Colossus[/thread]). Besides the crew tank, it is completely stock.





If you're feeling crazy and want to try flying it yourself, I suggest that you cut the throttle to half when you're between 300 to

400 m/s. You might lose some velocity, but the extra fuel should make up for it (I don't know if this thing has enough fuel

to make orbit without exploiting the fuel bug; I've never tried). Also, feel free to build your own launch vehicle from scratch.

This is just the first design that worked, and could probably be improved greatly.

EDIT: I've added the .craft file for the shuttle.

Edited by Foursh
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Why is it that my initial thought was "This thing could kill SO MANY Kerbals at once.." This is just.. EPIC. I Actually tried something similar with the crew tank but could never get it to line up right so I gave up. Good job getting that to work out right! I could never figure out the spacing from the internal tank to where the ring should be.

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That's pretty Epic.

However I can't get it to Orbit. I think you need to use the fuel bug to do it as you mention. Since the Thrust to Weight is so low, your losing more to gravity loss than drag. Had to check this out since when someone says they put 130 tons to LKO on Stock, it gets my attention because I know the kind of rocket that entails, and it's not easy.

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Amazing! a true talent for building unique space craft. I also really like that Space shuttle any way that we could get a .craft of that? Would really love it and I can't wait to get this thing in orbit!

I've added the .craft file for the shuttle.

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In the event of a a emergency,

how will you save all your kerbal guests?

Since all Kerbals live in their EVA suits, they would immediately exit the Hotel, de-orbit using their personal RCS units, and plunge to their deaths because parachutes for individual Kerbals have not yet been invented.

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