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Realistic Explosions


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I've seen the Blast Awesomeness Modified Mod but the mod just uses the stock explosions. If you see a real rocket failure the explosions are not only more massive but they have a fireball and smoke cloud aftermath that lasts minutes. I've looked in the game files to see if I can slow down the default explosions but I haven't been able to find where they are located. Does anyone know if it is possible to slow down or otherwise modify the default explosions so we get better explosion effects?

Here's what I'm talking about (this looks the most like a kerbal rocket failure IMO) - Caution: Keep volume low, or you might be deafened


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Hi all the stock explosion FX  you see in game are all  packaged in an uneditable asset bundle , along with 90% of the non part textures .

There is a snag with explosions in general,  realistic explosions take a lot of particles to pull off nicely, and the more particles the more it will take of the game to create them  

  Cartoon FX you can have easily and it's fairly low resource use . I'm sure we've all had a game lock up because of a world sized explosion KSP.

  If you've a beast of a machine no problem, but if you're running a laptop/notebooks thing you'd run into trouble with lags, hanging and stuttering pretty quickly. One good boom OK , maybe, but multiple good booms,  even good GFX cards slow down in KSP when that happens

There are a couple of mods that do feature custom explosions, some of them very well done, and  almost all are contained within weapon mods.

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