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Whats your favourite Launch Vehicle?


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I couldn't pick just one. Many different rockets are cool for many different reasons. The extreme reliability of the Ariane 5 ECA, the sheer heritage of the R-7 family, the first stage landing of the Falcon 9, the Kerbal-crazy PSLV XL (it takes of with a TWR of 2.2... then half a minute later, instead of decoupling something, it lights another two SRBs!).

However, the first rocket I ever liked was the Saturn V. I was really young, maybe 4 or 5, when I got a massive book full of things. Like, literally: it was a book where every page was filled with different examples of something (cars, buildings, animals, ships, planes, rockets, trees...). Just pictures, in relative size, and the name of the thing written below it. Out of all the different rockets my 4 year old self saw displayed in that book, the Saturn V stood out. I had no idea what the Saturn V actually did, or how important it had been. In fact, I knew nothing about it other than the name and how it looked. But hot damn it looked great. And it still looks great to me today.

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I'm with @Streetwind here - too hard to choose a single one but I'd go for most of his picks.

Falcon 9 for that whole landing on its tail thing.
Saturn V because giant moon rocket.
R7 family because history and cool design.

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