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UK ISP recommendations


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Okay, so I am moving into my own apartment, soon, and it's the first time I'm going to have to choose my own ISP.

Just interested if any fellow UK residents can recommend me a good ISP that doesn't have monthly download limits, doesn't throttle peer-to-peer connections (at least not too much), or censor my browsing (I'm looking at you, Virgin Media), and makes (fairly) good on its speed promises.

I don't want to be stuck with a terrible ISP for like a year... so this is an important decision.

I'm gonna be in Hemel Hempstead, so if anyone can make suggestions based on that then that'd be cool.

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O2 has been good to me, only issue I had was with the recent network failure, and that was the only one in about four years.

I was with them for 15 months.

12 month contract + 3 rolling.

I was happy, until they kicked for been a heavy user.

Back then; it was 60GB Peak (9am -12pm) an unlimited Non-Peak.

Apparently they disliked 100+ GB Non-Peak traffic a month.. :(

Took out a 6 Month Recuring contract with.. Cant Remember.

Then moved to BT.

Infinity (Option 2)

Expensive £120 Line Rental + £30 Month (18 Month Contract)

But its 40MBits (5MBytes) unlimited (Soon 80MBits :) )

Typically 300-600GB Month, very fast dowloads, an not had a complaint from BT of my excessive usage.

I deffinitly have to recommend the service (No Cable in my area.)

Now the equipment is a little flakky, have my router crash/reset every month, 15 minutes down time. Then back online.

Edited by Seanoog
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Unlimited is an absolute must... but I checked on the BT website, and apparently fibre isn't available in the area yet... but I can get High Speed DSL... roughly 15Mb.

Sky I don't really want to go for, because I know they'll keep trying to sell me their satellite TV service, but I don't want that... I don't watch TV.

So, O2 and BT are good? I'll have a look into those two.

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