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Our Columbia Flag!

Ultimate Steve

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A long time ago, around the time of the early shuttle era (and probably before and after that), my grandfather worked for NASA, specifically at the Lewis Research Center. My family was going through some of his old papers and binders and such, and, well, a picture is worth a thousand words.




I am geeking out so much right now I have no words to explain how much I am geeking out. I've always wanted to own (or at least have the family own) something that has been in space, and all those years, this was sitting in our basement!

It appears that a number of these were flown on STS-3 (although that does not make this one any less special to me at all!). STS-3 was the only shuttle flight to land at White Sands, the first shuttle launch with an unpainted external tank, extensively tested the Canadarm, and carried several experiments in its payload bay.

Plus the flags. You know, the important stuff! :D

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