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Kerbin Infrastructure and Improvements

What are your thoughts vote below PLEASE VOTE AFTER YOU HAVE READ MY POST  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. This is pretty much a survey SEE MY POST PLEASE

    • Research Lab [Complex] (Yes)
    • Research Lab [Complex] (No)
    • Research Lab (Yes)
    • Research Lab (No)
    • Veteran Kerbals (Yes)
    • Veteran Kerbals (No)
    • Intermediate Kerbals (Yes)
    • Intermediate Kerbals (No)
    • Railroads (Yes)
    • Railroads (No)
    • Airports (Yes)
    • Airports (No)
    • Cutscenes for Kerbal Graduation (Yes)
    • Cutscenes for Kerbal Graduation (No)
    • Landing Zones (Yes)
    • Landing Zones (No)
    • Baikonuber REBUILD (Yes)
    • Baikonuber REBUILD (No)
    • Vacuum Chamber (Yes)
    • Vacuum Chamber (No)
  2. 2. Survey Continued SEE MY POST PLEASE

    • Boat Slip (Yes)
    • Boat Slip (No)
    • Polar Station (Yes)
    • Polar Station (No)
    • More Tracking Stations (Yes)
    • More Tracking Stations (No)
    • Abandoned KSC (Yes)
    • Abandoned KSC (No)
    • Wind Tunnel (Yes)
    • Wind Tunnel (No)
    • Airport [2] (Yes) see post
    • Airport [2] (No) see post
    • Taxes (Yes)
    • Taxes (No)

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Are you sick of having science with nothing to use it for? Read this suggestion and comment below

We all know it Kerbin is pretty dull with except for KSC. We also know that we are gettin that ability to launch from anywhere with Making History. That being said it is still dull. What if you could construct a new KSC and Repair Baikonuber Kosmodrome with excess science ANYWHERE on the planet on any terrain. You could add as many launch sites at you want with as many VABs and any other building. What if you could construct building of your own design by merging existing buildings from your selection. Kerbin Infrastructure is dull and is completely unable to support a space program. Even though this isn't exactly the purpose of the game After awhile Launching and repeating the mission over and over again can become annoying which leaves three options quit KSP (Don't do it) Start a new save or continue... being bored. What if these space missions had effects back on Kerbin. Not just for the Kerbal Space Program (KS Program) 

Contructing a new building would take the same amount of credits as they do now except they also cost 200 Science for each upgrade. This way once most objectives have been completed in career your not left with a empty program with no meaning.

For sandbox you will be charged only Science and no credits. This would be a great way to introduce a form of accomplishment/science to sandbox instead of mindless launching. Also these buildings would light up at night making Kerbin more alive from orbit. On a form of sandbox science read my post on "Improving Kerbals and Associated Programs" (Below)

Yes I'm sure their is a mod for this but it would be good in the stock game because it provides functionality to science in career that is overflow and something else to do in sandbox and science mode. 

Another strcuture possibility is a Landing Zone. The Landing Zone is practically a helicopter pad just bigger. It has a Flag type marker with a target marker. This gives the ability for Falcon 9 Style Landings

The Vacuum Chamber is like a Planetarium in Shape it puts your craft into a void for testing, it is weightless and without pressure except has no stars nothing just the craft. 

Their two wind tunnels, 1 Vertically and 1 Horizontially. At the top right of the buttons at the VAB and Aero building let you hit wind test. Once you hit that button you set a wind speed for the test and then fly your plane/ rocket. This allows for POGO Problems to be seen and also for wing placement to be done well. It must be wide enough for big planes and not just smaller ones to be tested well.

The Boat Slip lets you put craft directly into the water for whatever purposes Basically a VAB but for Boats

Polar Station is a way to get science 100 science every Kerbin day for use later BUT Cost 500,000 Credits and 2500 Science.

Abandoned KSC 

The Same KSC we all know but but in the destruction graphic (no fire) 

Located Near Desert

Factory System (Vote for Airports and Railorads in Poll you are voting for Factory)

Place a order for parts they come (maximum parts per shipment are five) When you place a part they are added to (your free inventory) Free Inventory is when you get a Certain amount of parts for free. So if I place 4 engines but have 3 free inventory of that specific engine then. If I have 2 free inventory they I get 2 for free. This way the factories don't limit your creative ability they just give you free parts. He is a scenario

Place order for 5 RS-25s via air 

factory is 100 Miles Away. 

I pay 10,000 Credits and 50 Science

50 Kerbin Minutes Later I get 5 KS-25 Vectors

Now I build a rocket with 9 KS-25 Vectors with the first five as free

Kerbin Air (Airports in Poll)  is the Most expensive form of Transportation It cost 10,000 Credits and 50 Science for each flight 10 times faster than Rail Takes 1 30 seconds per each mile.

Airport [2] 

Note this is different from the first airport suggestion but they could be added together if SQUAD Chooses to implement this. 

The Airports are placed around the planet. Once you land on one you could use it to deboard you plane. If you go forward and t right right their is a refuelling station where SPH should normally be. So once you taxi to the refuelling station your plane can get refuelled on the tarmac. It one Kerbal Minute for each one thousand units of fuel. This can be timewarped though. This way you don't need to Hull around a giant  set of ore transformers and such just to haul a few things. It cuts down of part cost and Their for lag of the jet. This way smaller jets can also make it around Kerbin... just with refuelling.

Railroads are the least form of Transportation It cost 7,500 credits and 50 Science for each shipment

shipments take 5 Kerbin minutes per each mile .

 Their should be an additional structure to the old space center (Baikonuber) called "Research Lab" the Research Lab can allow you to make your own rocket engines and tanks with your own statistics. It would use a model so if I wanted to model it after the biggest tank that would be the color scheme if I wanted the orange tank that would also be the color scheme. This way instead of squad being forced to make new engines they can focus on other things and we get to run OUR OWN R&D Facility We don't unlock things we make them from templates of current stock parts. So If I was to make a Space shuttle Maine engine less powerful and less fuel consuming with less gimble I can do that and change its texture at will. So the "Research Lab" Consumes Science and doesn't make it. Also maby a test stand at Baikonuber this way it just isn't some new launch site it's useful, to unlock it both the R&D Facility and Launchpad at KSC need to be fully upgraded. What do you think.

Note: Due to Popular Replies on my previous threads The Research Lab is basically 3d Photoshop. Using current stock parts as a template and then editing size of it would be good. A calculator would find its size and calculate thrust weight cost etc. Perhaps research lab parts could cost 25% more than normal. That's the simple version of the lab

The complex version, which I prefer is would add a node tool which would allow you to drag parts of a rocket part in out up down etc.


Note: Only unlocked after tech tree is 100% completed... I'm skeptical of this idea... anyways.

The Idea her is a building called Revenue Center. If you raise or decrease taxes the higher you raise taxes the more Approval Points you lose. If you decrease taxes you gain Approval Points. Here is the idea. You have 100 units of either taxes or rep. If I set taxes at 23% I get 23% credits and 77% Approval Points. If I set it at 100% taxes I get 100% taxes and gain 0 Approval Points.  You can only gain 100 units combined of either each day so in the course of 7 Kerbal days at the tax rate of 25% I gain 175% taxes and 525% Approval Points  which converts to 175 credits and 525 Approval Points in that week in that scenario. Approval Points reduce the cost of science needed for the new buildings listed above such as landing pad, boat slip, research lab etc. A decimal is added after the 3rd number so if I have 525 Approval Points I get 5.25% off. This way you can accumulate Approval Points it's like a coupon system BUT ITS ONLY FOR SCIENCE NOT CREDITS. 

Example: So after 7 weeks with the rate above (25%Credits and 75% Approval Points) I would have 3675 Approval Points and 1,225 Credits. If I want to build a boat slip for X Science and I choose to use my Approval Points I would get 36.75% off the boat slip from the science cost so if it was for arguments point 100 Science I would pay 63.25 Science because of the discount. 


Improvement of Kerbals

I wrote this comment on a previous thread and though I should continue the discussion about Kerbals here

Veteran Training or "Intensive Training" 

Required: Intermeditate Training

Personally I think that this should be improved upon where Kerbals can receive "intensive training" (which would cost credits and science) this so called "training" would take place in the astronaut complex it would display a video of a Kerbal doing so Kerbal things with a queue for intensive training only or something like that and then three Kerbals (Gene, Werner and Jeb) Hand the Kerbal a Orange Suit and then the Kerbal is like ahhh ( this is the face of the recipient :) ) in the video he come out of the complex with the theme song and walking out to look a a rocket launch (a prerecoreded Launch) 

That Would be the plot of the video. 

This way we can have accurate Shuttle Launches with a full compliment of 7 orange jump suits or more.

I do however however want to highlight that making a Kerbal go through intensive training wouldn't be a bad thing like maby a mandatory 10 Successful Recoveries and 100 Science Collected so orange jump suits can't be be bought with each new Kerbal so they still feel like special and like actual veterans, I don't want Jen Bob Bill and Valinitina (sorry for spelling) to lose their appeal for special launches or missions because of their veteran status. It should feel like a accomplishment to the player too (that they managed to keep their Kerbal alive for 10 missions and collect 100 science with that specific Kerbal)

Note: Ten Missions AFTER Intermediate Training is completed and 100 Science AFTER Intermediate training is completed

I think training should take 14 Kerbal Days and cost 25,000 credits with 25 science to train them. THIS SHOULD APPLY TO SANDBOX TO AND HERE IS WHY! ... The Reason the science and training times would apply to sandbox it it gives a purpose to playing sandbox... To better outfit your space program not just to build space stations but to better Kerbin it feels more accomplishing...

Lastly I think Veteran Kerbals should be given a bigger EVA Suit similarly to the original and not the backup/emergency ones the astronauts use today. They should be able to hold 15 units of EVA Propellant instead of five. I know this may seem ridiculous over a suit but that being said their are some legitimate reasons for wanting to put Kerbals though this "training program" if this idea is taken into account. Also EVA Propellant is consumed 25% Slower And a Additional 5% science is gained Per EACH experiment/observation is taken into the craft or transmitted

Intermediate Training 

Intermediate Training would take 10,000 Credits to complete and 15 science Astronauts will be given a blue uniform to advance a level Training will take 7 Kerbal Days 

The benefits of this are:

10 Units of EVA Propellant compared to 5 

EVA Propellant is consumed 15% Slower

An Additional 2% Science is gained per EACH Experiment/observation taken into the craft 


For both Classes of a Kerbals: Their can be Kerbal Classes so multiple of Intermediate(Blue Uniform modelled after Boeing I think it is)  and Veteran(orange) trained at once. But once training begins you can't add anymore Kerbals until it's cancelled OR it's completed. Note: Both types of Kerbonaut are trained Seperately for example  so you can train say 7 Intermediates and 7 Veterans at the same time.

Files: When you click on a average joe Kerbonaut, intermediately trained Kerbonaut, or Veteran Kerbonaut they should all have a file saying completed missions, science recovered, and how many credits we gained directly because of their actions. Also if they have been trained they should have have a class number for example Class of Year 98. Lastly in this file a record if their other class members and where they are for example Deceased, MIA, Eating snacks at the Astronaut complex. 

Class Numbers and their importance:

If everyone is the entire class that is still available (not dead or MIA) and they are put onto a mission upon recovery of their craft a additional 10% Science should be granted for the reason they are more efficent because they have all worked together before and know each other (from a literal reasonable perspective) In gave it can just be All Easter snacks or something.


3 Recoveries and 50 Science 

Finally their are the stock Kerbals (what's in the game now)

Note: For Both Intermediate and Veteran/Intensive Both requirements must be made past 70,000 Meters doing Multiple EVA Report and Recoveries from planes to cheat the system is not right so to combat this all of the requirements for the Kerbal (Science and Recoveries) Must Be in a mission and made a orbit with a Periapsis Above 70,000 Meters and then recovered back on kerbin. This should be implemented to SANDBOX because it gives a mission for Sandbox players who can't do contracts (topic for later day) Even the parts about science they should be added to Sandbox as well.

Please Comment Below with Question Comments concerns and made the Dev's see this 




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so your improvement to the game is a video instead of a playing the game, and you want to add more rules to standbox that would stop it being a sandbox....

The eva fuel already gives them about 200ms more than the space shuttle after it was in orbit, you want to give them 3 times that, that would be enough to get a kerbal from LKO to the mun and back, literally.

Lastly you asked for thoughts, not particularly nice answer to someone that takes the time to answer you.

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  On 12/9/2017 at 3:52 PM, Space Kadet said:

The eva fuel already gives them about 200ms more than the space shuttle after it was in orbit, you want to give them 3 times that, that would be enough to get a kerbal from LKO to the mun and back, literally.

Lastly you asked for thoughts, not particularly nice answer to someone that takes the time to answer you.


Fair enough I suppose that came off more rude than it was supposed too... I know but that being said I've expended all my EVA Fuel before this makes it a non problem and gives the ability for long duration space walks. About that video it is only Their for the sake of entertainment if the Dev's don't want it whatever it's not a big deal. The more important aspect is the uniform change and the science gain along with the deep space EVA Ability which is helpful if a emergency happens with a Deep space mission and kerbals get separated from a propulsion module/main craft. If you have a large ship and the SAS Glitch/docking port glitch happens and you lose your crew module but your station is fine you can EVA Back to the ship and abort or continue the mission. Instead of just losing your kerbals or needing to preform a rescue mission which is also a benefit for sandbox. I whole reason I think that this should be Timed and cost something (Rules) and have requirements is that is creates classes of astronauts. If you where going to launch a mission to Pluto (Eeloo) Would you pick the Astronaut who had minimal training (Average Joe) or Jebediah Kerman. I know now their is no reason  to use Jebediah for the mission but with these updates most emergencys can be avoided AND if you have let's say 5 experiments each yealding 100 Science with just one Veteran you gain 525 Science instead of 500 and if you have 3 Kerbals you gain 575 Science instead of 500 with your average Joe Astronaut. For Sandbox it is mostly appearance of crew but the addition of science to sandbox for unlocking TIMED things like this will make them worth while. I don't want KSP to become Clash of Clans with 14 day wait times Unless you spend XYZ on micro transactions that's just dumb and not what I'm suggesting. That time can be fast forwarded in a matter of a couple minutes. 

Didnt directly mean to be rude either.

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I think you could improve this idea by simplifying it.

I'm all for having the ability to "pay" funds and time in order to level up Kerbalnauts.

This doesn't require a ton of new systems or rules, just a very simple GUI in the Astronaut complex where you can slot Kerbals in and queue them up for training in order to get them more "stars" in their profession. -OR- You could dress it up as a sort of "simulator program" and add new rewards to the existing bodies for "simulated" orbits and landings the Kerbals do "behind the scenes" while training which give very little XP, and like all XP is replaced by better, real accomplishments on the same body.

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  On 12/9/2017 at 4:21 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I think you could improve this idea by simplifying it.

I'm all for having the ability to "pay" funds and time in order to level up Kerbalnauts.

This doesn't require a ton of new systems or rules, just a very simple GUI in the Astronaut complex where you can slot Kerbals in and queue them up for training in order to get them more "stars."


Ok but what's so special about stars they need new uniforms and benefits. I can do that with any Kerbal. What your suggesting is basically what my idea is except I just went into a lot of detail. However I Thing we after the 5 stars on the Average Joe it should get less boring for upgrades and more interesting. This gave me a new idea for a building about the size of the VAB In size Not height that could be called "training facility" what do you think. The reason the science buff and EVA Propellant buff is a good thing is it makes the, for efficent for deep space travel and will greatly benefit your space program

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  On 12/9/2017 at 4:25 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Ok but what's so special about stars they need new uniforms and benefits. I can do that with any Kerbal. What your suggesting is basically what my idea is except I just went into a lot of detail. However I Thing we after the 5 stars on the Average Joe it should get less boring for upgrades and more interesting. This gave me a new idea for a building about the size of the VAB In size Not height that could be called "training facility" what d you think


I think that it's a good idea, but entails too much work.

The simplest and most elegant solution is the best typically, especially where software development is concerned.

What you should be asking yourself is how can we achieve this with the smallest number of changes to the game. It's only natural to "dream big" and I'm as guilty of it as anyone, but reality demands compromise of us.

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I've given the example already that 500 Science gained in a mission with the veteran crew members would have a 75 additional gain imaging a Eeloo trip with 2000 science gained and ten kerbals that 50% gain 2500 Science just for training them to veteran class

  On 12/9/2017 at 4:27 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

I think that it's a good idea, but entails too much work.

The simplest and most elegant solution is the best typically, especially where software development is concerned.

What you should be asking yourself is how can we achieve this with the smallest number of changes to the game. It's only natural to "dream big" and I'm as guilty of it as anyone, but reality demands compromise of us.


You are correct, maby the video isn't nessicary. I just feel the game can't make it impossible to get a Kerbal to Veteral Status. But it should just be handing out the orange uniforms. 

I have a question for you what if their were projects around Kerbin you could do with extra science. I mean once you unlock everything is kind of just siting Their with some loss with contracts and such but not that much. What if we had stuff like build relay station for 10,000 credits and 200 Science? Would you support That?

@RocketInMyPocket I agree the less it is the better but Their also needs to be a balance so it isn't to hard or to short

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  On 12/9/2017 at 4:28 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

I have a question for you what if their were projects around Kerbin you could do with extra science. I mean once you unlock everything is kind of just siting Their with some loss with contracts and such but not that much. What if we had stuff like build relay station for 10,000 credits and 200 Science? Would you support That?


Do you mean projects that reward science or cost it?

There is too much Science in the base game as-is; you can unlock the entire tech tree without ever leaving Kerbin's SOI.

I would certainly support something to spend your science points on once the tree is done though. Building new relay stations and possibly even launch facilities on Kerbin with science/funds is a great idea.

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  On 12/9/2017 at 4:37 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Do you mean projects that reward science or cost it?

There is too much Science in the base game as-is; you can unlock the entire tech tree without ever leaving Kerbin's SOI.

I would certainly support something to spend your science points on once the tree is done though. Building new relay stations and possibly even launch facilities on Kerbin with science/funds is a great idea.


Spend. Even infrastructure. The KS program has to much development with no infrastructure. This ties into my Kerbin this the more science they earn up their (with improvements intermediate and Veteran) the more infrastructure we get down here sort of concept. Launch facilities. And stuff that to admire like housing complexes. I know it isn't a city game and more should it become one. The one thing though is that we should be able to bout it wherever we want. On a mountain on the poles IN THE OCEAN islands whatever. Also maby a repair Baikonuber Kosmodrome. Many grow the KSC at your control not the games pre-determined spots 

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Are you sick of having science with nothing to use it for? Read this suggestion and comment below

We all know it Kerbin is pretty dull with except for KSC. We also know that we are gettin that ability to launch from anywhere with Making History. That being said it is still dull. What if you could construct a new KSC and Repair Baikonuber Kosmodrome with excess science ANYWHERE on the planet on any terrain. You could add as many launch sites at you want with as many VABs and any other building. What if you could construct building of your own design by merging existing buildings from your selection. Kerbin Infrastructure is dull and is completely unable to support a space program. Even though this isn't exactly the purpose of the game After awhile Launching and repeating the mission over and over again can become annoying which leaves three options quit KSP (Don't do it) Start a new save or continue... being bored. What if these space missions had effects back on Kerbin. Not just for the Kerbal Space Program (KS Program) 

Contructing a new building would take the same amount of credits as they do now except they also cost 200 Science for each upgrade. This way once most objectives have been completed in career your not left with a empty program with no meaning.

For sandbox you will be charged only Science and no credits. This would be a great way to introduce a form of accomplishment/science to sandbox instead of mindless launching. Also these buildings would light up at night making Kerbin more alive from orbit. On a form of sandbox science read my post on "Improving Kerbals and Associated Programs"

Yes I'm sure their is a mod for this but it would be good in the stock game because it provides functionality to science in career and something else to do in sandbox and science mode. 

Another strcuture possibility is a Landing Zone. The Landing Zone is practically a helicopter pad just bigger. It has a Flag type marker with a target marker. This gives the ability for Falcon 9 Style Landings

 Their should be an additional structure to the old space center (Baikonuber) called "Research Lab" the Research Lab can allow you to make your own rocket engines and tanks with your own statistics. It would use a model so if I wanted to model it after the biggest tank that would be the color scheme if I wanted the orange tank that would also be the color scheme. This way instead of squad being forces to make new engines they can focus on other things and we get to run OUR OWN R&D Facility We don't unlock things we make them from templates of current stock parts. So If I was to make a Space shuttle Maine engine less powerful and less fuel consuming with less gimble I can do that and change its texture at will. So the "Research Lab" Consumes Science and doesn't make it. Also maby a test stand at Baikonuber this way it just isn't some new launch site it's useful, to unlock it both the R&D Facility and Launchpad at KSC need to be fully upgraded. What do you think

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  On 12/9/2017 at 4:50 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

That would be pretty cool, and would also give it a purpose while making use of already in-game assets.


The name of this new thread is Improvement of Kerbin

Please help me make both of these suggestions known to the Dev's

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  On 12/9/2017 at 6:15 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Good idea, maybe they should cost even more science, like something you have to really work towards.

With labs you can make so much extra science you don't need, I think something like repairing the defunct space center should be really expensive, like more along the lines of 2,000 science!


Yes that would be good

  On 12/9/2017 at 6:15 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Good idea, maybe they should cost even more science, like something you have to really work towards.

With labs you can make so much extra science you don't need, I think something like repairing the defunct space center should be really expensive, like more along the lines of 2,000 science!


Do you think their should be a additional structure to the old space center called "Research Lab" the Research Lab can allow you to make your own rocket engines and tanks with your own statistics. It would use a model so if I wanted to model it after the biggest tank that would be the color scheme if I wanted the orange tank that would also be the color scheme. This way instead of squad being forces to make new engines they can focus on other things and we get to run OUR OWN R&D Facility We don't unlock things we make them from templates of current stock parts. So If I was to make a Space shuttle Maine engine less powerful and les fuel consuming with less gamble I can do that and change its texture at will. So the Research Lab also Consumes Science and doesn't make it. Also maby a test stand at Baikonuber this way it just isn't some new launch site it's useful, to unlock it both the R&D Facility and Launchpad at KSC need to be fully upgraded. What do you think

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  On 12/9/2017 at 5:07 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Kerbin Infrastructure is dull and is completely unable to support a space program.


Actually is too good. Kerbal Space Center is perfectly located in the equator, no restriction of launch inclination, spaceship part get delivered instantly, preparation of launchpad/runaway happens instantly, ground station all around kerbin for communication, ...

More variety of launch sites can be interesting, but not necessary unless the logistical issues are also added.


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  On 12/9/2017 at 6:44 PM, Spricigo said:

Actually is too good. Kerbal Space Center is perfectly located in the equator, no restriction of launch inclination, spaceship part get delivered instantly, preparation of launchpad/runaway happens instantly, ground station all around kerbin for communication, ...

More variety of launch sites can be interesting, but not necessary unless the logistical issues are also added.



Why do you hate my post so much what did I do to you stop instigating I'm not talking about the dumb location! I'm talking about adding additional launch sites, allow you to create your own parts, adding/creating a space center as big or a small or as expansive or compact as you want to called freedom stop hating my ideas because your mad at me I'm not complaining about KSC and you know that I'm complaining that KSC is supported by no infrastructure outside KSC other than a few ABANDONED buildings and tracking stations where do they develop what if you need a higher latitude Site the whole point of KSP is to be creative and KSC Allows that well BUT it can be improved upon by allowing the player more rights over the infrastructure end of the KS Program. We don't have any choices about the KSC only the actual craft

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  On 12/9/2017 at 6:15 PM, Rocket In My Pocket said:

Good idea, maybe they should cost even more science, like something you have to really work towards.

With labs you can make so much extra science you don't need, I think something like repairing the defunct space center should be really expensive, like more along the lines of 2,000 science!


@Rocket In My Pocket What about a Landing Zone along with the lab for both BCD (Baikonuber Kosmodrome) and KSC.

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  On 12/9/2017 at 6:50 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Why do you hate my post so much what did I do to you stop instigating I'm not talking about the dumb location!

called freedom stop hating my ideas because your mad at me



Woah there friend, I don't think he was trying to insult you or hate on your idea.  He's just pointing out that KSC is already in a prime location.  No need to be defensive around here, we don't bite :)

I like the idea of being able to build another Space Center, but in the end, it takes up too many resources to really be a part of the stock game.  However, if you don't object to mods, the Kerbal Konstructs mod allows you to build your own space centers out of a long list of "parts."  You can even download Kerbinside or a few other mods, which were made with Kerbal Konstructs, and add many other space centers of various sizes and varieties.  I've even built a racetrack at KSC (so I could test racing rovers) using these tools.  The sky (or rather, your PCs processing power) is the only limit!

Ultimately, IMO, they want to keep the stock game as easy to play as possible, because many people play on older PCs with limited capabilities.  Adding several more space centers will slow the game down, and for some it would slow it to unplayable levels.

Edited by Slam_Jones
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  On 12/9/2017 at 6:50 PM, Cheif Operations Director said:

Why do you hate my post so much


I don't. Read again my post where I said your idea is interesting.  Have more to do in the planets is a common request and i don't see why Kerbin should not be included.

However the whole "lack of infrastructure" argument is not a strong one. I don't see how those sites can improve the capabilities of the space program in any sensible way. I could see the point for being able to develop 'better infrastructure' if that logistical issues where considerations in the game, but that actually can only be added with mods (e.g. construction time) and even then to a limited extent. 


At best it will add a few landing site with high recovery places (like Old KSC and Old Airfield already are) and a few redundant buildings (but what is the point, other than immersion, of two VABs in different places if you can only use one at a time?). On the other hand what could be useful (e.g. ground stations) is either already provided in excess or just abstracted away (factories, tranportation of components, etc).

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  On 12/9/2017 at 7:54 PM, Spricigo said:

I don't. Read again my post where I said your idea is interesting.  Have more to do in the planets is a common request and i don't see why Kerbin should not be included.

However the whole "lack of infrastructure" argument is not a strong one. I don't see how those sites can improve the capabilities of the space program in any sensible way. I could see the point for being able to develop 'better infrastructure' if that logistical issues where considerations in the game, but that actually can only be added with mods (e.g. construction time) and even then to a limited extent. 


At best it will add a few landing site with high recovery places (like Old KSC and Old Airfield already are) and a few redundant buildings (but what is the point, other than immersion, of two VABs in different places if you can only use one at a time?). On the other hand what could be useful (e.g. ground stations) is either already provided in excess or just abstracted away (factories, tranportation of components, etc).


Not that kind of infrastructure 

Here is a excerpt ... I added it recently so you might not have seen it

Another strcuture possibility is a Landing Zone. The Landing Zone is practically a helicopter pad just bigger. It has a Flag type marker with a target marker. This gives the ability for Falcon 9 Style Landings

 Their should be an additional structure to the old space center (Baikonuber) called "Research Lab" the Research Lab can allow you to make your own rocket engines and tanks with your own statistics. It would use a model so if I wanted to model it after the biggest tank that would be the color scheme if I wanted the orange tank that would also be the color scheme. This way instead of squad being forces to make new engines they can focus on other things and we get to run OUR OWN R&D Facility We don't unlock things we make them from templates of current stock parts. So If I was to make a Space shuttle Maine engine less powerful and less fuel consuming with less gimble I can do that and change its texture at will. So the "Research Lab" Consumes Science and doesn't make it. Also maby a test stand at Baikonuber this way it just isn't some new launch site it's useful, to unlock it both the R&D Facility and Launchpad at KSC need to be fully upgraded. What do you think


  On 12/9/2017 at 7:52 PM, Slam_Jones said:

Woah there friend, I don't think he was trying to insult you or hate on your idea.  He's just pointing out that KSC is already in a prime location.  No need to be defensive around here, we don't bite :)

I like the idea of being able to build another Space Center, but in the end, it takes up too many resources to really be a part of the stock game.  However, if you don't object to mods, the Kerbal Konstructs mod allows you to build your own space centers out of a long list of "parts."  You can even download Kerbinside or a few other mods, which were made with Kerbal Konstructs, and add many other space centers of various sizes and varieties.  I've even built a racetrack at KSC (so I could test racing rovers) using these tools.  The sky (or rather, your PCs processing power) is the only limit!

Ultimately, IMO, they want to keep the stock game as easy to play as possible, because many people play on older PCs with limited capabilities.  Adding several more space centers will slow the game down, and for some it would slow it to unplayable levels.

Also I really don't think you're supposed to bump your own thread, but that's none of my business...


I have a console and can't download mods unfortunately... The point is to expand CAPABILITIES with the research lab and to improve your experience, after the whole tech line in normal R&D is done you have just spare science lying around to spend so this gives a way to spend Science infinitely on Kerbin AND it benefits you

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