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Well bye


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We have no idea how things will turn out yet. This decision could possibly be tied up in the courts until 2019 when a potentially new Congress can make a comprehensive law or we could end up with a cable TV wasteland. Either way, elections have consequences, it behooves you to vote and to hold your representatives feet to the fire (and when you vote, be pragmatic about who can win and think carefully about which rep you think will respond better to holding their feet in the fire).

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I think all of this doom- and- gloom is way overblown. There may be some minor inconveniences for consumers, or there may be some benefits. Time will tell.
But "the entire internet will be ruined"? "Steam will be useless"? Clearly not, since both were doing just fine exceedingly well before net neutrality ever existed.

 I think we should all just take a deep breath, sit back, and see how it all shakes out. Nothing we can do about it anyway, and worrying/ complaining is worse than useless.




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Sorry, folks, gotta lock this one.  No politics allowed, here.

There have been (cautiously) allowed discussions of net neutrality on the forums here in the past.  It teeters close to the edge of politics, but simply discussing what net neutrality is, is okay.  It's a discussion of an interesting and relevant topic that affects people's lives.

However... discussing current political events and what a current administration is doing with net neutrality-- and advocating for or against such policies-- is definitely over the line into politics.  Not okay.  There's basically no way to talk about the topic at this point without it becoming political.

Look, folks, I know you know this rule.  I know a lot of folks really care a lot about net neutrality and this topic is really important to them... but leave the politics elsewhere, please?  Plenty of other forums on the Internet to talk about that to your heart's content, for anyone who is so inclined.  Let's keep politics out of our little space game.  :)

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