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[1.9.X] Tantares and BDB now in Colors!


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@Araym could you please allow opening issues at https://github.com/Araym-KSP/BDBNIC ?

Meanwhile, I get this error with the latest version of your master branch:

[WRN 17:27:19.147] Warning on PartSubtype BDB Apollo Gray on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='textureSwitchPaint') on part bluedog.Apollo.Block1.Nose: Texture 'Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_Apollo_Capsule_New' not found!

With Bluedog_DB apollo-saturn-revamp that is.

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On 12/12/2021 at 5:38 PM, Gordon Dry said:

@Araym could you please allow opening issues at https://github.com/Araym-KSP/BDBNIC ?

EHM... uhm... yeah... why not... (as soon I'll learn how Github REALLY works -_- I really never explored past the basic features :blush: )


On 12/12/2021 at 5:38 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Meanwhile, I get this error with the latest version of your master branch:

[WRN 17:27:19.147] Warning on PartSubtype BDB Apollo Gray on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='textureSwitchPaint') on part bluedog.Apollo.Block1.Nose: Texture 'Bluedog_DB/Parts/Apollo/bluedog_Apollo_Capsule_New' not found!

With Bluedog_DB apollo-saturn-revamp that is.

Yeah... it's because my branch has still, as legacy, the "old" BDBINC recolor for the old BDB Apollo capsule (in par with the actual BDB v.1.9.0 release), as I made some fix for it recently because asked, and not knowing where to put them, I just placed it in my grand archive of Github. (Mine, as BDBINC, is not only a "unofficial" version, but also a "under development" version, being for the moment still an archive that could be used both with the BDB "master dev"/release 1.9.0  with still the old Apollo/Saturn, that with the "BDB apollo-saturn-rework" with the new parts...)
The old and new Apollo share the nosecone name, so the "old patch" is trying to find the "old model" and "old texture".

If you have removed the old Apollo and rocking around with the apollo-saturn-dev one only, just go into

<your KSP install>/GameData/BDBINC/Patches

and remove the "Apollo.cfg" file, that it is for the old one. Also you can remove entirelly the "Apollo" folder, with the textures for the old models too.

It should resolve your problem.

... learnt how to abilitate "issues" and "discussions" in my Github BDBINC page. Thanks for the imput.

Added also in the front page some indication to resolve for any future user the issue you were experiencing, being my repository a bit of a mix of folders both for the BDB release 1.9.0/"master" dev and the "apollo-saturn-revamp" versions, pending to know the final state of BDB once the new Apollo/Saturn will be released, just to have a clean up of anything not needed anymore.

Edited by Araym
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