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EVA-hop the Mun Arch

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The challenge is this: EVA out of a moving craft travelling through the arch, and using the EVA pack jump over the arch (so the Kerbal goes over the arch while the craft goes through it) Then get back in the ship and land.

I hope that makes sense, I don't think I worded it very well. If it helps, I was thinking of Bart Simpson jumping over a sign while his skateboard goes under it when I thought of this.

I haven't tried this yet, I only just got to the Arch today (turns out if you try to stand on it you slip and ragdoll helplessly to your death) but may attempt it tomorrow if I can manage to repeat the feat. If I do I'll try to post before, during and after pics.

Also, sorry if someone's posed this challenge before, although a brief search didn't turn anything up.

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Your lateral speed remains the same (Conservation of Momentum) , you just have to increase and then decrease your vertical speed.

'Just'? I can't believe I used the word 'just' when refering to using a rocketpack at a height of 10ft above the ground while travelling at 500 miles an hour... I've spent too much time around Jeb :/

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I've tried this before - the problem is that you can't create an obit that would hit the arc everytime as the mon is turning a few degrees every orbit. there is just the little possibility to hit the arc once on the first aim. eva and reentry should be no problem when you made this luckshot.

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I don't know what's wrong with the Arch in 0.16, but EVERY time I have the rocket pass through it, the command pod explodes...

I have succeeded the hop at least 5 times (thanks to quicksaving...) and each time, the command pod explodes.

EDIT: I even tried using the debug menu: unbreakable joints and no crash damage. The pod still disintegrates through the Arch, while the rest of the ship in undamaged.

Edited by Cykyrios
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