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New Station Module!


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Introducing my new Station Habitat Module!

The root part is a PD-10 Hitchiker Module. Top and bottom are two 2.5 to 1.25m adapters. These house reaction wheels, RCS tanks, Power Storage and a probe module.

Each module provides it's own power generation through an array of solar panels and also communications though an array of communotrons which will combine with the power of other modules on the station for extended range.

Station inter-connectivity is achieved via port, starboard and dorsal docking ports.

In the event of disaster each module can serve as a standalone escape module.  It features a ventral heat shield, RCS thrusters and enough fuel for considerable orbital maneuvers.  The parachute system on the upper adaptor provides the gentlest of landings on to any terrain.

The brochure image below shows the view of the module internals with the adaptors in maintenance mode.  In use these are closed down over the internals to protect them. 

Price starts at 19,948 funds.


In order to get back into KSP I started a new Career Mode.  I will pick my original one back up later.  For this career mode however, I am limiting myself to the Level 1 R&D Facility.  So I cannot research any tech that costs over 90 science!  I'm confident I can find ways to go everywhere all the same.  Just not going to be cheap :D

The first station module is now in orbit.  Requires an aggressive launch profile.  10 degrees over at launch, SAS on ( off results in CRUD ) Heave over to 80 degrees at 22km until AP hits 90km then raise PE / Circularise once out of the atmosphere.

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