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Folders / Better sorting in Tracking Station

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I'd love the option to have "folders" or "tags" you can assign mission to. I find that my tracking stations quickly gets clogged, especially since the CommNet was added and I have multiple communication satellites around the same body.

I think it'd be a fairly quick addition that would improve the QOL a lot for large save files. How I picture this: Either in the same window you rename vessels, or in a new interface in either tracking station or whilst controlling the vessel, you're able to give the vessel a tag. Then you can have a scroll-list in the tracking station where you can check a box on each tag you want to display in the tracking station. Similar to the existing "type" icons, but as an additional layer. Say I have my mun missions consisting of multiple unmanned probes, a couple surface bases with some rovers. I'd tag all of them "Verne" (gotta honor Jules Verne for his "rocket :D), and then have the ability to filter all of those away from the tracking station whilst I focus on colonizing Duna.

Another approach would be to have the ability to add "folders" in the tracking station list, and drag and drop vessels into those folders, and simply being able to click on a folder to open it, displaying all vessel names in the list. This wouldn't hide their icons from the map view, but instead make it easier finding a specific vessel that you might need to re-position for a contract or something.


Basically, the problem I'm having is with the list on vessel names being difficult to sort in a good manner. I don't mind the world being cluttered with a lot of vessel icons too much though. Above are my two suggestions to solving this, but there are maybe better aproaches to this.

Keep being awesome, I've been enjoying KSP for over 6 years now!! :D 

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Agreed 100%.

I've said the same several times before, as have many others.

I am no programmer, so can't say with any authority how easy it would be to implement, but it doesn't strike me as a hugely difficult problem to solve as there are already sorting and categorizing tools anyway.  And while we're at it, can we have a folder system for vessels in the VAB/SPH too?

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