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Crafts are exploding when I don't think they used to.

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Pretty self explanatory. I had crafts that I believe were not prone to exploding but are for whatever reason now. I haven't changed versions or really touched them. Any tips for reducing explosiveness?

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12 hours ago, qzgy said:

Pretty self explanatory.

Actually, no, it's really not.  :wink: As bewing pointed out, we need a lot more information than that.

In addition to the info bewing's requested:  when you say it "used to be okay", that's used to when, exactly?  Are you saying "It used to be okay in KSP version X, but now isn't okay in version Y anymore"?  If so, what are X and Y?

FWIW, I've been playing KSP 1.3.1 happily for many months now without any "exploding problems" at all, nor have I expect most people (otherwise the forum would be overflowing with reports such as yours).  The last time KSP changed in a major way that would affect which things explode in which circumstances was when we went to the new aerodynamic-and-heating model in KSP 1.0, but that was ages ago.  So when you say something is changed recently, how recently are we talking about?


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11 hours ago, Snark said:

Actually, no, it's really not.  :wink: As bewing pointed out, we need a lot more information than that.

Ok sorry about that. :blush: I was thinking in more general terms, but...... ok.

21 hours ago, bewing said:

Which KSP version? Any mods? Exploding under what circumstances? Craft file and launch instructions please?


KSP Version Mods. Explodes on loading from launching from the SPH. Some issue in physics (or something similar) starts to make certain segments shake violently before exploding.  Craft File. Launch instructions - Doesn't particularly matter. The issue is on loading. Launch clamps may have to be placed to stop the thing from rolling away.

11 hours ago, Snark said:

In addition to the info bewing's requested:  when you say it "used to be okay", that's used to when, exactly?  Are you saying "It used to be okay in KSP version X, but now isn't okay in version Y anymore"?  If so, what are X and Y?

FWIW, I've been playing KSP 1.3.1 happily for many months now without any "exploding problems" at all, nor have I expect most people (otherwise the forum would be overflowing with reports such as yours).  The last time KSP changed in a major way that would affect which things explode in which circumstances was when we went to the new aerodynamic-and-heating model in KSP 1.0, but that was ages ago.  So when you say something is changed recently, how recently are we talking about?

When I say "recently" I say as of about sometime last month. Same version, with little to no changes, as in a visual pack update and the addition of hangar extender, which shouldn't have an effect. Beyond that, nothing as far as I can remember.

What could just be happening is that I'm misremembering how I loaded in the craft file - enabling no crash damage and unbreakable joints and then timewarping after the initial physics load to fix any misalignments. And I do have the physics ease in enabled, if you were wondering. Advice on reduction of this behavior would still be appreciated though.

Edited by qzgy
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Well, 1.3.0(1804) had a bug with clipped struts/fuel ducts and struts/fuel ducts inside fairings -- which would make things vibrate and blow up. Which sounds just a tiny bit like what you are describing.

Are you using struts and/or fuel ducts? Inside fairings perhaps?

If so, the solution would be to upgrade to 1.3.1.


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1 hour ago, bewing said:

Well, 1.3.0(1804) had a bug with clipped struts/fuel ducts and struts/fuel ducts inside fairings -- which would make things vibrate and blow up. Which sounds just a tiny bit like what you are describing.

Are you using struts and/or fuel ducts? Inside fairings perhaps?

If so, the solution would be to upgrade to 1.3.1.


That sounds about right for this particular instance. However, I have also seen it occur on other craft without fairings. Is this also an issue of struts clipping?

I'll try updating and see if that fixes the problem.

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