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Tidal Locking?

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Are the Mun and Minmus tidally locked?

I ask because I've landed successfully on Mun for the first time (I went to Minmus first to take advantage of the gentler gravity while practicing my backing-into-large-rocks technique). Kerbal is on the far side, though, and I want to know if it will stay there or if a more fuel-efficient alignment will occur.

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In continuation of Sal's comment, even if you are on the far side of the moon the fuel used to escape is pretty similar. Without the atmosphere to kill horizontal velocity, you just need to pitch to bank right after liftoff to either a slingshot or just burn horizon on the angle you need. Overall, the fuel consumption difference should be negligible. Also, the best way to escape and return back to kerbin is to get an escape route counter to the orbit of Mun or Minmus. What you do is use this to minimize your outer orbit velocity. Do this to do atmospheric braking to recapture a kerbin orbit or to not need to burn fuel to land. I find that grazing the atmosphere around 35km does sufficient braking. Below this, and it gets difficult to correct. Give some minor burns to up your velocity if dropping to low or to capture orbit.

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