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Crooked CoL

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I have a heavy issue. my aircraft has a crooked center of lift. i believe the reason for this is the amount of structural wings i have making out the body, but i dont want to remove these, because they really make or break the design. If this is the case, what can i do to fix it all the while keeping the structural wings, and if not the issue, what can i do to fix the crooked CoL

                                                                            Thanks-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          DrunkenSlav

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As long as you have enough wings that are oriented parallel to the ground providing sufficient "upwards" lift to counteract gravity, and as long as everything is attached symmetrically, it doesn't matter if the COL arrow in the editor points in a funny direction, you will be able to fly well enough. It will be inefficient and possibly hard to control, but I take from your post that you're going for looks above other aspects. Sometimes (at least in prior versions) symmetry will "malfunction" and you'll have to detach and reattach the things for the symmetry to work again.

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