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Ever since the "Big patch" to fix everything my experience has actually gotten much worse. Not much seems to have been fixed and more things have broken. This is a list of some of the issues I'm still having.

  • Cant recover craft - I can no longer recover my ANY of my rockets or anything. Before the patch I could recover everything. I could fly to mun, land, take science and then recover. Not anymore. I'm stuck. Is this a fix? Was this how the game was supposed to be? I've never played any KSP other than enhanced so I don't know. 
  • Laaaaaaag - After reverting to build after a failed launch it does a loading spinner in the middle of the screen and I can no longer control my craft but it continues on flying for another 10-30 seconds before finally taking me back to the build.
  • Buttons disappearing - This actually was a problem before the patch as well. I will fly somewhere and somewhere along the way I will no longer be able to recover, go to space center, go to tracking station or quit. All the buttons are grey or missing. I have to restart the game. 

That's all I can think of right now but there may be more I'm forgetting I will add later but those are the main ones. Should I just restart my career mode? Start fresh with the new patch? I have a lot of hours into the one I'm on. Thanks.

Edited by Justintime2grow
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