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Help neededwith SAS


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Hi,  I'm wanting to get into orbit but  I''m confused about my SAS system. In the tutorials, even intermediate flight, when I click on SAS I get a whole load of buttons to click on  to the left of the navball- prograde, normal etc. However, on the rockets I build I only get one button - the one which duplicates the SAS on or off function I don't get the other 8 or so buttons. This is even when I create exactly  the same ship,as in the intermediate flight tutorial. What am I doing wrong?

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Greetings and welcome to the forum, @ColdEthyl75.

The SAS options become available with better probe cores or more experienced pilots.  If I remember rightly, level 0 just gives stability assist, level 1 - prograde/retrograde lock, ect.

If you are flying with an inexperienced pilot you will unlock prograde/retrograde hold as soon as your pilot makes orbit.

If you are playing in sandbox mode, add a RC-001s remote guidance unit to your rocket to see all the SAS options.

Edited by James Kerman
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