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Orbital Re-encounter


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Yo Dawg, I heard you liked Mun Encounters, so I have and encounter with your encounter encounter


so I was playing with going to the Mun, and saw that I could get a second encounter with the same orbit (no adjustments)... so playing with it further, I now have 3 encounters with the Mun with no adjustment burns, it won't show me any further out in the future to try and set anymore up though :)   is there a way to let it show further into the future to try and setup a 4th or 5th sequential encounter

just thought this was kind of interesting the third encounter escape is jittering around quite a bit im guessing due to floating point limitations

the third pass by the Mun is Super sensitive, to have any adjustment control over it I have my thrust limited to 0.5% and the shortest possible tap on the shift key.

the only mod I have is I just installed KER  so this was flown manually, no MechJeb




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Yeah I've seen this a few times on my travels :D Usually happens when I don't actually want anything to do with the Mun :huh:

I assume you've got your maximum patched conics cranked up? Might be worth checking if there are any mods that can bump this value up beyond normal (6 afaik) but I'd assume the accuracy drops off

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