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struggling doing Large TD-25 Decoupler test mission

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Hi all, I have been practicing my rocket making skills using Kerbal Space Program :D


Right now I am low on funding and science, I have a mission I am trying to complete just so I can get another one, hopefully some more tourist missions as I have a rocket already set up for doing those.


But the one I am struggling with is the large decoupler mission into Suborbit. Its called TD-25 Decoupler and is about twice as big as the fuel tanks, engines etc.

The wierd thing is if I just switch that for the normal decoupler on my suborbitter rocket, the icons for Aerodynamics, Centre Of Thrust/Mass all just stay exactly the same , BUT when I try to launch it with the TD-25 the rocket gets to somewhere around 3000m high and starts to curve back down to earth gradually. If I switch back to the small decoupler and change nothing else it flies directly up without needing to be piloted at all.


How can I complete this mission? (note: mission is "Haul TD-25 to suborbital trajectory Alt. 110,000m) - I know with Haul I just need to have it on my ship at the noted altitude but of course I cannot reach that)

Should I take a screenshot or does this text describe what I've tried enough?

I did see the "Rockomax Adapter" that I havent yet unlocked and thought it may help, but the games given me this mission really early I've had it sat a while and done all the others that I can  and now I'm stuck either doing this mission or making a cheap plane somehow with the science I already have and then I can complete the "Collect Data at xyz altitute above abc place" - also even if I had the Rockomax adapter, what would that even do if the fuel tanks and engines are still small and so is the control-pod.


Hope that kind of makes sense. Thanks for any help.



Edited by realKimJungUn
corrected some spelling and incorrect words
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hmm? well i did try with 4 large boosters and it still had the same effect.

The thing i found most wierd was how all the Aerodynamics etc icons just stayed exactly the same no matter which decoupler I used. (it of course did look very silly with the large one and looked like it definitely would NOT fly)

Sorry what is TWR? The problem is occuring at liftoff stage when I reach approx 3000m altitude. I have not yet separated any stages that would come later before the descent .

Is it possible that I just cannot do the mission until I can have all large diameter parts. I guess i will just keep trying many different designs and try to get the large decoupler up to 100,000m somehow.


Cheers for your suggestions mate


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  • 1 year later...


First, sorry for my very bad ebglish... ! :((

Yes, this mission is not simple !

Here are some screenshots of my "rocket" (click link)... With this strange "module" i've complete the mission.

Some importants notices :

- before to eject booster, is better to wait for 5 sec (if not when ejject the empty boosters, they climb a little more and increase the risk of a collison with module)

- during the ascent, watch for the apoastro and when the value is beetween 270,000 and 280.000m, stop immediatly the power (use throttle carefully to avoid missing the correct altitude !)

- when all requirements of the mission (contract) are complete, you have too go down and take back the module to the base with TD-25, you can't dropt it (i think...)

- during the descent, you have to brake with the rest of power... So place the module like in the ascent, so you will be able to decelerate using throttle.... You can initiate at 30.000m for exemple

- watch the descent speed befor you open  the 3 parachutes (we need 3 because we must landing with the module (TD-25))

Diiferents steps :

1) eject the 4 boosters (wait 5 sec before extinction)

2 ) use the central rocket to control the apoastro point

3) reduce speed in the descent with the central rocket

4) open the parachute

Be carefull, if you land on the mountain, the module will roll down the slope (and TD-25 could explode !)

So, I hope I was able to help you... Enjoy.


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It sounds to be like the part is generating too much drag, if it's sticking out from a 1.25 meter rocket stack.  Do you have the 1.25 meter fairing unlocked?  If so, you could try to build a fairing around the point, and then bring it to a pointy tip.  

  On 3/16/2018 at 9:35 PM, realJebKerman said:

Sorry what is TWR?


Thrust-to-weight ratio.


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Moving Gameplay Questions.

Also, please note that this question was asked well over a year ago, and therefore the OP has presumably long since moved on, so any further advice at this point would be moot.

Accordingly, locking the thread to prevent further confusion. If anyone has any new questions about this topic, feel free to spin up a new thread.

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