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Making History Question


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Hello! I was playing career mode in KSP 1.4 with Making History DLC installed, I was wondering where I would go to unlock these new launch sites? I went to sandbox to test if I could select them there, and I could. When I got back to my career mode save, I couldn't select a different launch site. Something I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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Strange, listed in the additional launch sites is a test one I made on the Mun using the mission builder.   In my brand new career save, I am actually able to select the launchpad I created for a mission, and launch to it.... only for it to spit me back at the KSC with a "Launch Failed" dialogue.




If these new launchsites are not supposed to be accessible in career, why are they visible and selectable in a career save?


If these new launchsites are supposed to be accessible in career, why does trying to use them result in a launch failure?

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