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liquid fuel not working

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hello all been playing game for sometime and all is well.but i changed graphics settings and now if i use liquid fuel you hear the engine sound but no lift of.throttle is 100% and I have the right fuel.I have tried to revert back but I can't work out exactly what I changed.pls help 


thanks danny

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@Harry RhodanIf you have LF without the O, you wouldn't hear engine sounds.

@danny84 If you're hearing the engine sounds, that implies your engine has started, and with throttle 100%, if it's a vessel that has worked in the past, it ought to lift off.  I wouldn't normally expect graphics settings changes to affect flight parameters, but if you set things in a way that overloads your CPU, you could be hearing the engine and just haven't waited long enough for the vessel to start accelerating.  If your mission clock is yellow (mine usually are, at liftoff, due to a combination of too many parts and all the KSC stuff in view and physics range), you might need to wait a while -- give it at least long enough for the mission clock to tick off three or four seconds after staging the launch clamps (assuming you use those).

If it's a new vessel, double check your staging (launch clamps aren't up in the top with the parachutes, are they?  I usually stage them along with the booster engines), and verify that your TWR is greater than one.  One quick and dirty way to do that is, in VAB, pop up the vessel statistics display (lower right, the gear icon) and check the vessel mass (which includes your fuel load), then look in the parts bin and check the sea level thrust of your engines (add up all the engines that fire when you stage the launch).  If the engines' kN thrust isn't at least twelve times the vessel's mass (in T), you're going to be very slow off the pad; if thrust in kN is less than 10 times mass in T, you'll just sit there until you've burned off some fuel (assuming the drop from the launch clamps disengaging doesn't lead to engines exploding).

This Q&D method works because F=MA: 1 T (1000 kg) mass in 1 G field (9.81 m/s^2) weighs 9.81 kN -- so 10 kilonewtons of engine thrust is just about enough to lift it, and you need TWR of about 1.2 to get decent acceleration off the launch pad.

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  • 2 years later...
  On 6/1/2020 at 10:05 AM, Cracky2479 said:

I have a similar problem, what makes it that the liquiid fuel and oxidiyer doesn~t load into the enngines. I checked the tank i=and it was full


basic check:

  • engine is activated?
  • throttle is up?
  • there is a decoupler in between engine and tank?

If it is not something so simple, a picture would help us figure out what is going on.

Also, that is a quite old thread. Would be better if you posted a new question to avoid confusion with old post and people that may not be around anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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