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Is there a basic Tweakscale tutorial?

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I've been trying to re-size a few specific parts, so far with no success.

I downloaded Tweakscale, but the documentation included with it is not very extensive.  I've searched for tutorial videos, but all the ones I've found so far are just brief reviews saying how great it is...  

I'm confused.  Do I need to insert the proper Tweakscale module manually into each .cfg file of the parts I want to resize?

Is there something about the recent updates (1.4.1) that's blocking the functionality that's supposed to be happening?

Is there a tutorial somewhere for someone who is essentially a monkey coder (=can copy what else is there and follow patterns, but have no deep understanding of it)?

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hmmm....   I see, though, that Windows "Defender" has "helpfully" quarantined more portions of my KSP setup, including something involving Module Manager.   So this problem I'm seeing with Tweakscale might be another case of "Defender" going all "Hal-9000" on me and thinking there's a Trojan inside the pod bay.

That Defender problem is getting real old, real fast.  :mad:

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I'm do not know a lot, but I think I can help. I think you can add the config directly inside the .cfg of the part, but it's better to do a MM patch. I simple use this templates that a user very kindly did for me:

for parts with free scaling:


        %name = TweakScale
        %type = type = free

An this for stack parts:


        %name = TweakScale
        %type = stack
        %defaultScale = 5.0

In @PART[...] you put the names of the parts you want rescaled separate by a comma, without spaces. The correct name is the one used inside the .cfg, and not the one in the name of the archive, but usually they are the same. The * indicates any parts that begins with that name, let's say "solar_1_*", will include "solar_1_2", "solar_1_3", "solar_1_anything".

in "%defaultScale" you put the default size of the part. 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, etc.

I use this everytime I came across a part that misses the tweakscale patch, and it works.

Hope it helps :)

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I have determined that the problems I have been encountering definitely are the result of Defender deactivating/quarantining some key processes, such as Module Manager.    :mad:   I'll probably still need to learn TweakScale at a more thorough level in the future, but for now it's running as intended simply with normal installation-- once I convinced Defender to allow things to run.


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