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clarification on anomalie detection

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So...  how does it work?

I searched the internet and found a lot of speculation but nothing concrete.

We have the totaly useful info of a anomalie-detection chance on the probe core, ranging from 8% to 48%. We have a KerbNet window where now and than a ? pops up... but what is the mechanic behind it? X% chance of/per what? once a day? once per orbit? everytime i open up the KerbNet window? If i have 3 sats scanning the planet...do they each get a roll? And if yes, do they share the data or do i need to check each one induvidualy?

The whole stuff is pretty much a mistery to me, wich is sad cause it sounds like a lot of fun if we/i just knew the rules by wich to play.

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I think anomaly hunting is one of the most fun things you can do in KSP. :)

I have 5000 hours in this game and KerbNet a mystery to me too. I looked at it a few times and noped out.

I know it's considered somewhat rude to suggest a mod when someone asks a question about stock, so I'll try to phrase this as a personal opinion, and as politely as possible:

KerbNet was copied from ScanSat, and I think ScanSat does it way, way better. It also has very good documentation. It's literally the only gameplay mod that I'll use. I find it extraordinarily fun, and it feels like doing actual science.

If you're interested, there's a two minute video in the link below that will give you an solid overview.

If not, I hope someone is able to answer your question.

Actual, thorough documentationhttps://github.com/S-C-A-N/SCANsat

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The percentage chance is for that type of probe core, on that day. That model of probe core will either detect that anomaly on that day, or it won't. Better probe cores will detect everything a lower-tech probe core will detect, plus some extras.



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The RoveMate probe core is your friend for anomaly detection. It has 100% detection chance. Just need to make one orbit to get all the ? to pop up. 

With a 10° FoV and knowing the radius of a planet or moon you can use some simple trig to figure out the perfect altitude to get the image of the body to completely fill the screen.  Or you can wing it. 

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I'm playing on a PS4, Enhanced Edition, 1.01, normal, default.

I have not played KSP on any other platform.

I've never really used the Scan-sat functions to any degree, other than to fulfil a contract by lobbing one into orbit. I'm not a Scanning guru by any stretch, but the nearly instant results for a scan were different than the normal mode of play where a player normally has to wait, and time things correctly (orbit intercepts, transfer windows, etc).

I'm pleased to see that KSP has included another tool for players with the 'Kerb-net access'... but it seems to be of limited functionality, particularly on console.

I'd love to make some detailed maps of each planet 'in game' detailing; resources, anomalies, biomes, and  use it for tracking places/things I haven’t explored.

I may be just be using the game resources incompletely or just incorrectly, but being able to reference a map instead of scrolling around in the science archives to try and find what I may have missed would seem to be a more complete game.

I have no idea how demanding sorting this out would be on my console processor, but once I've "mapped" an anomaly, a resource, or a biome, why isn't that data readily available to me as I plummet to a semi-controlled landing?


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