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Updating a modded career

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I am currently running version 1.2.2 and haven't updated in a while to keep my mods operating in a compatible manner. From what I understand I have a lot of mods, but I am also not sure how many of them I am using. But I am having some compatibility problems and am looking at upgrading to a more current version potentially looking at getting the DLC. The big issue is that I have been running a career mode where I have several off-world colonies, bases and research facilities that I would like to carry forward. What I would like from people is feedback on what difficulties and resources work with this. I have 2 installs (1.3.1 and 1.4.1) that I have been trying to get mods updated to run my setup and I am getting loads of notices that mod x or y is a different version. I have tried using Ckan but even Ckan seems to install mods that are not compatible and I am having a harder time finding the best compatible older versions.

It isn't the end of the world to use the F12 menu to rebuild incompatible relays or probes or even empty rovers and sending them back to location, but doing that a lot or when dealing with active bases is a lot more difficult.

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Yes, I have several backups, I have just spent about 3 hours trying to align my 1.3.1 release that I have setup with a compatible version using gethub releases of old versions.

Maybe the question seems stupid, but I have add-ons 72 installed add-ons according to the add-on version checker, or 95 installed mods according to Ckan. So trying to go to another version is something that can be problematic.

I would also be interested in advice on how to slim this sort of thing down, I often just load the Ckan save from the previous version then just resolve any conflicts/missing parts. I suspect that unused mods may lead to longer load times for myself, but can't really tell what mods I am using or not using.

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That would take quite some time to test, I was hoping there was an application that might track what mods were in a save files and/or craft files, but if not then it isn't the end of the world I am not sure how much time there is to save on boot from a slimmer install.

Right now I am having some issues getting parts from 3 mods compatible with 1.3.1:

Gingercorp stock-alike station hubs (out of date)
Jet's Chop Shop
Near future spacecraft

I am wondering if it is possible to swap parts in the save file or something. I know for example that I have a large orbital base that uses an outdated stockalike hub that will be difficult to fix without switching out 1 or 2, 6 sided 2.5m hubs in it. I am pretty sure there are other hubs that are an identical size.

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