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  1. Thanks, Gargamel. I couldn’t recall an older thread on this specifically.
  2. Everyone should let content makers, their friends, and everyone else know what horrendous business practices this company is engaging in and by rights Valve should intercede and pull this game from being purchased.
  3. I know you’ve had a much closer relationship with this game and many former developers so Im sincere in wondering why you hold Nate personally responsible? Surely folks higher up at PD and T2 had the ultimate say on what resources were available to follow through on what was promised and the general design and aspiration was pretty awesome. What am I missing?
  4. A pretty sad story. T2's stupidity continues.
  5. So we've finally devolved into physical threats and racial epithets? Over a video game yall? Surely now that the studio has closed you can move on with your lives so we don't have to wade through this toxic waste anymore.
  6. Damn. This whole situation sucks. I just feel like so many people were given great promise to make KSP what it could be and that was in no small part due to the passion Nate, Tom, Shana, Eric, Chris, Paul, Mike, Dakota and so many others behind the scenes brought to this game. You all did incredible work and its not your fault corpo [snip] at T2 have no vision whatsoever. The art and design and plan for KSP2 was so good. I know how much that took to follow though on given the situation you were all put in. Im sad KSP2 wasn’t given the chance to flourish but worse is what that company did to yall. You are all awesome and they’re the idiots. I hope you all find good places in life and with folks who respect what beautiful things you all create.
  7. I really feel for the moderators right now. They're in a rough spot. It's completely understandable that people are angry about how KSP2 has played out so Im not surprised that gets vented on the forum. They aren't closing discussions down because folks are complaining. Folks have every right to vent at T2 or the Devs or whoever. They're closing threads because forum members are directing their anger at each other, and some threads just seem not to be able to proceed without that happening.
  8. Yeah and BG3 has sold 15m copies in a really niche genre. It's possible if you just let folks immerse and solve the problems that need to be solved. What would suck is if KSP just gets mothballed instead of passed on to a smaller studio who has the patience and passion to do it right.
  9. Exactly. At launch there was clearly way too much wobble, but the solution wasn't zero wobble, it was dialing it back to a place where realistically designed vessels don't flex. That still might mean some struts for many designs. I pointed this out at the time that real rockets do use struts and don't just attach boosters at one point. It seemed to me watching even some really experienced youtubers that some had become so used to relying on autostrut that they didn't seem to understand how to place struts efficiently, so I understand why there was reticence to rely on that as the main solution and that a more thorough solution was preferred. For me this falls into the category of 'things that might have been worked out with another year of development'. http://www.collectspace.com/images/news-062011a/012.jpg
  10. There are real criticisms that I think can be laid at Nate’s feet but the wobble thing is pedantic drivel. If you think there should be zero joint flex and no visible communication to the player that your vessel has structural issues you do not understand this game or its potential. The question was never should joints have flex but how much should they flex. Thats a tuning problem and anyone who says otherwise is being obtuse or disingenuous. Obviously at launch flex was way overboard but the solution was always to reduce it, not to make vessels utterly rigid and shatter like glass.
  11. People are hating on Nate lately but he was the only dude who played and loved KSP and advocated for a worthy scope for KSP2. T2 execs never got it and never understood what it would take to make KSP2 something that could be a minecraft successor. I for one feel like Nate did right by us. It isn’t his fault the higher-ups didn’t provide adequate time and resources to get the job done.
  12. I hate to agree but I do think T2 will just quietly mothball KSP and leave the road map up. Sucks.
  13. And maybe those guidelines need to be updated because if T2 is continuing to advertise a product based on future potential that they have no interest in following through on we are definitely in the territory of false advertising verging on fraud. Its certainly deceptive and very likely bait and switch. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/bait_and_switch#:~:text=“Bait and switch” advertising is,and Deceptive Business Practices Act. "In Federal Claims courts, the key components for evaluating a claim of improper bait-and-switch” by the recipient of a contract are whether: (1) the seller represented in its initial proposal that they would rely on certain specified employees/staff when performing the services; (2) the recipient relied on this representation of information when evaluating the proposal; (3) it was foreseeable and probable that the employees/staff named in the initial proposal would not be available to implement the contract work; and (4) employees/staff other than those listed in the initial proposal instead were or would be performing the services." I'll put it this way, I'd be very interested in what would turn up in discovery based on communications around the decision to release KSP2 as a full-price EA.
  14. I kind of agree. Im so appreciative of the devs who have stuck in there and I know they aren't allowed to say anything themselves, but T2 or PD really needs to clarify. KSP2 is still being advertised on steam with the road map. Hard to understand how that could be followed through on if the studio has been shut down.
  15. Thats the really tragic thing about all this, that the game is actually in pretty good shape finally and in theory colonies would have come in the next few months. It really goes to the care and professionalism of the actual devs on the ground continuing to solve these problems even after T2 apparently gutted the studio. I continue to feel that if T2 had actually understood what KSP was about and demonstrated more patience and openness, at the very least giving the game another year to bake, it had all the right ingredients to be a really successful game in the vein of Roblox or Subnautica. Maybe more niche than Minecraft but certainly successful and profitable. It just really sucks that the fans and devs themselves paid the price for T2's poor decision making.
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