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Ridiculously frequent autosaves lagging game

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Its to the point where anytime I finish a maneuver, change a setting, switch to the space center, the game decides to make an autosave. In most games its not an issue, because it doesnt affect the gameplay. But in KSP, the autosave causes the game to "hang" over a minute each time. Which doesnt sound like much, but it definitely feels excessive when it happens every 5 minutes, or less. It gets REALLY frustrating.

At this point, at the very least, I dont think it would be too much to ask for the ability to turn autosave off, so I can play a $40 game for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Edited by Dirtmoto228
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ;
I same problem on PS4 after installing update 5.5 PS4 system. KSP freezing when auto-saving.... and auto-saving is a frequent event, lauching craft = autosaving= freezing 3 minutes, craft go to orbital autosaving= freezing 3 minutes, docking autosaving= freezing 3 minutes, navigating autosaving= freezing 3 minutes, boring on game autosaving= freezing 3 minutes, landing on mun autosaving= freezing 3 minutes. 

It's very frustrating for a player.... 
It's impossible to diseable auto-saving... 

Other, setting not saving, open KSP setting "d'usine" not saving for once and for all.

It's very difficulte to save a setting on file and loading setting when loading a game. (ironic observation, i'am french, the ironic people of the earth). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar problem but I use a PC. For us it seems the game saves whenever the heck it wants. Specifically every 5 for so seconds, which causes a stutter which is **** me the *** off. (Sorry its just annoying)  Not really sure how to help  you guys tho. Best of luck. 

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