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Super drag bug!(+aero gui/cheat info bug)(UNSolved)

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I have a past iteration of this(can't remember which one or if I still have a save) that also had this problem. It was symetrical across all but the center cargo bays.

It has now poped up on one side causing the craft to tilt to the side. I can't figure out what is causing it. It shows up as an assymetrical single large line of drag from one part that I cannot identify.


KSP (Steam version, I think.)

Fedora 27 64bit

Stock game, upgraded from various previous versions. The craft file should be fresh. I believe I restarted the craft from scratch.

There are not files at this folder location so I can't give a log: "Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log"

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocq7p3crk2vaq51/KSP.log?dl=0 <- Didn't notice the length. I will make a new one. Might have the gui issue in it.

KSP1000xlshort.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5zau2mt3g07oj5/KSP1000xlshort.log?dl=0 <-Couldn't recreate the aero gui issue with this log.

Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ypubi9gev460ha8/Cargo Plane 1000xl 1_0 NMKDVSI.craft?dl=0 Parts: 660 (original craft)

Craft2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kybgp8ijz8pl0px/Cargo Plane 1000xl 1_0 bug test.craft?dl=0 Parts: 344 (bug testing craft)<- Less parts. Less lag. Fly to 100m/s on runway to see drag line using F12 to see aero lines. At 120m/s you will see the other normal drag lines. Using aero gui or aero context menu(action menu) info then relaunching at runway will cause other bug.(Although this seems to have stopped for me all of a sudden. Maybe be hard to reproduce. Not necessarily important. I included it incase it is somehow related.)

The craft is not stable structurally. It requires unbreakable joints to use. There is also another bug where if you open the aero gui or context menu info or similar from the RightShift+F12 menu and then try to reload on the runway it will break on runway even with cheats. It will then have further problems as time goes on. This problem with the aero menu and other info is making it very hard to test. It makes me restart the game every time I look at any numerical drag info in the game relevant to the craft. I'm not sure if the two are related problems or not.

With the full sized craft, at between 366-400m/s the drag will overcome the craft and draw it sideways until eventually the tail fins cannot control the slippage created by this mysterious drag.



You can see it on the right side of the craft. It's one red bar much longer than the others in the clouds of the engine smoke. This is a top down view of the craft. It's starting from somewhere in the right most pillar on the right with the extra fuel and one single cargo bay. I cannot figure out where it originates. It almost seems like it not from a part but from some phantom force.

Normally this level of drag comes from an uncapped part. But I cant' find one within the craft. Is there a possibility this is happening between joints where the cargo bay meats the fuel tank or similar. Or from any joint. I would say it might be from forces opening a joint on the craft but I think it does this on the runway also even though you can't see the drag at that point as far as I know.


Edit: I think I just found the drag location. It appears it's the rear cargo bay door. At least on the runway. I'll try to replace it and fix it. It's weird it's only the one side. BTW, it starts to show the drag line at about 100m/s while trying to take off. Not sure why, but I didn't think it showed excess drag last time when I went over the parts in that column.

In fact I think the bigger bug here, if not related, might be the problem with reloading on the runway after using the gui or menu physics/thermal info... If you go back it starts decaying your game by blowing up on the runway then looking up into the sky and lights textures start to disappear. You have to restart the game entirely from desktop to resolve it.

Changing out the part did not remove the drag.. I'll reduce the engine number for parts reduction and see if it's still an issue.


I just modified the plane to fix some issues with the wings and COM/COL not related to this bug. I managed to make the same drag switch from the right side of the plane to the left in the exact same manner... Could it be related to mirrored parts put on in double symatry. I'm getting some other odd bugs with parts in this config dispearing or otherwise acting up.

Modified Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5cpxcpu73manzu/KB-52 NF.craft?dl=0 Parts: 676

Modified Testing Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/exx96k1g3vx2dnf/KB-52 bug test.craft?dl=0 Parts: 360

This craft has the same problem on the left side instead of the right side.. Not sure what is causing it.

I reproduced a new log(KSP1000xlshort.log) and I could not get the aero gui problem to reoccur. maybe it went away. I wonder if it's realted to my computer accessing swap from being out of memory. My swap is 8gb on/in a raid volume and it a linux file based swap and not a partition. I'm also getting low disk space warnings on my root partition for some odd reason.

Here is the KB-52 bug test with action menu(formerly referred to by me as context menus.)


I think the drag is appearing on the opposite side of the side you place the part in symmetry. Yep, just confirmed it. It's always the opposite MK3 cargo ramp. It also seems independent of autostrut or rigid attachment settings.


Edited by Arugela
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No fairings. It's all cargo bays. 8) Thanks for the info though. I'll watch out for that if I use fairings on something.


BTW, does anyone know where the log file is for linux now? It has moved from the location in the sticky.

I found KSP.log in the main folder. Is that the one needed?

BINGO: It has something to do possibly with the ramp being attacked to the cargo bay. When I removed the cargo bays off the rear of the craft and attacked the ramp directly to the fuel parts it stopped producing this lag. I'm not sure how to circumvent this though while still using the mk3 cargo ramps and the cargo bays together. Or why it is only happening in this circumstanct atm. I prefiously had this on all but the center one. And now I introduced it to this.... Der. I'll try readding fresh cargo bays and see if it's the problem...8\

Nope! I put fresh cargo bays on and it didn't solve it. The drag came back.

Bingo2: I also removed the two rear cargo bays(50&25) and replaced it with a 100 and added the mk3 cargo ramp and the drag went away. Not sure what is the cause yet.

3x25 cargo bays also do not produce the drag. I wonder if it's the 50 and it's orientation. Maybe if I flip it around.

It may have been an old 50 cargo bay. I replaced the front and back on the edges and replaced with new parts and the drag is gone.

Not sure if the aero menu problem is still there though. Hopefully that is from the same issue and it gone.

The problem keeps coming back. Every time I get it fixed, if I move parts or add anything it has a high likelhood of reintroducing the problem. And then I have to restart the game each time because of the aero info bug.

Edited by Arugela
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